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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Chemtrails was rushed and recorded right after NFR (and even used some of its scraps), so we can come up with somewhat plausible excuse for some of its shortcomings. But ''I'm gonna do a cool thing or two and then quicky retreat back to my safe, old, proven formula'' approach won't cut it when it comes to this upcoming album. The specific vision/sound that she's been pushing since Born To Die was fully realized on NFR and it won't get better than that. I think (hope) she knows that too. It would certainly explain her lack of confidence in post NFR interviews. And it would also explain why Chemtrails sounds how it sounds (like a half-hearted attempt at something new, but nowhere near bold enough to truly work... because she seems afraid of alienating her fanbase). For this new album, she should take the White Dress approach and crank it up to 11. I want this to be the Blonde to Chemtrails' Endless.
  2. Hearing Lana sing so earnestly about her suburban housewife fantasy is actually quite amusing. There's absolutely nothing wrong or surprising about it. Lana is a 35 year old woman after all. It's not her fault that one portion of her ''fan'' base is still stuck in 2012 and want her to sing about boarding schools and Lolita bullshit, while the other want her to become another Dua Lipa. Those ''fans'' need to move on.
  3. Many things look great on paper, but do not work in reality. The relationship between the artist and the producer is as complicated as any other relationship. There's a reason why Jack Antonoff is so popular, especially among female artists, and it's not because of his looks or because he's the greatest producer in the game. Sometimes a ''decent'' producer, someone who's sensible and emotionally intelligent, is the best option. Jack also has great musical instincts and he's capable of doing simple tasks that so many other producers often fail at. Lana has never sounded better (so beautiful and elegant) than when with Jack Antonoff. Sometimes the most expensive, flashy production can sound very cheap. And sometimes the less is more approach can work wonders. And that's where Jack's great musical instincts come into play. He understood and produced Lana Del Rey better than any other producer, and he helped her craft an album that made noise outside of her cult fan base and brought her plenty of new fans. That's not a small thing. There's a reason why people with bad taste in music hate Jack Antonoff. He doesn't abuse reverb. He doesn't drain all the emotion and life out of Lana's voice. He doesn't make Lana sound sound cheap and distant with the caked-on production. He doesn't use terrible drum loops and shitty, melodramatic strings and synths. And I could go on and on. I don't want Lana to work with him forever, but if the choice is between Jack Antonoff and Rick Nowells (or or some other old Lana producer), it's Jack Antonoff all the way and it's not even close.
  4. Country/folk direction is great, as long as it's more alternative/progressive (with stronger and more interesting songwriting) and less contemporary. If this album turns out to be some cheesy, contemporary bore full of average torch songs, blame it on Nikki Lane. Jack is not going to be a scapegoat!
  5. It is preposterous to suggest or even hint that a 35 year old woman (10 years deep into her career) should market herself (or even throw a bone) towards teenagers for some bonus Billboard numbers. Lana's at the point in her career where she doesn't have to compromise or be afraid of alienating her fanbase. I hope she knows that. Chemtrails is performing like any other big indie release and that's perfectly fine.
  6. ''Enough of Jack Antonoff! Tired of this same old shit'' ''Also, can we get Rick Nowels back to recreate my favorite Honeymoon song?'' Signed, the average LanaBoards user
  7. It's hilarious observing ''the fans'' here and on twitter. In one breath, they want to get rid of Jack (under the fake excuse that they don't want another version of NFR). In another, they want to bring back Dan Auerbach, Rick Nowels and Emile Haynie. Those fans need to stop with the mental gymnastics and just be upfront and admit that they want Lana to be stuck in the same space musically, recreating their favorite sound, with the specific producer of that time. They don't mind hearing a specific sound over and over again, as long as it's their favorite sound. They're not fooling anyone. They're also trying to rewrite history and pretend like they didn't spent a whole year trashing NFR because it wasn't as glamorous, melodramatic and cinematic as Honeymoon or some other old album. So, once again, LET ARTISTS EVOLVE AND STOP ASKING THEM TO RECREATE YOUR FAVORITE SOUNDS!
  8. Stop asking artists to recreate something they did x years ago and let them evolve!
  9. I can guarantee y'all that the production won't be a problem. Lana sharpening her songwriting and finding new things to sing about, that's what y'all should worry about.
  10. In case you shallow, superficial fucks haven't noticed, there's a pandemic going on and most people have gained some weight.
  11. My goodness, Jack is truly invincible right now. Can't wait to hear his work on Rock Candy Sweet!
  12. The correct #1 pick. As for the rest of the list, no comment.
  13. White Dress is so ridiculous (in a good way), it completely overshadows the rest of the album. I still can't believe she managed to pack Sun Ra, The White Stripes, Kings of Leon references, and the "down at the men in music business conference" line into one song.
  14. ''Right now his fans are happy. He’s told them about being drunk and chasing girls and cars and everything, and that’s about the level they enjoy. But when he gets down to facing his own success and growing older and having to produce it again and again, they’ll turn on him'' https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/john-lennon-the-last-interview-179443/
  15. 1. Norman Fucking Rockwell 2. Chemtrails Over the Country Club 3. Lust for Life 4. Ultraviolence 5. Born to Die 6. Honeymoon
  16. Perhaps you should redirect this question to ''fans'' who have spent past 12+ months spamming threads and trashing NFR! and Jack's production over and over and over again, at any given opportunity.
  17. She needs to really sharpen her songwriting skills (that combined with something that's sonically interesting) if she wants to go country/folk route. But we all know she's too lazy and not capable of doing anything other than contemporary, watered-down trash (Hey Blue Baby).
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