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Everything posted by sweetie

  1. Precisely, he clearly didn't, which is why it was obvious that the user I was quoting was referring to whatever beats we heard in IMF, White Mustang, Coachella, etc. Don't be so dense
  2. sweetie

    Taylor Swift

    Who cares tho? She did the right thing.
  3. Please point out where Rick Nowels has used trip hop beats then?
  4. It's pretty clear that the user I quoted was referring to those trap/trip-hop/hip-hop/808 whatever tf beats we saw throughout LFL, it's not that relevant to the conversation what they are formally called.
  5. lmfao well thank you for cementing what an idiot you are
  6. The trip hop beats are from Kieron. Keep Grandpa Nowels' holy name out of your mouth
  7. sweetie

    Snoh Aalegra

    I gave her a shot last year when Feels came out but didn't vibe with it. But maybe I should listen again. What are your top 5 @@annedauphine ?
  8. Why do Lana stans ALWAYS stay hung up on old songs like this ? Literally every album cycle it's the same story. Yosemite is dead and rotting, let her be
  9. Such a powerfully cathartic experience listening to it when you're feeling down. Remains her best body of work
  10. This whole new direction... I have three likely theories as to what could be the cause of this grave MISstep in Lana's career 1. Lana's doctor switched her to a different set of antidepressants that lead to her having delusions & an identity crisis 2. Whatever drugs she inhaled/injected with Antonoff probably interacted with her antidepressants and anti-anxiety pills to fry her brain cells. The entire 2nd half of the song sounds like the mind of a lobotomy patient. 3. AntoNOff was hired by the bitter Lorde to sabotage Lana's career and alienate her fanbase Whatever the case, everything about this is NOT the tea!
  11. Born to Die Paradise Ultraviolence Honeymoon Lust for Life nOrMAn fUcKInG rOcKWeLL
  12. This is just.... weird loved the first few minutes tho
  13. what is this high pitch mess did antoNOff have a seizure on the synth or what
  14. There's probably gonna be an interlude halfway during the song, or afterwards, where she's reciting her own poetry.
  15. I had to RUN here to see the meltdowns when I heard it wasn't a bop some of y'all were so excited...
  16. I disagree, I don't think Lana made LFL specifically for the fans -- she made it for herself first and foremost. The fans came secondary. And even if she did, I don't think she is THAT hot & bothered about what some kids think about her music. I think she's more referring to some media controversy -- maybe even the Israel fiasco or whatever.
  17. Yes babygirl. Anyone with functioning ears can hear the filter (or the piece of paper she's singing through).
  18. Girl where? MAC has some of Lana's least clear vocals.
  19. No lmao this garageband demo is not worth my coin I hate it too - mostly because it's literally not her song. The lyrics are very poetic and cute (altho very cheesy), but the music from the verses are blatantly copied from Radiohead and she didn't even have the artistic integrity to own up to it. The chorus also is very out of place and clunky. Yet it seems to be every Lana stan's favourite song. I don't get it!
  20. Lust for Life remains a good album. The direction and cohesiveness is a bit questionable, but the songs are beautifully produced and written. Y'all are doing the most with this sudden hateful outburst....
  21. The quality drop from Nowels to Antonoff is astounding. Bring back Grandpa Rick!
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