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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. I started the album a couple minutes before it turned 12 and so then the album could continue by the time it was ready omg
  2. ahhhhhh i'm so happy we're all here and all have the album in our hands phones/computers!!!! this is my favorite of hers in a while and i'm so glad people get to hear it finally
  4. Last 15 minutes of this thread guys!!!! Who's starting at 12AM EST?
  5. Yeah I wouldnt be surprised if it gets stocked at the stores tomorrow. It wouldn't make sense to only sell it online, since her physicals always sell
  6. omg i have one post i have to make before this thread gets closed as the final post in here @Elle what time is this thread closing?
  7. this is the last day of this thread, ladies and gays, non binaries and everyone else in between. this is it
  8. because they're jealous twinks who could never be best friends with Lana and they want to be. i mean, in a way, i get it because you could also be afraid they could influence her music and make her music sound weird or bad, but maybe they're what she needs to make a completely new, even better album. who knows lol
  9. I don't like her music or her voice. I don't have a problem with her though, personally. From what I can tell, I can see her being a fun friend to be around
  10. okay i'm saying it i want something like this on the next album after blue banisters tomorrow never came teas
  11. I love how the target cover is a variation of the shot from this video. what a fucking serve, she really is coming for coins this year yall
  12. i think there's a filter on it to give it a blue tinge or the paint itself is like a deep grey that has a small periwinkle color? yeah it's definitely the paint itself or the filter that makes it look that way lol i thought the same thing until i remembered buying paint that was like that before hahaha
  13. they painted it grey, it's just a weird grey that has a light blue tinge
  14. that look she gave at the end of the video looked like it was meant for someone like clayton or sean, like it looked like she was giving that look of "see bitch, i don't need you, i have them and you weren't here when you said you'd be"
  15. what? it's been private for years lol she didn't log in for a good while until like a year ago, she changed her profile pic and then she changed it again more recently and started using it again when she quit her normal account i just think it's bazaar to say you're going off social media, just to go back onto social media. like why make such a big deal about leaving if you're literally not. it makes me wonder if she's using her missdaytona account on twitter just to snoop too lol
  16. speaking of reviews, I hate when a reviewer uses .5 increments because now you've just made yourself a 20 point scale. if it's an 8.5, say it's 17/20. because you could say that and wouldn't look as dumb (although it still looks dumb to me idk)
  17. believe me, don't let anyone's opinions here change your mind. there's still a lot of greatness to be heard i don't wanna spoil anything for you tho so just keep an open mind going into it. i love it and think you might too if your favorites from her were some of her earlier albums
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