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Everything posted by SarcasticBeauty

  1. That tom part on Terrence is so cute. Love the melody. That should've been the whole song. Dont really like the rest.
  2. It has that American Graffiti, Grease, 60's movies, vintage. That box set is beautiful. I want someone to buy it for me. I want deluxe tracks!!! Oh and on another note... Lana doesnt know the definition of Jazz, so let's hope she does that Dont Let Me Be Misunderstood song justice. That's one of Nina's greatest songs. Dont butcher it Lana.
  3. OMG the song was boring so I just didnt listen to it. BUT THEN YALL SAID THE TOM PART!!! YASSSSSSSSSS THAT PART WAS FIRE.
  4. I'm okay with the album being all over. I dont like the fact that TLY doesn't have enough for me. The background was weak and she's trying to rely too much on vocals. Oh and poor Lana, she doesnt know what Jazz is.
  5. Sounds like boredom. (I'm not saying UV was complete boredom, but we heard that already) And the same as UV, what is she a ghost? But I will, I'mma go bump that High By The Beach. (at least it sounds new with actual background) (These are from a bunch of low quality snippets, maybe it'll change.)
  6. I was sooo excited for Terrence Loves You and then I heard the snippets....
  7. because she drags it, and has too many of them (aka UV) and when Lana makes a slow song.... they're slllloooooooow.
  8. I glanced at Art Deco when Lana first posted it and thought it was Jimmy Gnecco, and I was like Lana girl what are we doing? No more old songs. And I hope the deluxe is up for pre order too.....
  9. The lyrics sounds really cute. IF they're real. And It sounds majorly sad. I love it.... hopefully the sound meets my hopes. It's gonna be on the album, just not a single.
  10. She performed cake 20 million times already. Why would you want another one? Just asking.
  11. That billboard cover is super cute. Idk what yall problem is.
  12. If it was about Terrance Howard I'd laugh so hard, but love it. (Not the first time she's sung about black guys lol) But its prob Terence Stamp, since he was in the movie Big Eyes.
  13. Idk if its the black name that's wrong with Terrence Loves You, for yall or what. But what's wrong with it? It sounds cute to me. I see nothing wrong with it. Idk how that's a bad name? Lots of songs have the name of the lover in them. Even if it turns out to be Paris loves you, that's fine too. They sound like super cute titles. I don't think she was joking, but if she was, at least Lana was showing some emotion instead of being deadpan. I hope its real! I feel from the title that I will love it.
  14. Hell no. If we get any songs like BoringMoon or Life Is Boring, I'll be asleep before the album is over.
  15. I agree with all of this except probably Teddy Bear placement. I feel like that fits more towards the origins because it helps Cry Baby become more crazy lol. Her bear is trying to kill her making her kind've a nut.
  16. I dont think there's anything wrong with Melanie's writing. It's perfectly fine. If there's any problem with anything that she does it would be no vocal range on the album and not having bridges. She just opts to say the chorus over twice or three times.
  17. I'm prob the only one that doesnt care to have Life is Beautiful.... the song sounded pretty boring the first time.
  18. Idk if you're that person who had the boy in the avi from a while ago. But what's up with you and flicking people in the vagina?Like
  19. I think that's just you. Although I do agree with Dollhouse feeling dated. Carousel seemed more out of place than anything. I guess kids do play on Carousels but little girls play with dollhouses wayy more often.
  20. I think if anything should have been replaced it should've been carousel. never really loved that song. I enjoyed it, sure. But not love like everything (mostly) else.
  21. I'm sooo ready LANA! I cant wait to have a tracklist and try to guess which will be my fav from the names.
  22. That Milk and Cookies chorus does it for me every time. Trust me, I think you should listen to the live version of mad hatter. It's better and sounds so crazy. (or any of the other live sung songs) Tag, You're It was my fav because of the wolf part. Was so catchy, and she has voice variation at the end. The whole album was great. BUT, voice variation would have made it even better. It's literally the only thing that bummed me a little.
  23. Oh I know. But you know how albums leak a week in advance a lot of the times. I'm saying if we dont get a leak. And we have to depend on an itunes rip from NZ, then we'll prob not end up getting it till its available in the US. (B/c they be stingy about sharing.)
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