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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Her releases are so messy and long. I would have preferred to have heard nothing up to now and not even heard she was bringing out a new album then the album to be dropped as a shock one day. Or a little build up like if she had released those songs and sippets and then the album was coming out this week or next week or any time soon would have been good timing. But 2 songs in like a week, then lots of little bits of other songs and then just waiting for months just annoys you. Also on places like this people talk about the songs so much and then it just dies after a while so there becomes nothing to talk about even though you are excited and waiting
  2. Barry

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Im in Scotland and have heard it on the radio a few times
  3. I think it's a big misunderstanding, I dont think Baddisease or anyone is really that serious when they say they want people to collab with Lana, Baddisease is maybe just annoyed that they like this website but don't have much in common with people to talk about other artists they like when theres nothing to talk about Lana as I have felt the same.
  4. Barry

    Lil Peep

  5. Barry

    Billie Eilish

    All her songs are pretty good i'd say, similar to Lana if you like her music you will probably like almost all of it.
  6. Barry

    Instagram Updates

    Was she driving to see her old house?
  7. The two guys are standing like proud parents of their baby using an ipad for the first time
  8. The greatest video game music is GTA Vice City if it counts since its real songs...
  9. Barry

    Lil Peep

    COWYS Pt 2 is good. My favourite song was probably Fingers, I really like that and 16 Lines, Life Is Beautigul, Leanin and Sex With My Ex were my other favourites. I think some of the songs sounded a little to clean though compared to most of his songs I liked before this.
  10. You might like these songs by him https://youtu.be/q3pnzlm74EA They're more chill songs not really similar to L$D though, he doesnt really have a song similar to that. The closest song to L$D I think is 90210 by Travis Scott If you like that you should check the other Travis Scott songs Drugs You Should Try It and Maria Im Drunk
  11. She looks like a character out of a Tim Burton movie.
  12. I hope theres a TV commercial and billboards and posters, would be cool to see Lana when out and about and on TV.
  13. I have only recently got into MPG, I used to not think much of it and then for a long time never listened to it but like 3 weeks ago I added it into my Lana playlist and put it in order so it goes > Religion > Salvatore > MPG > FMWUTTT and have been listening to those 4 songs on repeat a lot. I think they lyrically don't really tell good stories or have a lot of depth or emotion or anything in them but they are really nice to listen to and have a good vibe to them and they go well together to me. I have probably listened to MPG more times in October than I did in total before
  14. It's always hard to read into her songs since you don't know if they are real or not or what parts are true and what parts were just filled in with other lyrics that just fit. The Jim part of HTD really fits Joe Schilling I think if she actually is or was dating him or even if she just knows him as a friend or possibly was even trained by him or trained with him so just knows him. Jim met me down at the training yard With cuts on his face cause he fought too hard I know he's in over his head But I love that man like nobody can He moves mountains and makes them into ground again And I watch the guys getting high As they fight for the things that they hold dear To forget the things they fear Joe and his close friends and training partners Nate and Nick Diaz are always getting high, it's actually pretty common that they get high before training and doing jiu-jitsu especially while high is very common a lot of people do that. So those lyrics actually would fit into her meeting him probably in an MMA or jiu-jitsu or kickboxing gym just to train and maybe getting trained by him and just getting to know him and his friends and maybe watching their fights. Even the little lyrics "Moves Mountains And" could be her subtly mentioning MMA. I remember seeing on here that a few other guys Joe trains with also followed Lana, it could be that she maybe told them she included this little part about them in this song?
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