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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Sounds like shes hanging out with Courtney Love too much
  3. Barry

    Kali Uchis

    On these songs I think they have Amy Winehouse vibes
  4. Im an MMA fan and know of him, the whole part about him fits him. Even the "getting high as they fight" it's really common for MMA fighters to get high before training particularly when doing jiu-jitsu, Joe Schilling and people he trains with are big into smoking weed. The parts "moves mountains and" was I think a sneaky way of Lana putting MMA into the song and the part about "pounds them to ground", Ground & Pound is a big part of MMA - something Joe is actually bad at as he was a kickboxer used to stand up fighting and was quite poor on the ground and at jiu-jitsu. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ground_and_pound
  5. It's great but its pretty sad and slow to play a lot, its a song you go back to every few weeks or months or for comfort during bad times.
  6. Barry

    How to Disappear

    Joe met me down at the training yard Cuts on his face 'cause he fought too hard I know he's in over his head But I love that man like nobody can He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again I watched the guys getting high as they fight For the things that they hold dear To forget the things they fear Is this the first time she's ever made it pretty obvious who she was talking about in a song and even used the guys real name? I feel like it's definitely about MMA fighter Joe Schilling. She calls him Joe, talks about him fighting and getting high which are both true and the line "He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again", "Moves Mountains And = MMA" "Pounds them to ground" - Ground and Pound is an MMA tactic when you get on top of someone and are striking them from above.
  7. Agree, to me there isn't a bad or even average song on the album and like half the album are among my very top Lana songs, im quite shocked at how much I like California, Bartender, The Greatest, NFR, Love Song - I thought Cinnamon Girl would be my favourite from the snippet and despite me really liking it those other 5 songs I thought were even better and even ones I felt I may not like like TNBAR and HIAB I really like.
  8. Norman Fucking Rockwell Mariners Apartment Complex Venice Bitch Fuck it I love you Doin' Time Love Song Cinnamon Girl How to Disappear California The Next Best American Record The Greatest Bartender Happiness is a Butterfly hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it Thats how they sound to me, NFR I thought more of a mix.
  9. Barry

    Lana & Politics

    Some men do, some men have nothing. Judge individuals by their own actions.
  10. She is definitely more confident I would say than she used to be in interviews and on stage, I think she is just naturally an anxious and awkward person though so she always does come off a little weird and will probably never be 100% comfortable in interviews. Young Thug who im also a big fan of is the same way in his interviews and has also got better over time. You can just tell with how fidgety, how they speak in weird patterns and fluctuate how loud they talk and how they always look around that they are nervous when being interviewed.
  11. Did anyone from the UK buy the signed CD thing? and know when we will get them
  12. Ride Born To Die Norman Fucking Rockwell Honeymoon Cruel World Love
  13. Have album sales on the whole went down a lot in recent years again? Just noticed Taylor Swift "only" sold 700,000 albums when her last one sold over 1.2million so she lost 500,000 album sales in like 2? years
  14. Last album she did 103,000 which was 80,000 physical, 2,500 from single song sales and 21,000 from streams. Hopefully she can reach 100,000 again, dropping 20,000 would be a bad feeling for her since this is arguably her best album. No
  15. My favourites in order although i've only listened to the whole album once but have repeated most songs since then 1. Venice Bitch 2. California 3. Love Song 4. Norman Fucking Rockwell 5. The Greatest 6. Bartender 7. Cinnamon Girl 8. Fuck It I Love You 9. Happiness Is A Butterfly 10. Mariners Appartment Complex 11. The Next Best American Record 12. Doin' Time 13. How To Disappear 14. Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have - But I Have It Really hard to decide between Love Song, NFR, The Greatest, Bartender and California they are so good and the more I play them the more I like them. I could put them in any order tbh. I feel bad having a lot of those songs in the bottom half but the album is just that good I actually really like Hope but I find it sad but not sad in a way I can listen to it regularly like Black Beauty so I put it at the bottom since I will listen to it the least. I think it's her best album, im a big fan of UV and Honeymoon but I actually think this is better although time will tell as I still go back to them after years but I can't imagine not liking these songs ever.
  16. The new version of TNBAR is so good to me, I love the production
  17. I think my favourites were Love Song, Cinnamon Girl, California and The Greatest
  18. I just finished my first listen of the album and can say it is for sure a mastepiece I loved NFR, FIILY, Love Song, Cinnamon Girl, California, TNBAR, The Greatest and Bartender and HIAB I liked more than I thought I would. I read people saying about HTD but I never noticed anything and forgot at the time to listen to what people said about it when it was on I was just remembering "oh this is that song" as I cant remember if I even played it before or only read the lyrics.
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