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Everything posted by SarcasticBeauty

  1. Tbh (my OPINION) I dont want too much jazz. Idk... It's just kinda boring to me.
  2. Co-writers dont always mean that they've had a huge impact. They would be on the writing credits if they even tell her to change 'fire' to 'rage'. Like Lana might write the whole song and they say change a line and bam they get writer's credit. I'm fine with her co-writers. They just should change the choruses up. Obviously they have the ability.
  3. Producers: I'm fine with Emile coming back for a couple songs. Not necessarily the whole thing tho. I'm excited to see what Ronson does if does anything.I think trying new producers would be for the better tho. It gives different vibes. Kanye producing would be fuckin excellence in my opinion.(let me bold that before people get an attitude about how I feel.) Genre: I'm partial to the hip-hop beats. But I would love to see like noir-like her unrealeased song called noir. Or like Dum Dum type of sound. I think her jazz sound would be interesting too tho. Lyrical content: I like Lana's stories, they're always so interesting to see where she goes with them. Her storytelling is always so far from the norm with the topic. Like most wouldnt talk about being with a cult leader lol. Artwork: I hope its in color again, but I'd be okay with black and white too. I want Lana to not look so somber in it though--but I guess that's okay depending on the topics of the songs. But judging from the title, I expect soft yellows idk why. Kinda like the West Coast cover.
  4. Idk why you have such an attitude on opinions bruh. Chill out. It sounded redundant to me. How is that ignorance?...... but I guess.
  5. I see what you're saying.... but the whole ultraviolence album sounds kinda redundant also. Every song sounds sorta the same except Florida Kilos. Good thing she's no longer working with that producer lol. I agree with the FKA Twigs too! I think it's good she's working with different producers and it'll be interesting to see what sound Lana goes for next.(She did say it'll be more like BTD and Paradise Edition, so I'm still fingers crossing for that though.)
  6. Lmaoo I feel like I'm the only one is this whole forum who still likes Emile.... I may be biased because I love Born To Die lol.
  7. What does her age have to do with anything? Just cuz she's 30 doesnt mean her music has to sound like old peoples...... Like shit Gwen Stefani in her 40's and her music still sounds like when she was younger. So does old ass Madonna. Yeah, artist do grow. But being in love with Lana's BTD era and hoping she goes back to that is not whining. This thread is a mess within itself. lol But hey, let's just all have our hopes without bashing other people's.
  8. I agree with the Mariah stan tbh. UV was lowkey boring (I loved it tho) BTD was better but that's just my opinion. Seems like the critics were just old people who have no taste. Idk, I'm not here to argue either. I just hope that Lana goes for the hip-hop vibe again somewhat Or come with some stuff like Florida Kilos. But it's Lana I'll love whatever type of music she puts out. Unless its like Sirens(shudders)
  9. OKay I take that back then! lol EXCEPT ASAP ROCKY..... he's THE ONLY one.. I'd be okay with. lol
  10. I hate features.... so hopefully none of those on the new record (I know she never really had any on the previous albums)...... I'm so here for hip-hop beats tho! OMG I loved BTD the most. Like it gave me too much life. I love Ultra, but damn was it slow. I'm not expecting pop or for her to come back fully like BTD, but hopefully something like it. Back to hitting a little more drum or 808's back in there. Jazz sounds fun too, just as long as it isnt tooo slow. I'm just excited for new Lana. I hope for national anthem or dark paradise vibe.
  11. I think it's Wait for Life to End. But sometimes artist tend to write/sing songs like that on purpose to give double meanings. Because her end sounds like win--she's waiting on either one.
  12. MORE BORN TO DIE-ISH????????!!! FUUUUUCKKKK YAAASSSSS! I loved that Era wayy more than Ultraviolence. Dont get me wrong. I loved the album in its own light, but BTD was better in MY opinion. Maybe its going to be about the Honeymoon stage of love. Because she said this album is going to be more like BTD and Paradise, maybe its pre-Ultraviolence. So its about all the happy before all the bad like Jim hitting her(even tho it felt like a kiss). Or about after all that and everything was good again once she found someone new. Idk. I'm excited tho.
  13. Definitely. I can see it and I can hear it. I'm working on a new record now, and I have this one song, "Music to Watch Boys To." The title lends itself to a visual of shadows of men passing by, this girl's eyes, her face. I can definitely see things. I DONT think ya know how excited I am! Lol But yasss that title tho! And the fact that she's not forgetting about it. I mean with her there's no telling when it'll come out. But its exciting to hear news about it. PLEASE LET IT BE FLORIDA KILOS STYLE
  14. I'm hoping that since she's decided to do something new every album or whatever that she goes back to having some hip hop tones again. Far fetched dream but I loved born to die. Maybe she'll have a unreleased Florida Kilos feel for the next album... or maybe she'd even do a soft and slow album like bloozy(bluesy). I dont know. I'm just excited period. I cant get enough. I'm okay with her subject matter. In fact I love it, because it's soo storytelling like. You guys cant just expect her to change how she writes that's kinda set in stone really. I LOVE the title Music To Watch Boys To..... because that's what I wanna do while listening to it. lol I say the more music the better. Gotta stay relevant.
  15. I love I Can Fly!! Like the chorus is the best part. Big Eyes' breakdown was the best part of that song. I Can Fly, the best part to me is " "You had me caged up like a bird in mid-summer You saw me waiting I was crazy on fire" For some reason that melody right there had me swaying slowly. I also love the beat more than Big Eyes. Big Eyes is more relate-able though.
  16. I'm fine with the chorus being repetitive because I feel like the verses make up for that. But that's just me. I hope I Can Fly is upbeat-ish like this too or even more so. But with Lana it might be even slower.
  17. Hollywood Sadcore.... that's what her genre is in my iTunes at least. lol
  18. Her writing was always excellent in a way that they were hella unique on what happen through them. But these lyrics are something great though. More along the lines of how it was said I guess. More relate-able in the sense of the meaning, because usually in Lana songs you can kinda relate but barely; you'd be stretching it because her stories are usually wild. lol
  19. I LOOOOVE IT! Like the lyrics were so freakin beautiful and we only got a little of them. It definitely reminds me of God and Monsters. It has an old Born to Die era Lana mixed with the Ultraviolence era. And yaass Hit and Run is definitely. Is it me, was I wrong to have trusted you? Did I see what I wanted, what wasn't true? Was I wrong to go on like a little fool? It's amazing what women in love will do
  20. I'm just ready for some new songs!!! Like I was so spoiled when this fandom use to leak songs at least once or twice a month and then it got quiet for while. I'm too excited.
  21. I loved this song already, but it even got better with the rapping lol. haha I thought it was yes, "I like re-record and dance in underwear". lmaoo
  22. Sun in my mouth and gold hoops makes sense because she's describing what she's wearing. Also, zoom could be it I guess, even though it's not common over here in America. I she could be saying sun because of like a golden grill which she describes very often. But its whatever, the song is excellent !
  23. Replying to your earlier comment about the zoomin in my miles, or whatever. Dont believe in everything the internet tells you. Zoom is no way shape or form a common way to say marijuana. It's really not. That's just something someone made up tbh. It could be what she meant but it's less than likely.(I'm going with its not.) It rarely means coke either, that's not an american term for it, at all.
  24. My thing is, I understand that Lana writes about drugs a lot.... but I personally dont think witch hazel is all that common of a way to say heroine. Never heard of that before.(I dont think that's what it meant) Like honestly. But I guess, its all perspective.
  25. She might just mean a song! Not necessarily a whole album guys. Like Music To Watch Boys To, could just be one song that she's working on. She might just mean a song! Not necessarily a whole album guys. Like Music To Watch Boys To, could just be one song that she's working on.
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