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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. But doesn't she say, despite the official lyrics, "I'm a sad girl, I'm a bad girl, I'm a mad girl"?
  2. Isn't it out in New Zealand yet? Hasn't it escaped into the world by now via nefarious channels?
  3. I've just been listening to some of Joan's 70s work I had forgotten about--'Yellow Coat,' 'Luba the Baroness,' 'Sailing,' 'The Song at the End of the Movie'--so I'm in a perfect mood for this, and it strengthens their tie publicly. Hopefully we'll get some good information about what initially brought Joan to Lana's work.
  4. I don’t think they think as most of us do. It’s possible that they’re mad with power, one or both, and don’t like anything escaping their control. The world, and especially the entertainment field, are full of psychopaths and above all, they seek public prestige, power, and control.
  5. But that is the reality of how things work in 2023. They need to wake up. People the world over are RABID for LDR, and many will do almost anything to get their ears and hands on new material.
  6. Yeah, I guess if a song is suddenly available for free within 24 hours of the official release, then I guess I have been considering that a leak, when it is not a true leak in the genuine sense of the word.
  7. Maybe others can chime in. I remember it leaking a day before, and the same for the 3 BB singles.
  8. But everything of LDR’s leaks at least 24 hours before release. What hasn’t? It’s actually a good sign of course. People the world over are starved for her artistry.
  9. Is it verified that A&W is coming out on the 14th or 15th? Or wishful thinking (which I also share)??
  10. You would make a good mod, and so would GeminiLanaFan. I hope anyone who has been openly abusive to other members here is automatically ruled out. There’s no excuse for it for any reason.
  11. I tried to find the Kintsugi post everyone is referring to, but failed. Can you or another member sum up his/her/them's comments? Thank you.
  12. Judging by the reliable insider's comments, this album sounds like her 'Sargent Peppers' or 'Hissing of Summer Lawns,' or the first U2 album when they broke away completely from their somber, brooding sound and decided to have fun and lighten up a little. So I'm expecting something startling, completely fresh, and unprecedented in her catalog. Though the single certainly did not suggest that, at least to me.
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