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Everything posted by SarcasticBeauty

  1. This is exactly what I'm saying too.Like everyone is freakin out about her saying Jim. Lana is a writer, stories will come out in songs. Especially seeing as what era she draws her inspiration from are big storytellers too. Jim might be a figure of Lana's imagination for all we know.
  2. Though I dont like Bel-Air all that much yeah! Like she can make music that sounds so dark but it's about a good thing. I think it's going to be a love song.(we can only hope.)
  3. Why does anybody want re=worked versions of old songs.... Like please only new! All new! I think the song will be like in the same type of theme as lucky ones.
  4. I hear "Crying tears of gold like Adam and Eve." Not Marilyn. And I dont hear "Mis suenos." I hear " Yo soy la princesa, comprende these late nights."
  5. It is very messy but this is how many artist do these kinds of thing weird enough(very common to release extra songs in different places, maybe to the places that sell the most?). And maybe they'll be downloadable somewhere else in a little bit. *shrugs* I dont know.
  6. Yeah, but we already have that song. We dont need it again just remastered. Yay for completely new stuff!
  7. The ending was so peaceful and lovely, her just making adlibs and little notes to end the song off with.
  8. Honestly I wanted a more upbeat song. I love Lana's slower ones also, but I wanted a faster tempo one. But hell I never know, it could be a beauty so it doesnt matter. I just cant wait till the album!
  9. Television Heaven,Gone Wrong(Teenage Wasteland), Tired of Singing the Blues.
  10. I'm so excited! . The songs I'm really anticipating for is Shades Of Cool, Sad Girl, and The Other Woman. Like all I can do is imagine, but ugh. I'm sure they'll sound excellent. I cant wait to hear the concept.
  11. Honestly I dont want ANY old songs. I'm perfectly happy with new ones. I do want some of the older songs sounds to come back though. Like a Dum Dum, or Damn You type of songs.
  12. I think yall are obviously thinking too hard about these lyrics, and the song name.
  13. I just hope she doesnt have features on the next album. I'm sorry but I didnt like Summer Wine. I hope the next album is purely Lana and a tap more upbeat than Paradise.
  14. When I'm happy I tend to listen to Party Girl, Children of a Bad Revolution, Playing Dangerous, ect. But when I'm sad I tend to listen to Fake Diamonds, Tv in Black and White, Tired of Singing the Blues, ect.(So many more, but I dont feel like typing them.)
  15. This song was all I was waiting for! I love it too, like I knew I would just from the title. To me it's about guys of this generation. Like what's sad is that it's become a cultural norm for guys to cheat, and sadly she's okay with it.
  16. If you get lonely darlin just hold Prison isn’t going to keep me from you. Do like you told me pick up and phone me Use your one phone call on your ex girl, Boo. Nobody will have to know that our love's alive Keep it on the low if you want to hide. I Got that same address that you left behind On Greenwich Avenue, wishing and dreamin of you. Living without you is like TV in black and white, Dark when I found you touched me and turned on the light When I'm around you suddenly I realize, That I was blind before I saw the world through your eyes. If you get lonely think of this only, Heaven hasn't forgotten about you. Remember Coney Island and how we wade into the waves until the water blue I wont tell a single soul, that you cry at night In that single cells, holding your pillow tight. Baby think of home it will be alright if you feel sad remember what we had Living without you is like TV in black and white, Dark when I found you touched me and turned on the light When I'm around you suddenly I realize, That I was blind before I saw the world through your eyes. Being without is window without no ?? Summer without flowers blooming I believe That I without love I hope you never leave never leave So dry your eyes dry your eyes theres surpise left in store for you and when you get home you can change the tides and start a new strat a new new new Living without you is like TV in black and white, Dark when I found you touched me and turned on the light When I'm around you suddenly I realize, That I was blind before I saw the world through your eyes Living without you is like TV in black and white. You turn me on and brought color into my life When I'm around you suddenly I realize That I was blind before I saw the world through your eyes. Feel free to fix! I dont want to control this thread so repost the lyrics with the corrections!
  17. I hear empty too! But I freakin love this song... The MTV one does make sense tho. But she could mean they can just watch meaningless television with him.
  18. Not a favorite out of the three, but it definitely better than Scarface.
  19. I'm not a fan a Big Bad Wolf at all, and though I still don't like the chorus I do love the verses and breakdown.
  20. I hear "Cant care" but I mean kick it makes sense. I honestly was expecting a more Television Heaven type song, but this one is okay.
  21. I dont think she means drugs, but hey Lana makes drug references all the time. I think this song is called Black Beauty because she sees the beauty in his darkness. She sees the good in all his bad, his dark, sarcastic, dull, look at existence with pessimism attitude. He doesnt see the good in life, and she loves his view even if she might not understand it.
  22. @@Myriam dont forget the X that they took with Champagne in St. Tropez
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