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Everything posted by GeminiLanaFan

  1. I know you all hate her collabs, but I find them very good on a summer album... so... what if RCS has a lot of them? Jesse R said his Lana song(songs?) were intended for another project than the Neighborhood album, there’s the MGK collab (ok, not that nice at first but I wasn’t a big fan of Summer Bummer either when she posted the first snippets and I really like it now). add a Courtney collab, even a Weekend one (weren’t there some Weekend masks spotted around one of her projects recently?). mix it up with beats à la Doin Time or High by The Beach... I call that a perfect summer album. with those names, physical copies wouldn’t be as necessary maybe this era , for release day. (Ok, Blue Banisters sounds anything but summery, I admit).
  2. Indeed! And watch us believe in the June date the second a snippet and single is out We. never. Learn.
  3. Sometimes I wonder if the false dates given are the ones she wishes the album was out, like it’s the perfect moment to listen to that project. A very « I’m living in my own Lana world where time is different, deal with it if your world doesn’t apply rules like in mine ».
  4. Kinda underwhelmed at the moment by the new tracks. Maybe in the full album I will enjoy them better. like they’re not bad, but I never want to replay them after I listened to them.
  5. Lolll I Love how we are shifting from « We are never getting Blue Banisters » to « it’s coming out in 3 days »
  6. That’s why I was super surprised when we found out the titles on Shazam and when she posted the announcement for preorder in late December... Imagine if that happened : We still wouldn’t have heard Chemtrails by now Anyways, can she just post something at least? Although a snippet or even a single never ate indications of anything with her
  7. Bah I don’t think she ever could be Big competition against Billie (I don’t hate Billie, but her new songs really don’t impress me).
  8. No worry, sweetie! It’s been fucking hard, trying to keep up with the false and true infos of the insiders. We all thought there was a second outtake for so long until Eclipse said there wasn’t. But honestly, who knows for sure? One thing is sure though: five lucky bastards have Dealer
  9. Eclipse said there wasn’t an unknown song other than Dealer... Problem is that our info has been very contradictory with Yosemite being included or not in the 12 songs (some insiders claimed they heard it before release, others said it wasn’t part of the songs sent to mixing)
  10. I sure hope so it is. if it wasn’t when she announced the damn June 1 date, then I’m gonna scream why the fuck did she blur out that date, when even a second-grade child could see there weren’t 90 days between March 20 and June 1. As for promo, everything isn’t wrapped, probably. I still hope for summer songs from her, but maybe more an August album (again) rather than a June one (and we’d be lucky to have another complete project from her in the same year).
  11. I don’t think RCS will (or even should) sound like that at all, but I’ve been watching Wild Wild Country on Netflix and... imagine if Lana went all ironic and made an album about being a cult leader, with 70s psychedelia, hippie instrumentals, rock guitars, folk elements Something sounding a bit like that: It would be the best fitting project ever: her embracing her crazy fan base while being super sarcastic about it, controversial lyrics à la UV, the best of what she did with Jack (Venice Bitch)
  12. I’m still not sure how to rank this prerelease era (instead of ranking albums, we should def rank her prereleases ) but I’m with you that it’s getting tiring. The White Dress teaser made bearable because we had a release date at least for the album. But her shitty track record when it comes to dates and her cryptic posts followed by weeks / months of silence make it hard to be excited. One or two items of merch with Candy, I am fine with. Just not the whole bubblegum candy land shit.
  13. I agree with you that Chemtrails is a stall era... and the music is exactly that: a réflexion on how to do her job as a singer, for the most parts. I don’t think it was supposed to be that, in the beginning: I feel like there was supposed to be a « second part » to this record, heading into what she envisions the future will be in her life. RCS is probably that, which seems to be the reason why she wants to move fast in that era and leave Chemtrails behind. I don’t listen to this album every day either, but when I do, it sounds very good and cohesive and yet, it’s a mood and not a super light one, which spring should be about.
  14. It’s nothing new. A retrospective of who she is, of her career.
  15. I Love all the videos she did with Rich Lee (except LFL, which flops so quickly). I’m fine with homemade videos as long as there is at least a big-budget and interesting one in the era.
  16. It’s only spéculation. Eclipse, on his Insta, said an important female alternative artist was featured on the soundtrack. And in the NFR era, there was her post with Rick and two other guys captioned Disney (we thought at the time it could have been for Maleficent 2).
  17. I’m not super impressed by the title either, but I found Mariners Apartment Complex not an excellent title either at first... It doesn’t sound very « banger » to me, which I hoped RCS was gonna be.
  18. The way I’m more excited at the moment for Lana being maybe possibly involved on the Cruella soundtrack rather than anything RCS or Blue Bannisters at this point her posts have become so anticlimatic : randomly dropping some shit and not follow up on it. White Dress was a bit different since we knew we were getting it on release day worst case scenario (which happened)
  19. The Coming Soon section on LDR Village (Bookstore and Beauty Parlour)
  20. June 1 is still almost science-fiction at this point, but I am confident we will get another album from her before the end of the year, either RCS or another « side project » in-between. That being said, she seems to be so much more willing to put out RCS than she was with Chemtrails.
  21. I’m not against it, but not after Chemtrails. What gives me hope is that she isn’t done with the Nikki album, so chances of RCS having country influences is minimal. the Black Keys are releasing in May a cover album made of blues-country songs they love. I’m more than fine if she ever pulls out something in that range (again, not for RCS: I want this album to be filled with summer sexy songs, with maybe a couple of haunting ballads like White Dress).
  22. Since she is one of the bestselling artists vinyl-wise, can plants kinda accelerate the process for her and « prioritize » her if she submits the album under the usual 90-day limit? That’s what I’ve been wondering for a couple of weeks now. No way Interscope will let her release without a vinyl on scheduled day.
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