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Everything posted by Vertimus

  1. You’re one of my favorites, I’m glad you haven’t flown the coop. Thank you.
  2. What happened to HydroponicWeed? I haven’t seen a post from him/her/them in months.
  3. There's so many awards given out today and most mean nothing, but Billboard has remained a force in the industry for over half a century, and never collapsed professionally as Rolling Stone did long ago, so to me, this award actually has weight, meaning, and bearing.
  4. As I've said, I listen to it more than any other LDR album and have never tired of it. Especially IYLDWM and VFR. VFR is a 'calm blue ocean' for me and always centers me.
  5. I assume the overall sound will not be in the tranquil COCC-BB mode of the COCC title track, 'WD,' 'Not All Who Wander,' 'Arcadia,' 'VFR,' 'Sweet Carolina,' etc. I enjoyed all of those songs, but would really like to hear something completely new and dynamic, something with more of a pulse, and some beats. The comments from the major insiders have led me/us to believe that we're in for something completely unanticipated and unprecedented. Hurrah. I welcome that. I hope that the title track is the only song in that mode. I love a lot of albums when artists have broken with their former, signature sound, like Joni Mitchell's 'The Hissing of Summer Lawns,' Marianne Faithfull's 'Broken English,' Nico's 'Drama of Exile,' and Kate Bush's 'The Dreaming' and 'Hounds of Love.' Rayland Baxter did it last year with his 'If I Were a Butterfly' trip hop album. So if Lana is serving something completely new, wonderful.
  6. But maybe she doesn't feel the need for that the way she did--she's already conquered the world, and she seems more and more of something resembling a homebody, based on her lyrics. Nothing wrong with that. She's a wealthy woman..she can travel anywhere she wants should she desire to.
  7. Long tours are brutal...who would to be away from home for 6 to 12 weeks or more? Tours can be lucrative (or not), but she doesn't need the money.
  8. I am on the fence about the 'American Whore' title, refrain, or theme, even if it's officially called 'AW' or 'A&W.' It depends what the context and approach is. It might even be humorous, who knows? I know some have said that it sounds like a perfect LDR song title, but it doesn't to me. We'll see. Depending on what it sounds like, it might stir up controversy in the press among her haters there.
  9. I initially thought she said that too, was dismayed, and them realized it was "too, and"
  10. It’s one of my top five all-time LDR songs.
  11. I think that's putting it almost too nicely. But what represents a 'flawed,' weak, or plain bad track will be different to each of us. I don't think there's a single track in all of Lana's oeuvre that we can all agree is good or great. Over Christmas, someone even said they didn't care for 'Video Games.'
  12. Absolutely. If I find 3-4 songs on a new album I love, then I'm more than satisfied. If I find more, then all the better. So far, from my POV, the new album seems to have a dark, ingrown vibe that makes me apprehensive, but we'll know nothing factual until another single drops, or an album sampler. I'd like it not to have an 'ingrown,' 'looking in' quality, but it will be what Lana wanted it to be. I'm sure there will be a number of tracks that I really like.
  13. To me, there is no perfect Lana album. So I can't throw mud at BB for not being 'perfect.' Expecting 'perfect' from any album by any artist is just a set-up for disappointment. I don't think I can think of a 'perfect' album by any artist, older or contemporary, not in my opinion.
  14. BB would most likely have been a great album if she had left off the leaked tracks and replaced them with the songs that the leakers said were originally produced for the album. As much as many of us like or love the leaked songs as songs, we've heard them a 100 times before, 1,000 times before. Not remastering them was a boner move. At least now those tracks have a wider audience, which they deserve. While I'm not a fan of the title track, I love or like everything else produced for the album (except 'The Trio'). To me, 'Dealer' comes across as a novelty track, but BBS, VFR, IYLDWM, and 'Arcadia' are really wonderful, optimistic, and relatively light in tone. TB and WFWF show her growth as a songwriter, and the 'Black Lives Matter' shout out doesn't bother me any more than the timely references to COVID on the album. It's of its time. It's one of my favorites.
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