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Everything posted by takeitdoen

  1. I am optimistic that the lyrics will change throughout the song Maybe it will go something like . . . "Whatever's on tonight/ I just wanna dance with you Topanga's hot tonight / [something something about singing in bars or wearing a dress or whatever] We did it all for fame / Look at how life treats us now that it's over" Or the song will have different lyrics throughout since it has that chorus like 3 times (+ all the refrains)
  2. So glad that there aren't any collabs on this one. I'm not totally against them but I definitely find myself skipping over the LFL ones more than the solo tracks since sonically it just sounds a little more random. Perhaps we'll get a deluxe edition at some point which will include some acoustics? Unlikely but I think back to HAH by Florence which randomly came out with three acoustics. WE GOTTA DREAM.
  3. I have slept on it, and decided I am fine with the new BAR lyrics. They will be lots of fun to scream. This acceptance is a milestone for me. I can't believe my benevolence.
  4. Holy shit, I'm sorry to keep bitching about BAR but did Rick and other producers LISTEN to the track?? The echo of the non-existent "fame" is so bad?!? I'm really hoping that 'you did it all for fame' returns for one of the choruses but considering the song structure I find that unlikely . . . eeeek. I know it's super early, but I'm a little sceptical about the production now. For example on Love Song when it transitions from ". . . burning through you." to the "Aaah" you can hear it is another take since her vocals are suddenly louder. The same for the utterly dreadful level adjustments on How to Disappear but I am hoping it makes more sense when hearing the track in full. Hearing the harp strum on the title is lovely and lush. Cinnamon is fucking fresh too. I wonder if it will age well considering the synths. Doin' Time seems to be a really good addition to the flow of the album too. NFR Cinnamon Girl Love Song . . . (I guess)
  5. "Topanga's hot tonight" Yes, I am aware . . .
  6. I think you and I are the biggest BAR fans. I am a little disappointed since the demo lyric "How does it taste / tell me how life treats you now that it's over?". It's so resentful and spicy. Keen to hear the whole thing, but yes, whatever happens ill get used to it.
  7. I am so glad I'm not the only one that hears that. Maybe the second verse she'll sing "you did It all for fame" ?? ??!?
  8. Ummmmmm With BAR after she sings "Just that good" the second time, the echo is very clearly saying "fame fame fame" Wat. Why is she still singing about how hot Topanga is. I just have too many thoughts. What are these sleigh bells doing in HTD? The cuts are really abrupt... I now hear the hype for Cinnamon. It's so well mixed!! Love Song sounds so good.
  9. Maybe, but they were pretty different. "We were so obsessed with writing the next best American record / Cause we were just that good / It was just that good" The perspective shift and no repetition makes me think it wasn't a mistake though.
  10. TLY - I read an interesting interpretation that Honeymoon is about voyeurism, and that thematically Lana on the 'tour bus' is her watching from afar and singing from multiple perspectives.
  11. It has new lyrics, so it has definitely been reworked. Hopefully she isn't singing through paper like she was for the BPBP rework though.
  12. The Urban Oufitters cover is a very good but poorly executed idea. It's almost very cool but the quality is too low. Also, unlike the regular, the focus isn't totally on Lana. If this is the cover Ben vetoed THANK YOU, BEN. It doesn't seem to speak to the trailer of the album either but no matter, I expect some people will appreciate this over the other. Imagine a studio shoot where there are four Lanas are sitting in satanic poses ready to summon Beelzebub from the depths of fiery hell to extract revenge (probly on Trump). Cant believe those eye rapists made it onto the cover. How long are they sticking around for. How interesting this is the first cover that doesn't only feature her. I wonder if that is a conscious choice to speak to a discourse of other people on the album?
  13. Hmm . . . I was writing a long post about how I didn't think so since Rick was the main co-writer and producer. But Lana had a mini band phase with Zach Dawes the end if the year before LFL was released. So she could have written the song with him, loved it, and then shelved it before she worked on it with Rick. I guess it would make sense since she said the tracks were Ying and Yang, so if BAR is on, maybe it is it? I guess we'll knows if we hear "we did it for fun..."
  14. My edit is 5:54 when I cut off the 'film sound' (which I can not see making it in... I feel it was added for the music video, like the glass break) and fade the ending quicker. But that's still a lot of time . . .
  15. Sheeesh you guys are FAST. FNAC France also has a TRANSPARENT BLUE VINYL. Who guessed that option? https://www.fnac.com/a13690467/Lana-Del-Rey-Norman-Fucking-Rockwell-Exclusivite-Fnac-Edition-Limitee-Vinyle-transparent-bleu-Vinyle-album#int=:NonApplicable|NonApplicable|NonApplicable|13690467|NonApplicable|L1
  16. I wonder how Jack reacted when Lana was like "uhhh I wanna add all these other random songs I've done onto the record too." The eye twitch that would have induced.
  17. Yes, that's correct. But surely if @@Ghost Town has found Lana Boards, they probably know how to Google and find the regular edition. I thought they would be talking about this one, no? https://store.florenceandthemachine.net/*/New-Product/Useless-Magic-Gucci-Special-Edition/60L70N0S000 which will definitely never be stocked again.
  18. As far as BAR goes, I think the song will be structurally the same, it will just remove the film noise at the start and shorten the decay. I've no doubt it's been recorded though. At this stage it's an Australian exclusive. Florence and the Machine had an exclusive yellow vinyl at JB Hifi for High as Hope, so it has happened before.
  19. BUT the Limited Edition (with the Gucci inspired cover) is probably never going to come around again, no.
  20. I don't know about other artists but iTunes usually has explicit stuff censored? Look at 'Fucked My Way Up to the Top". Like, Alexa won't even say it. And probably the same reason why the album is censored.
  21. BAR is running 5:49, which is about the same as the leak (which ran at 5:55). I wonder how similar it will be. Looks like I'll just pre-order a digital version on Australian iTunes and then . . ? Get a deluxe physical version if it ever comes out?
  22. So, did anyone notice that the CDs now only have 12 tracks? Bartender and California have been removed.
  23. I understand the logic but i can't say I'm a fan of that format. Artists often sacrifice amazing songs that way, plus it's hard to get a definitive version. At worst, a great song (like Flipside) will be hard to listen to and be lost. Plus she hasn't done that since UV.
  24. I just can't believe that BAR is on this. I was so worried it would fade into obscurity now I can finally share it's brilliance (hopefully it's melodically still intact). I'm probably going to listen to that first. ETA: I just read people are complaining about it being on there - What?? The song is about narcissism in artistry. It fits even more than it would have on LFL. Not feeling the song titles, most notably IYC being called 'Love Song' but whatever!
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