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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. didn't someone mention how the album leak without candy necklace was from before they added it? so maybe what we have right now is an earlier version, i think you're onto something
  2. either the original source of the leak didn't obtain that OR they left it out intentionally and someone they sent it to leaked the album without candy necklace
  3. it's not about having someone to move my posts anymore (oh... ok) no this is the experience of being an american SLUT!!!!! (just wait for LDR10 when American Slut A&W pt. 2 releases ) edit: wait no it'll be called London Sluttin
  4. yeah like let us fucking do what we're fucking doing and moving all the posts just took people out of this thread.... it makes 0 sense but whatever i guess.
  5. Yes! You can. The method I used made it to where I just downloaded each pack one by one that I needed (I only paid for cats and dogs so I skipped that one when adding to my game) and during the process of adding the packs, you'll just move all the DLC files to your game and you'll be good. It's a little janky though, for my best friend who is on Windows, she has issues if she opens her game, closes it, then reopens so be sure to close the launcher all the way, then reopen it to start the game. On Mac I'm still on Origin so I had to do the same thing I guess? Idk it's weird. But it also still works online with the Gallery and whatnot. And closing/reopening the launcher is a very small price to pay compared to $600+ for all the packs lol I can post the link to where I learned how to do it if anyone is interested. It's kind of a convoluted method but it's easy once you do it.
  6. Idk if you're aware of the EA / Origin DLC unblocker method but i did it last night (but yeah definitely don't without antivirus just to be safe lol) i actually downloaded all packs fuck EA
  7. not this thread being in the wrong area
  8. i pirated the new pack purrr
  9. kintsugi said new music so i think people were expecting something different lol i was hoping for a lil ep size thing of extras and bonuses that didn't make it to the final album tbh but that was my own assumption with what kintsugi said
  10. it's a shame she didn't set up a listening party outside the tunnel. or even on ocean blvd at a record shop if there is one
  11. this listening party thing is giving urban outfitters honeymoon listening party
  12. For those who haven't listened, be ready for this. I don't wanna overhype it, but you're in for a god damn fucking treat.
  13. Or if Lana herself was showing up but I mean she can only be at one really so
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