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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Surprise releases are better when you dont even know about the album though, if they were doing that they probably would never have confirmed an album and just left us wondering if something was going to happen - that would have been great.
  2. Honeymoon never really had any Radio type songs so it's not like they've not released an album like that before. Love and LFL I felt were songs made for radio though so maybe they now want a couple of songs like that for every album as they're pretty successful songs - I heard them on the radio once or twice each and on Spotify they are the top 2 songs off that album by a distance, they have more than double the plays of any other LFL song.
  3. It does make you think what those rich LA types who don't really have jobs talk about when they are together on a plane for like 5 hours, must all be about celebrity gossip, shopping, new yoga and spiritual events, therapists and people they've met and fancy coffee places. Like living in a reality show.
  4. I hope they are good friends of hers and it works out well but if it doesn't and they are people just using her for "clout" and will eventually fall out with her or do something bad like steal or sell stories about her then we may get more sad and melanchoy music like Ultraviolence and Honeymoon so
  5. Jen might be taking the place of Stella, where she might work for Lana then I think. Be interesting to see if she goes to all her performances with her and if she does she's probably doing the job Stella used to do which is probably the person who organises stuff for her and makes all the phone calls organises transport and whatever an assistant person does when a singer is performing or touring. I noticed when she was never seen with Stella again, that guy Andrei seemed to replace her on her tour as he went to them all and he also worked for Guns N Roses before as a tour director so he'd done that job before.
  6. Lana walks on to stage "Hi guys, before I start i'd just like to make an announcement.... (crowd makes excited cheers), it's about my upcoming album.... (crowd get louder) it's been delayed and I don't know when it will be coming out" Fans
  7. Im still excited tbh, I will be buying it and listening to it asap when it comes out and having it on repeat. I am hating this waiting though.
  8. I was looking through Dolly Parton song lyrics and randomly clicked on that one and when I was reading it I thought it sounded like it could have been an old Lana song and I imagined it being sung/rapped like Lana would then I listened to the song and it's nothing like what I imagined it
  9. Not NFR related but would people think there were Lana lyrics... I'm sixteen burstin' at the seams I'm back in my teens Caution to the wind, yeah You love me and what could be More rejuvenating, I am young again I'm sixteen, I'm sixteen Loving you's a dream And life is a breeze Kickin' up my heels Haven't had such thrills Since I was sixteen cruisin' round the Tasty Freeze It goes to show you're never old Unless you choose to be And I will be sixteen forever Just as long as you love me Baby, we can go to the drive-in show Drinking Cherry Coke and Concession Trees And maybe kiss and hug Doing all that stuff Always leading up To that old back seat I'm sixteen, yeah I'm sixteen, yeah We're in love Oh, happy days You and me, we are wild and free We'll go steady until your daddy takes the T-bird away It goes to show you're never old Unless you choose to be And I will be sixteen forever Just as long as you love me Watch me You and I take a little dive In the mill pond after midnight in our birthday suit Makin' sweet, sweet love Meet the stars above Sneakin' back in through the window 'Fore the clock strikes two, yeah I'm sixteen, burstin' at the seams I'm back in my jeans And I feel no pain Kickin' up my heels Haven't had such thrills Since drivin' my old Chevy down Lovers' Lane
  10. Us waiting for the album that isnt anywhere in sight
  11. I stopped listening to MAC and VB 2 months ago, didn't listen to the IYC snippet and I havent listened to the Cinnamon one probably since around Christmas, HIADT I did listen to about 20 times but probably only once in the last 2 or 3 weeks. I like to listen to albums in full and if I was still listening to those 3 songs that are probably on the album I would be wanting to skip them too much to enjy the whole album so im avoiding everything until then possibly even any more songs that come out before it. I also didn't listen to the 2 "country" songs yet, im waiting until she announces the album to listen to them
  12. Going to Jonas brothers concerts and idolising Ariana Grande, Lana is officially 15 again.
  13. Barry

    Ava Max

    It reminds me of Lady Gaga from 10 years ago but the lyrics and music are more simple sounding.
  14. I think she does tease things a little too much, like snippets of songs and singles before an album I always feel are a bit too much and give away too many songs especially when some songs come out far in advance like VB and MAC.. Same with the poetry, I would prefer her waiting and then teasing 1 poem as she announces when the book is coming out that leaves you wondering if they are all going to be like that or what her style is. Releasing a poem, then another, then another and giving away a lot what her style is but still giving no news on when it's happening - I think it ends up with too much stuff given away and making people impatient waiting.
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