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Everything posted by Barry

  1. 1. Once Upon A Time In America 2. City of God 3. The Godfather 4. Oldboy I would have those as my top 4 for the quality of them, especially Once Upon A Time In America is a masterpiece to me - I couldnt believe it when I first watched it. Then just my other favourites Lost In Translation Schindlers List Scarface The Breakfast Club Finding Nemo Toy Story Titanic Taken True Grit Goodfellas Casino Good Will Hunting Gladiator The Machinist The Prestige Planet of the Apes (1968) Other ones I like but never made the top 20 Stand By Me, Black Swan, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Leon: The Professional, Collateral, Memento, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Matrix, Nightcrawler, Drive, Oceans Eleven, Into The Wild, Wall-E, The Mexican, Blow, Fight Club, The Town.
  2. Adele is like that also I think, im sure I seen something recently that she hasn't performed in something like 2 years, she is also never seen nor heard of.
  3. Meek Mill Tidal also faked the numbers on his new album as well and very obviously, spotify usually make up about 33% of an albums streams and in his first week he only did 50.8million streams on Spotify, so from that you'd roughly expect 152million song streams or about 89K sales from streaming (bearing in mind this is worldwide numbers) but he supposedly did 174K streams in the USA alone....
  4. It seems like it's an album meant to be listened to in full to get the whole feel and meaning of the songs. So I just want the album, im not bothered about more singles. Plus we've heard to much songs already, I want there to be more new and fresh songs on it.
  5. Hard to say really we all read into them different. For me those songs all point towards her wanting the guy(s) back, not that she has moved on from them. HIADT starts off with her basically talking about how she can't be a normal famous person as thats not her, then the part about being a famous woman on the iPad to me points towards the more disconnected she becomes she may eventually just be another famous person on an iPad even to her own dad. She is directly speaking to her dad at that part and saying how she is "the most famous person you know on the iPad" like thats only how he sees her now. She also mentioned how the only love she ever knew was with bowery bums - basically normal people. I think that song is for sure about being famous and how it's bad for her and she doesn't like it but part of her has given up hope. Venice Bitch also to me is about a guy she was already with, "you write I tour", how would she just describe him as a writer if it's an as yet unknown future guy. "We're getting high now, because we're older" points to them having been together when younger. "Miss you on my lips". She also said she was the Venice Bitch of the guy in MAC and said MAC was about an ex-boyfriend who thought she was as sad as him and thats why they were good together so it was a real guy.
  6. I know I took it too far but im just wondering her meaning of these songs and wondering how this album will come together. I feel like since BTD which was like part life mixed with fantasy and artistic stylesonngs the albums since have been more real and personal so this will likely be the same.
  7. True but she may be now thinking thats why she is unable to find a boyfriend or happiness and isn't close to her goal of wanting a family because she works too much. MAC is about her an an ex and how they broke up but it seems like it was like a misunderstanding and she wants him back. Venice Bitch follows on from MAC and is saying how he should come over and they can live together now they're older. HTD is her saying how she/people disappeared from them/her but it seems she is now together with the guy and they have a kid and cats and she is going to be there for him. HIAB also seems to be about a guy who she wants to be with but he seems to be avoiding her. Cinnamon also about a guy she wants to be with who it seems tried to push her away and she still wants him back but will just let him live. HIADTFHFHFJKGKGK to me seems like a struggle between her being famous but unhappy at living like that and she possiby wants to be more normal and is being driven crazy and the song is like split between her speaking as her normal self and the big celebrity. Her normal self isnt happy and only likes some things about being famous like being on stage but as a famous person she has possibly become depressed and given up hope "shes never cared less and i've never cared more", her pen wont work in her notepad any more and she is now writing in blood on walls - possibly being driven crazy that writing new songs which she enjoys only fuels the fame that she doesnt enjoy? but her normal self still hopes it works out how she wants and she still has hope. To me the songs point toward her main thoughts now are at having a settled life with a boyfriend/family and she is older and wiser and ready now but seems worried it might not happen and her being famous seems to partly be a reason. Which is why I could see her taking a step back from music if these songs are her true thoughts.
  8. I do think she will take a long break after this album, she'll be 34 and if she really wants a partner and kids - which it does sound like in these new NFR songs then its a good time to stop doing anything music related at all and take a couple of years to live. Her albums do seem to tie in with her thoughts and experiences at the time and are quite personal and the songs so far from this album are mostly about wanting old boyfriends back, looking forward to life iving with someone and having kids and cats, also mentions of not being happy and trying to find happiness but it not happening yet. She even has How To Disappear as a song on the album
  9. I think Chuck doing a lot of photography and videos now is because Lana actually never liked doing it and now she just uses her sister for comfort and not needing to work with other people. She's mentioned a lot of times how she doesnt like to be filmed etc Same as the dancers she has on stage it seems no-one likes. I think she has them there for comfort also as she was usually nervous on stage and having them there is probably to help her - it gives her people to interact with on stage and she probably feels they are a distraction to people as well.
  10. Barry

    The Weeknd

    I only listned to it one time but I didnt really like it.
  11. I think lead singles are meant to be attempts at radio play and publicity as part of the promotion for the album? but Lana has never really made those type of songs anyway. Love and LFL I think were those type of songs and they did pretty well. Fan songs i'd say is they know these songs aren't going to be massively popular and to attract new people or something.
  12. Do we think NFR might be her most cohesive and storyline like album so far? I could imagine it starting out with a sad song or two maybe Cinnamon after them, then into HIADTFAWLMTHBIHI and another song near the middle. So it would start off sad, then go into HIADTFMTHBIHI which i'd say is like a kind of mental battle and possibly after that an even more weird/crazy song where it's like she has a breakdown - possibly NFR? then it goes from there to end on HTD, MAC and Venice Bitch which are more nostalgic but also looking towards the future. Happinness is a Butterfly either near the start if it's more of a sad/giving up hope of finding happiness type song or at the end if it's a more hopeful song. Im probably thinking too much about it though and it won't be anything like this
  13. I cant wait for this album after just listening to the new song there :defeated: :defeated:
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