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Everything posted by sweetie

  1. You are right, nobody should feel the need to put others down in order to validate their own opinion. Unfortunately, that's exactly the easiest way to do it and tends to be people's preferred choice. Why bother building an argument for your opinion when you can just devalue other opinions & the people holding them? We like to be right, and we like the validation that having a good taste in music gives our self concept. But we also look at referent others to help form our self concept: we feel even better about ourselves when other people like the things we do. That becomes especially tricky when we bring something so subjective as aesthetic appreciation into the equation. Try using logic and reason to convince everyone that your favourite colour should be their favourite colour. That's not really going to happen, is it? So it becomes less of a matter of trying to "persuade people to agree with you", which is just unfeasible for most people, and more about asserting our perception of what is good. And anyway, is it really a debate, or is it a discussion? And is it really as black and white as you are catastrophizing it to be? Try looking past the hyperbole and dramatisation, and maybe you'll see people who are just very passionate about music they (don't) love. Not everything is meant to be taken literally. Anyway, I've spent longer than I should have on these essays. OT: The way her voice sounds so intimate and vulnerable in the Cinnamon bridge (?)
  2. I hope one day you will look back at your calls for balanced dialogue and your bids for rational discourse, and it will become clear that they were falling on deaf ears. This forum is a hotbed of emotions which cannot be reasoned with. And that's not necessarily a bad thing, it's part of being human. We can try to understand why people feel some typa way, and try to empathise with the circumstances that drove them to make such comments, but trying to curate how others express their emotional reactions is a lesson perhaps best taught by something else -- time and maturity. Ion't know gorl, just sayin! You can keep posting about how you don't like people's posts about how they don't like other people's posts, that's your prerogative. Feel free to play the role of the martyr in your conquest for the objective truth of... whether a pop girl's creative works are good. OT: I love that piano chord that's played a lil louder when she says "hi dad" in HIADT. It adds such a powerful, dramatic flair
  3. The era of Lizzy is over. The era of Lana is over. Gone are the days of cocaine snorting cherry cola drinking lolita grinding on daddy's limp Hawaiian Tropic tinted dick while weeping about her trailer park heroin addicted ex on deathrow to the tune of tumblr grunge blog soundtracks. It was cute, but it's time to move awn. I'm here for the era of Elizabeth a modern, reflective, conscious woman who finds joy and peace in the simple, small things. And I totally get some of the backlash. As time goes on, the mystique and ethereal quality of Lana Del Rey starts fading. The more dimensions of her we see, the bigger her character and the universe of ideas she imbued on us gets -- but maybe not in ways that we had hoped or imagined. And to much shock & dismay, we start to realise that she might just be.... one of us. A normal person, imperfect and fallible, with a hobby for writing out her fantasies, in the pursuit of self-transcendence
  4. That's lowkey how I feel about Venice Bitch, minus the boring part. It just seems like something she ad-libbed over Jack pressing random keys on the synth. So sloppy, lazy and messy. The lyrics are very elementary as well. I love HIADT. It's certainly not a compositional masterpiece but I relate to the lyrics and I feel like she speaks to my soul.
  5. Who did? You had How To Disappear as the closer, and only like 1 person quoted you.
  6. I loved it as well. Haven't re-watched it but it's definitely in my top 5 series of all time.
  7. I'm just glad I have things to do that keep me from thinking about NFR all the time. Like I literally wouldn't mind waiting until 2020; life goes on with or without this lady's album
  8. My beloved, it's great that you are so passionate and have a lot to say. But just like growth hurts no one, breaking up your wall of text into shorter paragraphs doesn't hurt either. It only makes things easier for everyone to read, so why not? That being said, I agree with what you said. And although her writing may not be that brilliant, I'm glad she is opening up & sharing another piece of her soul, as she always has, for those of us who seek to be inspired.
  9. From the Harper's Bazaar interview... The Clive Davis party was on the 27th of January. Bartender must then be one of the songs she had already written, probably with Rick, before meeting Jack.
  10. We love a balanced and fair Lana Board user who doesn't put his ego above his personal development
  11. Thanks for admitting to your shortcomings! I admire your introspection
  12. This, more than anything, sounds like you projecting your own experience of your mental illness on Lana. Especially since you're making such grand assumptions about her struggle with such little information on how she's actually approaching it. It's easy to assume that all we see is all that happens, but that's not true. Were you in her therapy sessions? Have you had an exclusive peek into her private diary that nobody else has? Let me make my position clear: I don't believe Lana has recovered from whatever trauma she experienced or whatever mental illness she might have. But I do believe her understanding of her mental illness has improved, and, as you have yourself explained, that is an important step towards being better able to deal with it. This is the growth I'm referring to
  13. Lana points out that she still has "monsters under her bed that she never could fight off" in Hope. I'm pretty sure she's aware of her depression, mood disorder or whatever, and no one is trying to deny it. She just doesn't explicitly talk about it because it's none of our business! So maybe she was having a manic episode before or during LFL, that doesn't mean she was "forcing" herself in a positive direction. Maybe she had a short period where she was feeling better but it didn't last. That's okay. That's part of mental illness. The fact is we don't know what's going on in her mind -- not even you do -- so you perhaps could do with a little less condescension.
  14. Are you referring to the Harper's Bazaar interview? Because that's not what she said at all. It's not that LFL was "pretending". In fact, she has demonstrated growth as she has a better understanding of what growth is for her.
  15. Probably. If you haven't noticed, 90% of Lana pictures circulating nowadays are fakes/edits. Fans have to photoshop her face into pictures to get their fix; that's how dry her career is now.
  16. Sorry for reviving this discussion, I just wanted to say that I appreciate your wish for a sincere, objective discussion on Lana's discography. But if that's going to happen, we also need to pay less attention to the flamebait posts that aim to stir shit and get quoted There are several users here who thrive on the attention and relevancy they get from making provocative posts (e.g. that one user who hates TNC). And it's not that shocking, because it's a lot easier (and exciting) to engage in a discussion when you disagree on something. Anything else demands more cognition than people are willing or able to invest on this lil stan forum . I don't think that's something that will ever change, it's just the nature of (1) the people who are attracted to this forum, and (2) the forum culture as influenced not only by past & present users, but also its structure, design, rules and features. Although I'm sure if Elle puts a bit more effort into rethinking these aspects, or at least delegates that task to someone else, there might be hope.
  17. Let's not forget the fact that Lana recorded 13 songs with Auerbach but we have only heard 9. There are still 4 UV-style songs waiting to be heard
  18. Well damn... this is the first thing she's ever done that has put a dent in my respect and admiration for her. But I shouldn't jump to conclusions though... we don't really know the circumstances that led her to be there.
  19. sweetie


    My absolute favourite band. I had known about them through my mom, but my interest wasn't fully stoked until I stumbled upon Dancing Queen on Youtube back in 2007-2008. Some of my most spiritual moments have been when I was baked outta this world and listening to live ABBA performances. It's such a transcendent experience. Indescribable. It's an established fact that Benny & Bjorn are musical geniuses. Their compositions are some of the most spectacular and brilliant out there. Hook after hook after hook. The complexity that that has, the arrangement that that has, the timelessness that that has. My top 10, in no particular order: - Should I Laugh or Cry (one of their most underrated songs - it's so hauntingly beautiful and tragic). - If It Wasn't For The Nights (that production & arrangement... ) - Under Attack - The Day Before You Came (the sonification of my depression) - Slipping Through My Fingers (it's a MASTERPIECE! absolutely flawless, especially the live performance) - One of Us (WHEW, the bass.... ) - Mamma Mia - Dancing Queen (the best song in history of pop. y'all heard the vaporwave version?) - My Love, My Life (also its demo -- Monsieur, Monsieur -- gorgeous song). - I've Been Waiting For You They have quite an intriguing unreleased repertoire as well. Just Like That (SO sad that this didn't get finished), Rubber Ball Man / Under My Sun (the BOPt that got away ), Every Good Man, Just a Notion. I wonder how many tracks are still hidden away in some dusty tape that never got to see the light. What a shame.
  20. People have been speculating on Lana's departure from music since literally 2012. This conversation is had every single year. Like...
  21. I can see her pulling away from the music industry, in terms of fulfilling the traditional album cycle obligations -- but I don't ever imagine she would stop writing music. It's not just a job; it's her life. Obviously I can't speak for her, but for many of the more musically and creatively inclined, writing songs or poetry is what gives their lives purpose and meaning. It's how they make sense of the world and of themselves
  22. Reminder that halsthey was born so Coachella could be mashed up with one of her songs. And whew lord, the result is amazing. 3:28
  23. It's horribly bloated and inaccessible. Who on earth thought that massive banner taking up the whole screen was a good idea? What I love about LanaBoards is that I can see everything I need to at one glance. I don't want to be scrolling up and down or clicking anywhere to know what's the tea.
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