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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. so this means it's not meant for a record. so when this was recorded is an even bigger question, ugh fuck. i need to know tea on this and the development of it even
  2. idk how it was even a question that she's still signed to them, considering she's been promoted by them as recently as this week lol
  3. if the manager thing is true, about the weekend and the new guy, that right there is a hard stop and explains just how they met. could be that lana had connections through the weeknd or said manager, could be that ben and ed reached out to the weeknd's manager to get her in touch with him or maybe she went to a very low key release party of his and he happened to be there and the weeknd vouched for him. there's many ways that meeting could've gone and now that i'm thinking about it i want the full story lol
  4. y'all we can all block people. why don't we all just block someone we don't like hearing from and move on? anyways, back to the point of this thread, i'm excited for the song. if it gets released on vinyl, i hope it's on purple vinyl
  5. i went to my local record shop and he didn't know FJM had a new album coming out. i asked him if he could get the box set and he just texted me letting me know he'll have it. i'm definitely getting my hands on a copy UPDATE WHILE MAKING THIS POST-- HE JUST TEXTED BACK AND SAID HE WILL HOLD ONE FOR ME AHHHHHH
  6. yah like how i understand it, rock candy sweet *is* lynat which isn't this song from what boz said but we know that she reused lyrics ALLL the time, so if she reused those lyrics here, it'd make you think she might've written it sooner rather than earlier? unless rock candy sweet is an old lyric we just never heard before? idk ughhhhh the CONFUSION the TEA
  7. IIIIIIS THERE SOMEONE ELSE OR NOT? ugh i can't get over this track, it's such a fucking mood and vibe
  8. thats an interesting take. if those lyrics are from this, wouldn't it be a newer song? it seems she has a newer occurrence of "rock candy sweet" now rather than before-- she's never said it in a song, leaked or released as far as i know. so if that's the case, it would make sense that it's newer maybe? ugh this is bugging me. we need boz to answer this lol
  9. yeah i definitely don't think it's honeymoon era. but i just can't tell exactly. someone posted on the lana wikia that it's from paradise but that doesn't really make much sense either. what a weird track lol
  10. hmm never heard of it but that's interesting. i looked up the song on lana wikia and someone posted that it's an outtake from Paradise, but anyone can edit that so idk EDIT ohhhh that annoying song lol it played all over the radios years ago
  11. i heard the snippets and they sound lovely really hoping for this sound on the next album. i know y'all are saying you doubt it being on the next album but i need info on this. when was this recorded? or written? is this a UV outtake that she's putting out now with a tv show? was this recent? was this an outtake from a recent album or made during the next album? ugh so many questions
  12. ummmm so a snippet leaked???? i haven't listened or anything so now i'm really intrigued. ughhhh if it sounds like what you all are saying i hope this is a single for her album fuck meeeeee
  13. i don't understand the point of it. i get the exhibition but what are they selling the vinyls for? who the fuck has $2000 for vinyls just sitting in their account? what the actual fuck is this mess if they're sold in artist sets, i could see buying Lana's for maybe $200 but yikes
  14. "i've been living on star drip IVs for so long" hits me really fucking hard and idk why. it just does like it has multiple meanings, right? so she's been living with empty promises from the industry who'd promise she'd be a top rated star and yet she's being chewed out by every critic it seems like and she's just barely getting through to the critics like a slow drip IV. and then also, it could mean that she's seen the game and the attention as a drug, and it's been slow dripping too
  15. Bitch that album cover tho…… yes. unrelated, but i’m still stuck on After Hours. Like there’s something about that album, the sax on In Your Eyes just nnnnf
  16. I’d like to think that bc COCC took too long, she was wanting to give us the covers album but she ended up thinking of another album so she pushed to get blue banisters out as quick as she could (literally within months) before other artists sent in albums last year, like Adele and others who wanted vinyls out for their albums. Like maybe cocc was actually meant for 2020, so because of that big delay we had, she really worked to get blue banisters out in 2021 instead of the covers album, and she’s already working on another album now because she had yet again, another idea. I’m hoping that with her already jumping to a new album which we already know of, she’s just in the flow of writing more material. I think her being busy writing and making new original songs is better in the long run than a cover album, which isn’t to say that i don’t want the covers album, I do, but someday she might lose her muse completely and not want to write her own stuff anymore, so i just wanna ride out this wave of her being creative and actually writing her own stuff before she gets outworked and stops producing like we’re used to. like i’d be happy if this album was shelved because she’s just busy with making another record and trying to finalize her book. We’re in the second peak of LDR, which some artists never get, and I’m happy to be in this era of “LDR can’t stop writing and dropping albums”. Idk how long it’ll last, I don’t know if this is the end of this second peak and once she drops the next album, she’ll take a break, who knows… but i wanna take advantage of all of the new material we’re getting before we stop getting new stuff.
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