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Everything posted by J.R.OMEGA

  1. J.R.OMEGA


    I've been a stan for f'ing years. I replaced Azealia with Leikeli47 as my fave NY rapper awhile ago Classic and fresh all at the same time Sucks that Leikeli47 took down her vid for Bitch Switch; that song and video were DOPE !!
  2. Was anyone aware of this news? https://www.stereogum.com/2044536/lana-del-rey-moby-lizzy-grant-relationship/news/
  3. Wow, May 20th is my B'day and it also happens to be a Monday which seems like an odd day to release a song, but at this point and with this era who the eff knows
  4. Just for the record @Eclipse, not everyone on LB is out to get you. I have a life outside of this forum and I'm only here for Queen Lana. I don't have time for petty shit, name calling and dragging people
  5. 100% agree Rusko !! I'm hoping this isn't something she's handing out from the trunk of her car. Otherwise everyone is screwed who doesn't live near her
  6. I like this dude/dudette; f'ing cracks this ginger up
  7. The site def needs a refresh/revamp (look wise). I'm not too crazy about changing a ton of things up tho, because I am so used to how the site works as is. I would gladly donate for an app or a better mobile interface since 75% of my LB use is via my mobile. Adding emoticons & gifs is practically impossible when I'm on mobile and I have to use a PC when I want to utilize those features. Love you @@Elle for everything you do (note: I used a PC to type this reply so I could use a emoticon)
  8. J.R.OMEGA

    Snoh Aalegra

    FEELS was in my top 10 albums of last year (2018). I actually didn't even know Snoh had a topic page on LanaBoards lol. She's my new obsession tbh, I'm so excited for what she has around the corner
  9. Wow some of his posts are really crazy and I'm not meaning "cool" crazy. His posts about Lana are actually scary tbh. Lana's manager follows him which is kinda weird. He's stalker crazy !!
  10. I actually thought YTH could have been a LFL track for those exact same reasons. There was a 60s & 70s vibe to the second half of that album
  11. DAMN, some peeps in this fan base need a music lesson, preferably an American music lesson. So many music genres crisscross sounds and aspects that they can tend to sometimes bleed together. Let the girl eat some damn cake if she wants to. I don't want 2012 Lana because that would be so boring and repetitious, give me something new, something different. I'm not the same dude I was when Lana came into my life; I've evolved and I want Lana to do the same. I highly doubt Lana is going to throw down some wall to wall country album, full of overtly twangy rhyming words. So far though I'm in love with EVERYTHING I've heard (songs & snippets wise) representing NFR
  12. I'm here for the evolution of LDR. There is nothing wrong with Americana and I feel like Lana is free to dabble in whatever she wants to. That sound is making a comeback lately, so it seems fitting for Lana to tap into it. Personally, I was f'ing blown away with both tracks from her performance last night. I hope both tracks will be on NFR tbh
  13. Queen of rustic https://variety-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/variety.com/2018/dirt/real-estalker/lana-del-rey-echo-park-1203036713/amp/?amp_js_v=0.1#referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s
  14. As someone with a Norman Rockwell collection, this is so f'ing on point it's sick - Props on your first attempt
  15. I'm a tad bit obsessed with Roméo Elvis tbh and I'd actually prefer him over a MGK/Lana track all day, every day.
  16. Def listening to other new music for sure; MØ, Roméo Elvis, A Star is Born OST, Elle King, Neneh Cherry, Jessie Reyez, JMSN, Tom Grennan, Seinabo Sey, Leikeli47, Degiheugi... the list goes on, but no matter how much new music I pile on my plate there is always room for new Lana music - That Queen gives me life and I want it ALL !!!
  17. The BBC plays the best music in the WORLD !! Not like radio stations in the States that replay the same 10 songs over and over and over and over and...
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