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Everything posted by Barry

  1. I actually never even knew they existed until she went last week or whenever it was, where do they livestream on youtube?
  2. Someone should go next week and find out what they are doing then we at least know whats happening there or is it celebrity/rich people only?
  3. Barry

    Lil Peep

    I liked it, not usually his type of sound but a nice radio type song.
  4. Barry

    Billie Eilish

    The beating up the gay guy wasn't anything to do with the guy being gay theres also not a video of it, it was his cell mate in Juvenile prison but it was because the guy was annoyng him and trying to scare him and intimidate him. People have the wrong opinion of that one. He did seem to get very aggressive and be quick to snap, him beating up his girlfriend is indefensible, im not sure why that happened but again people do think he attacked her with weapons and stuff when he never. He was flawed obviously but from watching him and hearing ther speaking about him and his upbringing, I do feel bad for him. His mum was young when she had him 16 I think and she never really took care of him at any point, he was moved around family members and even his mums friends - hes never really spoke about why thought but i'd guess she had a drug problem and he didn't know his dad. He always treated his mum well though even though he knew she never really cared for him and it seemed he wanted a good relationship with her but she didnt bother. He once stabbed one of his mums boyfriends when they were attacking her when he was 7 I think. I think they way you see him intercting with people on video is very geniune, he always goes into depth with people and doesnt just brush over them and move on like when you see him speaking to kids he asks their name, where they're from, what they do, what they want to do and actually speaks with them. When he's helping people also or gifting people things you can tell also the way he speaks he wants to help them more and give more and doesn't think he's done enough. Had he lived I think he would have gone on to change opinion on himself and help a lot of people but we'll never know.
  5. Barry

    Billie Eilish

    He actually seemed a really nice person though in general, someone who is a great friend to people so everyone that knew him probably loved him a lot as he was one of those open people who always want to help you and give you advice. It's not like they barely knew him or only spoke to him one time and he seemed nice he seemed like he was a very full on person who always kept in contact. From watching many videos on him since he died he pretty much contacted everyone and spoke to them all the time and always was very encouraging to people and letting them know he was watching them and seen their progress and telling them how well they were doing and asking did they need any help or advice on anything. So to most people that knew him he was probably one of their best friends or most trusted people, he seemed to actually get to know and care about people rather than the surface level most "celebrties" probably communicate at. A lot of people had spent hours talking to him over the phone or dm'ing all the time but had never met them in person. If you watched a few videos you'd probably have a better understanding of his personality and see why many people really liked him like Billie.
  6. Barry

    Billie Eilish

    She didnt support him, she actually knew him personally.
  7. We've heard more songs from the album than we have heard information about it.
  8. Would be great, im really looking forward to this movie. Once Upon A Time In America is probably the best movie i've ever seen and I know Tarantino is a big fan of it so it makes me wonder if it'll be made in a similar style given he's really named it after the Sergio Leone movies.
  9. Barry

    Billie Eilish

    I like her, looking forward to the album.
  10. I think she does write all her own songs, all the lyrics. I remember reading before that she wrote all the lyrics of Born to Die the album apart from 1 line in one song. Rick Nowels also says... "Our process has not changed over the years. Lana always comes in with a concept and often, a melody and lyrics on her iPhone. I listen to it acapella, find the exact key she’s singing in and start to create a chord progression around it. We start playing together and define the exact chords and melody. Then she finishes the lyrics. I’m always knocked out by how incredible her lyrics are and how effortlessly she seems to write them." "Lana is a prolific songwriter. I see every new song as the next Lana Del Rey song. I’m honored to be the first person to hear many of them in their early form and one that she trusts to help construct them. There’s no other thought than to write the best song we can and then to capture it in a recording. For me, it’s song by song, and because she’s so prolific we have a wealth of really strong songs. The big picture emerges and I know she’s always thinking about it." She also wrote 2 songs we know of in a couple of hours, Pretty When You Cry was made randomly and so was Change I think both from start to finish and recorded and produced in the same day.
  11. I've wondered as well if parts of Heroin are about her Malibu house and people turning up there and stuff. Part of the lyrics say "its hot even for February" making it seem like the song or that part was recorded in February, possibly February 2016 shortly after people had been breaking into her Malibu house in November/December 2015, one guy was actually living in the house and in January 2016 was at court for it. As some of the lyrics fit in to that "jumping off from my walls into the docks" as the house is on the beach where someone could actually do that to get out her house and it may be what that guy who was living in it did as he did escape and was caught later. "Writing in blood on my walls"(people breaking in to her house like Manson?), talk of Manson, she mentions Topanga in the song though rather than Malibu but it's right next to it and Topanga fits in with Manson as he lived there. "all my friends have gone cause they still feel him here" (possibly her family or people she lived with didnt want to stay there anymore?) She also says in it "I want to move i'll probably stay another year" and she did sell the house in September 2017 I think it was. The just the "something bout the weather made these kids go crazy" (stalker fans turning up to her house, stealing her cars, sleeping outside, breaking in all in a short period of time). Im pretty sure also she mentioned that she had a song Malibu that was very personal to her or something, makes me think parts of it could have been merged into Heroin. "Bad beginning to my new year" could also fit in with January 2016. On the 7th of January was the court case where 2 Russian girls got restraining orders after sleeping outside her house and threatening her to let them in or they'd kill themselves and on the 11th of January was the court case of the guy who had broke in and was living in the house, he was given 84 days in jail.
  12. Maybe but when I first started following her on social media and stuff she was really only ever seen with Stella and Chuck for years and before then it was usually only that Jaime King girl, all the pictures of her out were really just of usually just one of them with her or her alone. It's only really since like 2017 where you started to see her with different people a lot and now she seems to be with groups of girls regularly. Seems like once she got those dancer girls and became friends with the ex? girlfriend of Alex Turner she met more people and now has a bigger group of people to hang out with. But I guess we don't really know.
  13. She actually seems to hang around with a lot of people often now, before like a year or two or longer ago she didnt seem to do anything so she probably spent too much time overthinking the songs and albums - so hopefully that doesn't happen any more now.
  14. Legendary, I can't believe I totally missed the era and never even heard the songs until probably 1 year or longer after it came out.
  15. She needs to write an autobiography, even if its in 30 years.
  16. I think this is the best hip-hop song ever made, beat so good, so catchy, rapping incredible, decent lyrics
  17. Barry

    2019 Update

    I think it would be good to update it, people will get used to the new look and feel quite quick anyway and I thought that other website looked good. I think the mobile version would be good also as a lot of people use mobile but im not sure about the App, I dont feel many people would use an app if it costs to much to make one also Lana could at some point take a hiatus and then this site could be very quiet so you probably don't want to put too much money in when things are ok as they are. I never thought about the costs before so I disabled adblock on here and will click on ads and stuff occasionally just to help out. You should also advertise the donate place, I have never seen anywhere to donate and I just looked around for somewhere to donate and I cant see it?
  18. She probably is, the founder of the Chruch was a window cleaner who now has a net worth of over $50million and has also written a book called "You Need More Money"
  19. A church set up in 1983, fuckinghell. I don't know how people end up into things like this.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaDHXsjSJWg
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