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Everything posted by Barry

  1. I just watched them since they were on TV, I didnt know of HER before but she seemed really good in her performance. Also found it funny near the end when Camila Cabello and other people performed a song "I Sing The Body Electric", Lana must have been sitting there raging thinking they were just rubbing it in now
  2. Most of it is about making money as well, they know if they market Billie Eilsh well they can all make a lot of money off her since she appeals to everyone from kids to grannies and is on the radio, all over youtube and social media. The more they hype her, the more money they all make off of it. Seems only every few years they give a token award to a smaller person with no marketability to give themselves validation and then they go back to giving them to people they make money from for a few years again
  3. She will probably be devastated even if she acts like she's not bothered. To think she played a big part in making the kind of music Billie Eilish and Ariana Grande and others make popular and has never really won anything or got much recognition and then they come along when this type of music is already established and been done before and win awards for it while she was mocked and not accepted.
  4. Yeah although with it being in his arena in his City fans will be going there to leave tributes and stuff, it doesn't seem right to me for them to be celebrating in that building while people are mouring outside.
  5. It will make the event weird now i think, they're going to be sat in the same area he played hundreds of games hours after his death. Grammys are usually a fun event where theres always clips of celebrities up dancing and celebrating at other people winning but now they'll probably not be going too over the top, especially as a lot of people probably knew him.
  6. Is there any chance they could cancel it with Kobe Bryant dying? he played a lot of his career in the stadium the event is in, seems a bit weird to be celebrating in the building he worked in?
  7. A taste of his own medicine, he's probably used to bossing people around and treating them as if they are irrelevant and beneath him now the same is happening to him
  8. Barry

    Billie Eilish

    Lana will shout her out when she wins
  9. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    Wonder how they even met?
  10. To start off you could pick a market that you can get noticed in and over time can make money off once you establish yourself even if it's something or someone you don't really like although it would be easier if it was something you knew a lot about. It would likely be very difficult to for example try and become someone who makes random things based on your own designs, you would probably have to target a specific thing like a celebrity or something a lot of people like and are fans off but at the same time some celebrities probably already have many people trying to do the same thing so you would need to narrow it down to ones where nobody is really doing that and someone who is well liked enough for people to buy things. Then you can tweet your drawings to them in replies, you could maybe choose a few people or things and over time people will notice you then you could start to sell things when you have enough followers. There is a girl who supports the same team as me https://twitter.com/madebyfrankie who used to just draw players of the team and people followed her and then she started selling prints of the drawings then over time started to sell tshirts, stickers, mugs and stuff. Because she knows a lot about the team she knows what people are interested in and would buy like strickers - soccer fans have a culture of buying team stickers and sticking them everywhere so it's a smart thing to sell. There was also drama recently when Celtic played Lazio, Celtic are a left-wing team sympathetic to Palestine etc and anti right-wing/fascist and Lazio fans are mostly right-wing fascist types and Celtic fans took a banner of Musolini being hung upside down to the match. It became a big thing in the media and then in the away match Celtic scored in the last minute and the player did a cartwheel and it became a meme of a picture of him upside down that he was mocking Musolini and she did a drawing of it and the next day after the match was selling socks, tshirts, mugs etc with the drawing on it and it became very successful for her. She now does very well selling stuff and also making commisioned things for people who want things made for them like for kids bedrooms and stuff. She also got recognised by the Scotland National Team and has designed many Match Programme covers(like magazines for matches) and also for the female National team. Over time once you start to make money and obviously will become more experienced in what type of things sell you could branch out into more and more different stuff and maybe eventually just be a known good artist in your city who can make anything that people want as well as sell your own stuff.
  11. Have you tried making and selling stuff, theres many ways to make decent money when you are good at drawing. Like fans of sports teams will buy novelty things like t-shirts, mugs, socks, stickers and stuff of drawings of iconic players or moments for their teams or just good personalised framed drawings of things. Im sure i've seen you mention before that you are unsure what you want to do as a job and didn't like what you were studying for but if you are good at drawing and you enjoy it you could attempt to turn it into a job.
  12. Is she not one of the best singers youve ever heard
  13. The beat on this new Eminem song is so good
  14. Barry

    Lana Del Rey Quizzes

    "Ultraviolence" You're a very thoughtful, introspective person. When faced with adversity, you stand your ground. You love to go out with friends and enjoy hole in the wall kinda places. You can be insecure at times, but you don't show it. Deep down, there's a sadness in your heart that you don't fully understand.
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