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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. It’s always the 10 million dollar question with her when she announces a date and album title: how far in the process is she? If Chemtrails is any indication, we can already forget the June 1 date
  2. I believe it’s happening, not just in that timeline if she does any release like she usually does with multiple physical copies out with a digital album. June 1 could happen if it was already done, submitted and mixed (very skeptical about that) or if it was streaming only and then maybe vinyls later on (but good luck for a top 5 spot in the charts without her vinyls).
  3. The American Standards album could be the second album? I think she has Country and folk covers under wrap, but I guess she recorded original songs as well in the process?!? A bit like she was recording LFL and had the side project with Zach for fun?
  4. June 1 is way too soon lol. Maybe end of year? The other poetry book doesn’t have a release date yet, that project could block or postpone Rock Candy Sweet, maybe?
  5. Chemtrails doesn’t even seem to have any songs written during quarantine. All the songs on it seem to be have been recorded between Norman’s release and her time on the road for the NFR tour. Wanderlust and Yosemite already are two songs recorded prior to these sessions (maybe even LMLYLAW). In Music Week, she says the album is about being at a standstill, not knowing what the next move is: that’s why I think Chemtrails is so short.
  6. It would be a very consistent project if your predictions turn out true (and I wouldn’t mind at all)
  7. It could be hit or miss. Of course I am now super curious about it now... but I’m also a bit scared about that project honestly.
  8. I’m down with that. I love her work with Jack, but after two albums and two audio books, she can switch things up a bit, and giving the « poor man » a break lol (I mean, he has many projects and artists to work with lol). Plus I Love California, Summertime and Thunder.
  9. Zach makes more sense as main producer. She did Dealer with him, he was on board for Summertime and her folk cover album. Plus there are the songs they did together in 2017 that she could reuse if any were as good as California. What scares me is the country avenue she went on, working with Nikki. Ben confirmed in her Music Week interview that she was surrounding herself with country musicians these days. Of course, many country songs could become rock-Ish if production changed, but... i don’t know what to think of this project.
  10. It’s really just speculation, but it doesn’t have a « album cover » feeling to it. Even the standard cover of Chemtrails feels more like an album cover than her post.
  11. The album announcement feels like something out of spite and not very verified of feasibility. I don’t know what happened to her Saturday lol.
  12. Surely not. maybe a single cover but not the album cover. The cover will be posted with the tracklist.
  13. So, how long before twinks desperate for attention spam Twitter with false tracklist including Noir, Yes to Heaven and Fine China, plus Dealer? The pre-release threads are now the longest and most interesting ones lol.
  14. I love the holy trinity of Wild At Heart / Dark But Just a Game / Not All Who Wander Are Lost
  15. It is excellent. The feeling of the song, to me, is like when a thunderstorm is brewing on the horizon. The voices are so beautiful on it.
  16. Rock Candy Hard better not be country lol I like the title but am a bit afraid. I used to be a major Madonna fan until she released Hard Candy, which was exactly like eating candy: it’s super good at first but not fulfilling in the end. I know it’s Lana we’re talking about here and she knows how to write songs and albums, but still. anyways, both Norman and Chemtrails got their production « minimal » by Lana. I wouldn’t mind if she went to bigger production for the next project.
  17. We should already rename this thread to « Supposedly out June 1 ».
  18. She’s really in a hurry to move on from Chemtrails now, isn’t she?
  19. I’m having so many questions about this album. 1- Can she wait for my Chemtrails box set to be shipped to announce the next album? 2- doesn’t she have to submit the finished album or something 90 days before release to have vinyls pressed? We’re already under 90 days to the supposed June 1 release. 3- Ben and Ed must be like right now.
  20. The damn date doesn’t even check out (it’s a Tuesday). until I see pre-release, I am not buying this shit. but... that album will be something else if she wants to channel her anger. Rock Candy Sweet is giving major summer vibes.
  21. I listened to the album with my BF last night. He likes Lana and her voice but is not a Stan like me. on White Dress, he said something interesting: her voice seems to be about to break. To him, she is not the strongest voice in the business but she has a very lovely and sensual one. But he said that he likes that there is no auto tune on the track, which makes her sound human.
  22. NFR was number 3 for its first week dont know how high it got on release day though. Wild at Heart and Not All Those Who Wonder are such growers!!! the only one I don’t love at the moment is Dance Till We Die
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