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Everything posted by SarcasticBeauty

  1. Those lyrics are great, despite the fact that the person who wrote those down doesnt know the difference between "They're, their, and there." I want this sooo badly.
  2. I still think it's weird as shit for some instrumentals (if you're not an aspiring producer or something). But we are on the internet, on a lanadelrey forum so what could I expect other than weird shit. And I'm in the minority on this situation so okay. Yall want instrumentals.I hope yall get them.
  3. I dont understand the want for instrumentals. Fuck those. Give me full songs with vocals.
  4. LOOOVE Can't Shake You. It's soo cute. lol Sounds like a 2004-2005 bop from a romantic-comedy movie.
  5. Its okay. The chorus is mediocre. But its cute.
  6. She just needs to hurry tf up. I wish she woulda released it at 12am damn. lol I'm reeeady. I'm ready to know the full extent on what her and gingerbread are fighting about. Or at least why they should fight. "Your crumbs on my body I want to break you in pieces, fight me Baby don't be so scared of biting in Want to eat each other into nothing"
  7. THANNKKKKK YOUUUUU! He's cute. edited...: Uhm looked on his insta.... he's not as cute as he is in the music video.... in fact he looks like a less impressive and sexy Ben Bowers......
  8. Teddy bear is easily a great song. Coulda been without Carousel and probably Soap. And I didnt really get the video. Does anyone know the name of the boy? He was fine af.
  9. I mean in the dailymail article of she and Frans split, it says that she wanted to settle down and he wasnt with it. If that is the case then good riddance. You cant stay with someone who doesnt want what you want. She feels like she's getting old and she's ready, she needs someone who she doesnt have to take care of (Barrie), or a man that's not wanting what she wants (Franc). Lana's too old for games.
  10. She sounded okay. I felt like it was just a bad song to perform. She shoulda just did cry baby or something. Her voice sounded pretty normal if not just a little lower and maybe perhaps tired. The outfit was fine, that make up was bad tho.
  11. I get what she means tho. If I was famous I would hate that too. Its annoying as shit.
  12. Well we know she's not going to win song of the year, or pop vocal album, or record of the year..... MAYBE, album of the year can TRY. But it's unlikely. I hate that she has to even be in that category. It's too much music in the pop genre for her to possibly win.
  13. Tag youre it is about a guy kidnapping a little girl. Its about stranger danger. Then milk and cookies she's escaping. It serves the same purpose as the unreleased acoustic song A Million Men. It's to bring attention to it really.
  14. Please dont let this happen. His music is trash.
  15. This is my favorite version. I wish someone had a better recording of this performance, or that she sung this version more. Ugh.
  16. FOUND A LINK FOR IT! AND IT WORKS HERE YOU GUYS GO!! https://vk.com/video-65726331_171282099?list=bce2d0bda57ca483c8
  17. I say lock this thread. People either get what Cultural Appropriation is or they dont. And ignorance is showing up with it.
  18. Its a fact and ignoring it wont do a damn thing. That's the thing. Rude as it may be it's the truth. But I'm not here to give a lesson on waking up an recognizing the differences. Google and Black Tumblr are here for a reason.
  19. Cant be about her. IT can be about a character she made up tho. But Lana wouldnt describe herself as ghetto because in what ways was she every ghetto? stop.
  20. Again. You dont know cuz you're not from here. So you shouldnt even speak. TBH.
  21. A lot of mixed people are confused af. And obviously you're one of them. Depends on the side you were around the most. You need to get cultured sweetheart because your unwoke ass is very annoying and wishy-washy. Learn yourself. Appropriation is alive and well, and you're trying to sound like you're white and like you dont know. You black and that's what EVERYONE is going to see. You're mixedness wont get you far. Just saying. Know yaself.
  22. white people. Always trying to ignore the truth and make it seem like people are purposely trying to be against them
  23. That's why I said it's "prob not". I thought the same thing on the you're so ghetto thing too. I aint gone lie. That's why I thought it was about Azealia cuz it would make more sense to me.
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