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Everything posted by sweetie

  1. I already see some people going after Abigail her follicles on Twitter. Can we not? That's so tacky.
  2. didn't she also lie about her age? she said she's born in 1986 but we know that to be a fraudulent statement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEz-15fOdCI 1:30
  3. she's not saying humans are bad, you obv haven't really listened to the song lol. she's writing a personal story about how after everything she's seen & experienced, she still doesn't know what her purpose is -- but she does know that she wants to feel connected to other people, and that's what everyone fundamentally wants. and everyone has that to some extent, because we're all connected to each other in our love and our fear, regardless of how the resurgent alt-right fascist nationalist rhetoric makes people dehumanise those that are different. it's not really a woke song, it's just a cute lil message about her existential journey, and her trying to find meaning in her life again after her period of depression and hopelessness after the froot tour. that's what does make it genuine & heartfelt.
  4. Eclipse's teasery may not leave us with the best taste in our mouths, but we can at least be appreciative of the info and snippets that we get. It's not a matter of getting a full song versus getting a snippet, but a matter of getting a snippet versus nothing at all. It's not our prerogative to ask him to leak a full song and as a result put himself in the way of any possible legal consequences. If he wants to do so on his own accord, then fine. If not, too bad, move on.
  5. 1. end of the earth 2. to be human 3. orange trees the only top 3 that matters
  6. I'm so glad that you don't discriminate against others. I'm sure nobody on here consciously chooses to do so, and you're obviously no exception. Sadly, prejudice runs much deeper than our rational mind, often in ways that aren't even obvious to ourselves. That applies to all of us. Thanks for sharing your anecdote though. Anyway, I find it cute that one of these clout-chasing "hillsong hoes" works for a volunteer organisation that helps homeless families and foster youth. I love that Lana surrounds herself with some people who are active & involved in the community; those who do good for the vulnerable ones around them. She obviously clicks and connects with them - otherwise she wouldn't spend so much time with them. The people you choose to surround yourself with are a reflection of yourself. If y'all have such a problem with the type of people her close friends are, then maybe she's not the girl y'all thought she was.
  7. Misogyny on the one hand -- they see pretty & blonde women and automatically perceive them as shallow, vapid, greedy or manipulative. Maybe their ingrained experiences from childhood on the other hand, where they were probably bullied by popular kids for being weirdos.
  8. end of the earth, whew.....
  9. it is. try restarting your phone or computer come back when your tech stops malfunctioning
  10. sweetie


    THANK you, the ultimate truth teller, for blessing us with this wisdom. We would be totally lost without you contributing this piece of fact. Thank you for knocking us out of our delusions and helping us realise that your perspective is the ONLY valid one!
  11. sweetie


    Such a gorgeous snippet.
  12. OMG she’s listening to Beach House. The taste jumped out
  13. I'm not tryna be shady or sumn but... she's teaching you a valuable lesson: get a life!
  14. Nope, we have never discussed this tweet. We are also 100% sure it's coming out on the 29th. We have not at all considered the signs pointing otherwise.
  15. Orange Trees is fresh and beautiful. The production is fantastic - that bass SLAPS. The background vocals are stunning. The chorus is so lush and catchy. It's a grower. Y'all wait and see.
  16. gays stop projecting your traumas and mental disorders onto lana challenge
  17. Baby > Orange Trees > Handmade Heaven > Superstar
  18. it's definitely NOT lana, how is this even a discussion he's just tryna get some clout from having his name tied to lana's
  19. sweetie

    Lykke Li

    Short clip of the Neon performance: https://twitter.com/iHeartRadio/status/1104241013999038464
  20. Her priorities have changed. It's just not important to her. I don't know, I just think it's kinda creepy to demand a woman to slave away at creating extravagant visuals for our own gratification if she doesn't want to.
  21. It's not crazy to assume that's exactly her strategy.
  22. sweetie


    I'm afraid I don't have them saved in mp3 format anymore, but here are some of my faves: Just Like That is a gem.
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