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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Some people dont like full on therapy though, im pretty sure Lana said she went to a therapist once and didn't like it. "I saw a therapist -- three times. But I’m really most comfortable sitting in that chair in the studio, writing or singing."
  2. https://churchome.org/calendar/event/5596 LA Baptism Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Join us on September 25th after our gathering as we baptize members of our LA community. If you would like to be baptized, click the link to sign up. Someone should go on that date, might be a chance of seeing Lana getting baptized
  3. I agree, im not into Chruch or God at all and I think this Churchome is nothing but a scam people have done to get rich and they probably don't care much about Charity or other people but some people are into God and praying and going to Church and they do it probably as they just like to and think it helps them through problems.
  4. It seems like she has never actually went to Hillsong though, that and Churchome are two different things with different people who started them. Churchome doesn't have any controversy I don't think although they probably do believe similar stuff if it's all Bible type things.
  5. She's minding her own business though, she's never spoke about the church or said people should go or how great it is(we wouldn't even know unless people werent there taking photos). It could be personal stuff like help with mental health, addiction, could be family problems or someone she knows with an illness or someone could have died.
  6. I feel bad for her, there must be some reason she has started going to church and then she gets abuse and drama about it.
  7. Makes sense to me, Boarding School must be terrible. To be sent away from your family and friends to live at a school, couldn't think of a worse nightmare.
  8. Is this news... https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/1131855739717181445 https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey/status/1131854387242885120 Same, I thought it was going to mention something
  9. We believe that all the money that comes into the church belongs to God. Tithes, oerings, gifts and other donations, as well as income from tuition and otherministry activities are all given to us in trust. As churchleaders we are accountable to God and to the people who have given to the church to be excellent fiduciaries of God’s money. All oerings and donations given for adesignated purpose or project are used 100% for that purpose or project. "It's Gods money we are just accepting it and using it for him thats why we pay ourselves 5x what we give to charity" I wonder how they would explain why they opened their 2nd location in Beverly Hills despite them being from Seattle and then fly in weekly to hold services there. "God spoke to us and said there is a lot of money there and celebrities are gullible".
  10. It's crazy she goes to that church, which is so obviously just a business those people set up to get rich and to be fair to them they are smart and have done it well. They are rolling in tax free money and will only likely get bigger and bigger due to celebrity links. https://s3.amazonaws.com/churchome/Churchome_AnnualReport17-18-web.pdf?mtime=20190130143640 A Church with only 5 locations which only hold one service per week, most of which only have 2 ministers paid it's personel $9.3million last year and $8.5million the year before.
  11. Everytime by Britney Spears I remember it being one of the first kind of sad/depressing songs I knew as a kid and I always liked it and remember watching the video of it all the time on TV. It might even have been the first kind of sad song I ever liked and since have always preferred that type of music. Next letter: L
  12. I like to listen to albums in full especially ones with a vibe like Lana's past ones before LFL and it seems like this is going to be more like them but by the time we get it we'll probably know too may of the songs that it won't be as exciting as it could have been if it came out 2/3 months ago. Like if it had 13 songs and we only ever heard VB and MAC and maybe snippets of one song like Cinnamon, then we would have 10 fully new songs and the excitement to hear the full Cinnamon but we know VB, MAC, HIAFFJFJFGHL and HTD, HIAB, Cinnamon maybe even another one probably half the album.
  13. I remember an interview from like 2 years ago around LFL time where she said her dad tried to teach her piano and her uncle tried to teach her guitar but she had no talent lol
  14. It was weird as fuck, the actors themselves didnt look like they were taking it serious. That scene near the end of them sitting round the table looked like something out of a bad comedy.
  15. It's her letting us know NFR isn't coming any more soon and to stop mentioning it
  16. I was recommended a video from this channel about 2 months ago and since then have watched most of the videos. Really interesting and unusual, he is English but speaks Russian and a little Indian and he mostly makes videos around ex-Soviet countries and India where he travels to random small towns and places people never go to and meets and speaks to local people. This is his most recent video from 2 days ago where he meets an old guy on the road and goes to his house with him... These are ones where he meets a guy and his mother and then the follow up where he goes back with things for them a couple of months later These are some other good ones
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