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American Whore

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Everything posted by American Whore

  1. i mean aren't they just gonna be deciphered by floridakilos the same as lyrics deciphered by us? did he get the physical album already with a lyric booklet? because otherwise it's the same thing we can do
  2. so i'm gonna peace out for a bit if we're getting teased even more by a "review" this is embarrassing at this point. just leak it or don't. this whole teasing line by line is just as annoying and "disrepsectful to lana" as stupid lil snippets so stupid
  3. if the people with the album didn't get candy necklace, it's because the person the album came from intentionally left it out so if it leaks, they know who it leaked from
  4. Meant to add this to this post because I wanted to make this point and forgot. But think about it -- her laptop was stolen. There were probably leftovers in that laptop and she was worried about music leaking and said not to listen so what's the best way to fix it? Just say fuck it and release a digital "album" of b-sides with leftovers so they won't leak but she'll get the money for it and we know how much we all like listening to leftovers and unreleased. That'd be "for the fans"
  5. I think it could be some b-sides. That way it's not a true album but it's new music so it still fits what Kintsugi and Boz both said.
  6. She already sang about being raped and nobody believing her and being a side piece at 33 on this album. that song was rated very highly. what other lyrics could be so controversial that it lowers the rating?
  7. don't get me wrong, i love her normal, solo versions that we have but i also dream about having a duet version ALSO so we could've had both i love david bowie and as troubling and cancellable as lou reed was there's still a special place for him for me
  8. i love u but this tells me everything i need to know about ur taste
  9. i never thought much about this until right now but at the end of lust for life, she says "out of the black into the blue" and by the end of the title track for nfr, she's fading out like into the background while singing "bluuuuue, bluuuuue, bluuuuuuue" so she's literally going into the blue
  10. bowie should've sang terrence loves you with lana just like how lou reed should've sang brooklyn baby with lana and i'll never recover knowing there's an alt universe out there where it happened with both artists
  11. girl you better delete this before you get a warning point no sharing links to leaks on lanaboards dot com!
  12. trying to not get too much into spoilers, we still haven't heard everything in full or got the full lyrics for anything other than the songs that leaked in full so like who knows yknow? we might still get a couple other tracks about friends and family and it's totally fine! but knowing this will be the last album about them for a while at least, that's promising. that means she can get lyrically creative about different topics again. and obviously throughout cocc and bb, people didn't like the minimalist instrumentals (i loved cocc though, it's still one i'd put on on the regular) and that's fair but it's clear, there are songs on those albums that show it, she's still interested in using interesting instrumentals. but they didn't have a place on those records as heavily as records she's made before so i think it's fair to say whatever comes next will probably give something new again and refreshing. but i'm also saying that before this album, which might do the same since we haven't heard the full thing yet. i am interested, though, to know what songs were left off of those albums and this one. there's gotta be more we have yet to hear probably, the tiktok stans are a little more unhinged than we are here, i'd say. like twitter stans. they'll make up "news" or rumors just for attention. and then they'll say they heard it here what video are you referring to? if you want, dm me the link to it or post it here whichever you wanna do. just be sure you don't post links to song leaks off topic to those replies, i hope the surprise is a release of b-sides to ocean blvd so it's technically new music and it's for the fans but it's not like a whole new album. period!
  13. it was a fake thing someone on twitter or reddit or somewhere made up. not real though
  14. why is this era's pre-release season giving so much UV and honeymoon? like.... honestly even after hearing the leaks, i'm still so fucking hyped to hear this record in full like it's so strange how different it feels compared to lfl, nfr, cocc, and bb. it's a totally different vibe again and feels like we've reverted back to something she only scratched the surface of with honeymoon and uv. also!! i'm bringing this up again. the interview lana gave before the billboard award thing really makes me excited to know this is the finale to the family trilogy. cocc, bb, and ocean blvd all have stuff to do with her family and like... i get it's important to her but we get it. you love your sis and bro, we love it for you! you hate your mom, big mood girlie! but like i'm glad she said she's done writing about that because eventually it was gonna get tired. and lets be real, i got tired of hearing about family and friendsies halfway through cocc so if we're getting more break up songs or more slutty trap beats or some heavy guitars or funky synths or something weird while she sings about stripping or fucking on the next album? yes i'm here for it.
  15. we know you love attention as much as boz but like share something if you want attention again like..... girl your era ended when you stopped leaking so make up your mind if you wanna stay relevant
  16. unless kintsugi is boz with a second account OR boz wasn't supposed to say anything but he did and he's trying to play it off like it's not new music but kintsugi found out and it actually IS a second album
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