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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Yeah, Barrie-James O'Neill said she never actually broke up with him. He was in London and got a text from his cousin saying sorry they broke up and he never knew then googled and seen online how she mentioned in an interview they were finished and he was expecting her to join him in London in a few days
  2. Yeah, I noticed that. Makes me think what happens is Lana too weird that people then stop hanging out with her after a while or is it Lana who calls off the friendships.
  3. Yeah, I was more meaning the type of people who Lana probably knows there who go to all the celebrity charity events to rub shoulders with people they want to know and work with, go to the private gym's and member only things etc not regular people in areas the rich people have probably never been in. My childhood best friend from where im from is in prison, for quite a long time and has been in and out of prison for a few years and his uncle is a multi millionaire actor who lives in Malibu who never became like that until he was older and was close to his family but yet has left his family from my area behind now, his sister who is my friends mum literally lives in the most notorious street in her area in I dont know what americans call is but in the UK we call it council housing and yet he probably has numerous cars worth more than it would cost to get her a nice home.
  4. The people also, land of the rich, home of the fake. A lot of people who want to be famous, actors and comedians especially who act how they think they need to act to be liked and get parts. A lot of kids of rich parents who don't do anything and want to be friends of celebrities and a lot of rich celebrities and actors who are also putting on fake personalities all patting each other on the back at how great they are.
  5. I could die happy after hearing them on a song together
  6. Barry

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    She should do something nice for him, like release an album
  7. The more I read it the more I like it. The sun and moon part reminds me of this Tupac poem... Your ways R similar 2 the rays of the sun Warm 2 many but 2 strong 4 some The more u R needed the brighter u shine Watched 4 2 long and your brilliance will blind The eyes of mortal men who threaten u with Doom They regret 2 c u set but it is time 4 the moon
  8. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    She actually mentioned eating that before "penne ala vodka" I dont know how I remember that but I know i've read it.
  9. Probably my favourite unreleased song :defeated: :defeated:
  10. I typed his name into twitter and theres only a few mentions of him, mostly random pictures of him at parties or events but also this one... Him and Shannon Leto, brother of Jared both of whom Lana knows. He's in that also top right also >>> so at least he is educated to some level
  11. I disagree and don't think we should make words bad or untouchable like that.
  12. I just don't see it at all, black will always mean depressing or gloomy or scary and whatever in art. I wouldnt say black and white is bad and good either, white doesnt really have any meaning green is good or calm, red is angry or warm, blue is sad or cold etc It's just how it is. We can't get too carried away about things that don't even mean anything, like Amy Winehouse Back to Black are people going to start saying its racist and is about her not getting the guy she wanted so settling for a black guy.
  13. I'd love a surprise release but I don't think she would as Lana sells a lot of physical albums and once they are making the albums people will likely find out and the cover would be leaked etc. Unless it was released and then the albums went on sale at that time to be pre-ordered but that would be quite messy.
  14. She is talking about herself and she does use black all the time to convey a sad mood. Sylvia in the poem Daddy actually says "black man" but we know she isn't actually talking about a black guy either. I never once thought she was talking about anyone other than herself in the song and she is the black narcissist.
  15. She uses black in other songs though "the blackest day", "black beauty", "black beaches", "out of the black into the blue", "black palm trees", "my black fires burning bright", "you turn my mood from black to blue" and black is whats used by Sylvia Plath in the Poem Daddy which likely has something to do with this song - "The black telephone’s off at the root", "You do not do, you do not do, Any more, black shoe, In which I have lived like a foot", "So black no sky could squeak through", "You stand at the blackboard, daddy," and "Any less the black man who, Bit my pretty red heart in two."
  16. This is what i'd guess is the meaning of the song HIADTFAWLMTHBIHI.... I was reading Slim Aarons and I got to thinking that I thought Maybe I'd get less stressed if I was tested less like All of these debutantes Smiling for miles in pink dresses and high heels on white yachts But I'm not, baby, I'm not No, I'm not, that, I'm not A debutante was young girls in the UK of rich parents who would be taken to Harrods and paraded around for rich guys to see, they were kind of famous and would go to Buckingham Palace and meet the Royal family etc where rich guys would pick them out to be their girlfriends. Lana could also just mean young celebrities possibly people she thinks are dumb and just happy to get fame and money and go around partying on yachts but she isn't happy just being like that(like other celebrities?). I've been tearing around in my fucking nightgown 24/7 Sylvia Plath Writing in blood on the walls 'Cause the ink in my pen don't work in my notepad Don't ask if I'm happy, you know that I'm not But at best, I can say I'm not sad 'Cause hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have Here I think she is probably saying she suffers with depression. She is being driven crazy by it as she maybe doesnt understand it and is not happy or sad but numb and hope is dangerous because she may have felt like this for a while and it's not gone away but she hopes it will although the first part of the song seems it's more love related. I had fifteen-year dances Church basement romances, yeah, I've cried Spilling my guts with the Bowery bums Is the only love I've ever known Except for the stage, which I also call home, when I'm not Servin' up God in a burnt coffee pot for the Triad Hello, it's the most famous woman you know on the iPad Calling from beyond the grave, I just wanna say, "Hi, Dad" Here I think she is saying she's had many relatioships but was possibly never really happy as she mentions that the only love she ever knew was with bowery bums(speaking to average/poor people in bars/streets?). Then I think she means her home, the studio and the stage are her 3 homes or where she feels comfortable or safe and then that last part she it could be hinting she has committed suicide and the meaning of that is she has been distanced from her family(her dad only knows her as a famous person he sees on an ipad). I've been tearing up town in my fucking white gown Like a goddamn near sociopath Shaking my ass is the only thing that's Got this black narcissist off my back She couldn't care less, and I never cared more So there's no more to say about that Except hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman with my past Again mentioning she is going crazy, I think the black narcissist could be depression holding her down(on her back) and keeping busy(shaking her ass) is how she deals with it but it could also be like a self destructive part of her personality as I think when she says she couldn't care less but i've never cared more are both her descrbing herself. Like one part of her has given up but the other part she still has hope of things getting better. There's a new revolution, a loud evolution that I saw Born of confusion and quiet collusion of which mostly I've known A modern day woman with a weak constitution, 'cause I've got Monsters still under my bed that I could never fight off A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my nights off This part I think she is saying she sees other things happening, possibly the womens marches and anti-Trump things(she spoke about them before) she supports people standing up against things that maybe gives her hope with her own struggles and is inspiring to her but she thinks she is still weak and struggling - the song is kind of poem like I think above when she says "Except for the stage, which I also call home, when I'm not" and then in this part when she says "A modern day woman with a weak constitution, 'cause I've got" she is saying "when im not home" and then "cause i've got a weak constitution". The last two lines are her admitting to have problems she still hasn't dealt with and she is possibly setting herself back or sabotaging herself on purpose. "Carelessly dropping the keys on her nights off" may mean when she is not working(nights off) or busy thats when the problems resurface(she drops the keys). I've been tearing around in my fucking nightgown 24/7 Sylvia Plath Writing in blood on your walls 'Cause the ink in my pen don't look good in my pad They write that I'm happy, they know that I'm not But at best, you can see I'm not sad But hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have But I have it Yeah, I have it Yeah, I have it I have Then the song ends that she still has hope about whatever the problem is will eventually work out.
  17. She never gives any details away about any of her songs though, I think she lets people make of them what they want even if to her there is a real meaning to it. Sylvia is mentioned in the song, the "hi dad" lyric. I'd definitely say it has something to do with that poem and in the song she is calling herself or part of her personality or a disorder or whatever the black narcissist, shaking my ass probably meaning just keeping busy and not dwelling on it is how she copes.
  18. The song is probably based on the Sylvia Plath poem Daddy and kind of makes sense if you read that poem a few times. In that poem Sylvia uses black a few times to describe things like black shoe, black telephone.
  19. I listened to Offset and Gunna but not Lil Pump since I didnt like the singles and couldnt be bothered yet. Offset I thought was better than Quavo and Takeoff but the only song I liked was the last one and probably wouldnt listen to any of the others again. Gunna and Lil Baby I like together, I also like Lil Baby solo but I don't like Gunna that much on his own as I prefer Young Thug and Lil Baby who do that similar style better for me - it wasn't bad but I didnt like any of the songs too much to listen to them again. Im not sure what other albums are coming out soon but I will listen to Bilie Eilish and probably Marina. I feel like there haven't been much albums this year as last year, last year I probably listened to 55-60 albums but this year so far i've only listened to Future, Offset and Gunna's.
  20. It's a kind of country music style thing to name things like that and blue jeans, red shirt, white car, dark sky, cold night, little tree, short skirt, nice garden, city streets, old house, black cat, uncle joe, bright lights, hot sun etc. She always uses those type of lyrics, probably why she stands out as different to most other people.
  21. Barry

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