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Everything posted by Barry

  1. On iTunes they have it down as pop, her only song all the others say alternative just noticed it there when I bought it. I only have LFL, Honeymoon and MAC, VB, HDGHJJJGDJDK and it on there but every other song says alternative.
  2. I cannot believe how the show has been absolutley ruined in like 2/3 seasons, if they weren't going to do it properly or didn't have the time to make it as the actors were all going to get too old or not want to work on it for 10 more years they should have just stopped making it. They are just rushing to the end and the realism of the first 1-4/5 seasons has been destroyed.
  3. Norman Rockwell painting of us waiting on the album
  4. Barry

    Billie Eilish

    She has a song on the producer Chasethemoney's upcoming album Billie Elish, Valee, 10k Cash - Lyin 2 Ya Quite interesting, I have only heard of Valee from this one song which is quite catchy...
  5. I never knew she did it before but yeah would be no point if its been did before.
  6. She should make a song called "Wheres the album bitch" as promotion an ironic kind of song about fans always commenting stuff like that to her and how she does what she wants.
  7. She married one of the Jonas brothers and im sure Lana went to see them about a month ago or recently anyway?
  8. Barry

    Tame Impala

    He produced this song, one of my favourites from last year does he/they have other similar sounding songs?
  9. She will probably post about it, then make another post after saying NFR coming soon then sit back like without every making it clear if it is or not.
  10. Because we have been left in the dark for so long to wonder and speculate people are being driven to madness. You do have to wonder why she isn't just keeping us updated, even vague updates would have done like in January saying "the album isn't coming any time soon but it will come out this year" would have calmed things and let us know we had quite a while to wait. Not hearing nothing just leaves us thinking what is happening and then it just gets annoying. Has she actually said it's 13 songs or anything?
  11. Depressed failing stoner college girls can still be pretty though
  12. She probably won't even tell us anything when the song comes out, we'll still be wondering then what it's for lol
  13. Same, as long as it's officially released and available to stream im happy. I would even prefer it not to be on the album since I want the album to have more new songs on it and if this is on it we've probably already heard half or more of the album. I also didnt plan on listening to any of the albums songs again until the album but the wait has been too long theres no way im avoiding this
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QexOuH8GS-Y
  15. How many times has she went to it? maybe it's boring
  16. Thats how bad it's got. Last week Jon Snow was surrounded after chasing the Night King by about 100 of the dead or more and they didn't do anything to him, it cut away and then went back and he was fighting a couple of them while others just stood around. After that I think, the Dragon was trying to kill him, a Dragon which used its fire??? to blow down whole walls of the castle couldnt get Jon from 20ft away because he hid behing a big rock lol So about 20 boats shooting at dragons and only hitting one then after killing it not even trying to hit the other which is right there still is just what has become normal now. Last week they were completely outnumbered, remember everyone the dead had at the start came back to "life" plus thousands of the people they had killed like the whole army who rand towards them at the start and yet they didnt really do any damage after that. It's shameful how they now have Daenerys and like 100 people standing about 200 meters outside the Castle and them not all being slaughtered in 30 seconds. Either have them standing about 1 mile away or don't even make a scene like that as they should all have been killed never mind them surviving and escaping the boats before it. Even the way they planned the battle last week, the characters they built up were much smarter than what they did that it just seems stupid. They better not ruin it further by having Bran help them see things next week as that would just add more inconsistency as he did nothing this week or last week to help anyone. Even the scene of Arya killing the guy last week was badly done, the way she jumped at that height out of nowhere over that distance was just really unrealistic unless she can fly.
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