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Everything posted by Barry

  1. This is me chilling waiting for new songs and news of the official album release date :excited: :excited:
  2. They are starting to confuse me as theres so many of them now. HTD I always read as "How to Die" and then I forget what its actully called. Same with this new one, I read it as "Happiness is a die" at the start and now i've completely forgot what it actually is
  3. I wonder if management tell her not to do it, like how she sings Amy and Whitney in the song but never included it in the actual song. They could see it as insensitive or distasteful or something to name things after people who died young or committed suicide or whatever and think it would bring about questions and negative publicity.
  4. I hope it's something like that, it would be an oppertunity missed to just have a normal photo. Like she could re-create that as a painting of her sittiing like that and the book could be a picure of Marilyn Monroe and the things laying around could be Lana themed stuff, like a red dress on the floor and whatever stuff she has mentioned in songs before.
  5. Lana's managers when they catch her trying to change all the song titles
  6. We're jumping to conclusions more based on multiple past incredible albums
  7. 1. How did you discover Lana? When and What Era? A picture of her on a soccer forum in a t-shirt from the team, I didnt know of her and googled her and I think it was 2012 or 2013, probably 2013. 2. First song(s)? I think they were Video Games, Born To Die and Afraid, Radio and Without You, on youtube I listened to them a lot after adding them to a music playlist I had. 3.what did you think? I liked her 4. Your favourite song(s)? I like pretty much all her songs 5. Least favourite song(s)? Theres only about 5-10 songs I dont like or listen to that I have heard. 6. What song(s) "grew" on you? Most of Honeymoon's songs 7. Whats your favourite Lana era as of now? (May jailer, Lizzy Grant, Lana Del Rey) Lana Del Rey 8. Favourite Album(s)? All them 9. Least favourite(s) ? Probably Lust For Life 10. Favourite song preformed live? I have never seen her live and I haven't watched much live performances to say 11. First song/Album purchased/Downloaded? Honeymoon the album 12. Favourite song quote/lyric? Theres too many
  8. Another good Irish one, a Leonard Cohen version though Kevin Barry was 18 years old when he was hanged in Mountjoy Jail on November 1st 1920. His death at such a young age is possibly the most poignant in recent Irish history. He was born in 1902 in Dublin and grew up both in the capital and in County Carlow. He enrolled in Belvedere College in 1916 and joined the Irish Volunteers, a nationalist organisation. In 1919 he enrolled in Dublin University to study medicine. The Michael Collins led War of Independence was developing and Barry, as Section Commander, played his part in various raids around Dublin city. On September 20th 1920 he took part in one such raid that went badly wrong. A street gun battle ensued and three British soldiers were killed. This was very significant in that these were the first British soldier deaths in Ireland since the 1916 Easter Rising led by Pearse and Connolly. Barry hid under a truck as the British searched for him but was discovered when a passer-by, concerned for his safety underneath the huge vehicle, inadvertently warned the soldiers of his whereabouts. Reports of his torture in Mountjoy Jail soon circulated but Barry refused to name his comrades. He was given a death sentence but it was widely believed that this sentence would be commuted, and that the British authorities would not dare to execute an eighteen year-old. As the deadline approached it became clear that Kevin Barry would be executed. A planned rescue by Michael Collins came to nothing when reinforcements from Dublin Castle were ordered to the prison because of the large crowds that had gathered outside. It was reported that Barry had requested to be shot by firing squad rather than hanged, which he viewed as a death not befitting a soldier. The hangman, Ellis, had to be brought into the country from England, as no-one in Ireland could be found for the job. The calmness and bravery the young Barry showed in the hours leading up to his execution has become the stuff of legends. Despite protestations from clerics and politicians alike he was hanged in Mountjoy Jail on November 1st, 1920.
  9. There are a lot of good Irish ones, this is possibly the best though About https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_McDonnell_(hunger_striker)
  10. Its different from the U2 song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFGgbT_VasI
  11. Once Upon A Time In America City of God The Godfather Dog Day Afternoon Schindlers List Good Will Hunting Lost In Translation The Prestige The Machinist Scarface Casino Goodfellas True Grit Finding Nemo Toy Story Taken The Town Stand By Me The Breakfast Club Back To The Future
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAZ6SagAoeM
  13. I haven't listened to them yet but the title of that one song made me think right away of the Patsy Cline song Crazy, "Crazy For Feeling So Lonely", Patsy Cline is also classed as country I think yet nowadays she probably wouldn't be as it's a more old and simple sound compared to what people think of Country now.
  14. Have you tried "Youtube Music" https://music.youtube.com/ it's like Spotify and Youtube combined where you can watch videos for some and just the songs for the others.
  15. You should try the spotify desktop website https://open.spotify.com/browse/featured It's free and easy to use and only takes like 1 minute to register an account, you can listen to anything, skip as many songs as you want and create as many playlists as you want and whatever. Theres not many ads either, they mostly only play like two 15/30 second ones back to back every like 30 minutes. I used to listen to a lot of music on youtube as well and spotify is much neater and quicker to use and you can search other songs while ones play and stuff that you cant on youtube without opening a new tab.
  16. Some people have like a phobia of Country music for some reason, I think a lot of it can be good although I dont listen to it much. Like these songs
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