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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Earlier today Israel dropped 6 one ton bombs on housing in Jabalia Refugee camp, where 120,000 people live in an area about half the size of Central Park in New York. Killing probably 100+ people https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-jabaliya-camp-scores-killed-air-strikes
  2. It's crazy how this is all over religion which some guys just made up at one point hundreds of years ago and the whole point of it when they made it up was probably so that this kind of thing wouldn't happen.
  3. I used to always watch it with my cousin when we were younger, he was probably the best character I thought
  4. It's shocking how biased the media is and TV. Like this interview
  5. Basically this... America needs a place in the area who are on their side for them to use probably for their military and to conduct business(invasions of arab countries) from. All the other countries around there don't like America and America is always invading countries in the area. The Epstein stuff probably is true also, that he worked for Israel and they have blackmail on American polticians also just to keep them in line so Israel can get away with doing whatever they want like war crimes.
  6. We drew 2-2 probably should have won as we were in the lead twice and they got a guy red carded late. This I seen went viral and it's kind of Lana themed since she sang the song before
  7. A fan group also set up a football academy in the Aida Refugee camp which they financially support so local kids can have training and a club to play for.
  8. Im going to Celtic vs Atletico Madrid tonight and we have been emailed not to bring Palestine flags basically as the club will be fined for it. Crazy how they don't want people supporting Palestine as they are scared of fines but when it was Ukraine then it was fine to support them and nobody cared. That was fans from the match on Sunday and it will probably be the same tonight only will be 60,000 fans instead of 500. The last time this happened at a Celtic match under UEFA they were fined €10,000 for "illicit banners". Then the fans raised €150,000 to donate to charities in Palestine. It's really weird and a disgrace that supporting Palestine can get you fired from work, suspended, fined and stuff. Something really creepy about it.
  9. Good points although I actually like people giving their opinion wether they are uninformed or not, then you can see what and why they think like that and then people can discuss it more with them so they find out more about it or argue with them about how they might be wrong and stuff. Things like this though signing petitions(which I think is completely stupid and pointless for anything) I don't like as you just think why have they done this and who told them to do it and what actually is their thinking on the situation. If you are signing a petition that is public then you should also at least be commenting about it publicly also so people know what you actually think.
  10. I always wonder who organises these things, like how do all these celebrities get together to sign a thing lol it just gives off creepy and weird energy to me. Like I imagine some agent calling everyone like "you need to sign this or you won't get any more work".
  11. I got one saying thanks for signing up to sparklejumprope queen then asking to verify.
  12. I prefer the Future version as you can tell it is authentic to him, if he released it it would be one of his biggest songs and it fits him. Imagine creating this hit song you probably know is going to be massive especially like 11 years ago when he was not really that popular or rich yet and then the producer sold it to Beyonce without telling him and didn't let him release it. Obviously he got a lot of money probably in the end but was still kind of stole off him. Then Beyonce and Jay-Z just re-do the song basically copying everything and just changing it around a little and don't even acknowledge you had anything to do with it. Beyonce even said this... On the song, Drunk in Love. She believes the track worked well because they just had fun. She explained: “I kind of free-styled the verse and Jay went in and started flowing out his verse. We just kinda had a party. It was so great because it wasn’t about any ego, we weren’t trying to make a hit record, we were just having fun and I think you can hear that in the record.” When she said "We weren't trying to make a hit record" it's probably the only true thing she said there as they bought the hit record
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