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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. lol yeah I bet Lana sent him a DM. Does he realize who is is talking about here?
  2. Pictures are great. This quotes they have posted so far. Good Lord, Lana.
  3. Tyler

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    This sounds like her getting over the depression and lust for fame that EH brought on, and the new age of moving forward and comig to peace.
  4. Tyler

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Maybe another one of those cute live streams?
  5. Tyler

    Charli XCX

    This is a bit of a mess. I guess we know now why she was so reluctant to give out album #2 info over the last few months. This was probably during that awkward transition of scrapping the punk and moving on. This is gonna push back the album date so far though. From March 2014 to like what??? maybe September 2014 is we're lucky. I wish she would have known Fancy was gonna get big. Then what she should have done was push SuperLove release back to this June, and actually give TR the promo it deserves. It never even got a year of promo in after it's release. Releasing SuperLove so long ago was just a poor decision I think...
  6. What was going on with the screen behind her? Sloppy smh
  7. I like it!! Much better than WC imo. There were some very interesting & cool shots. My only qualm is that there was less of spinning in technicolor and more shots like the one of her watching the daddy from the street. I was not prepared when she came out of the pool though.
  8. This song has given me a new life meaning. From the first listen I was hooked. The lyrics are the best from this album so far. The voice quality is great. It's so playfully cheeky, and doesn't feel like a forced, dangerous relationship. It's not even fully about a relationship. Barrie's vocals at the end. This song is just everything.
  9. I feel underwhelmed by the snippets, but I'm not worried about that yet, because they are so short. Even the Brooklyn Baby snippet makes the song seem dull, and it's one of my favorite songs ever now. I can't wait to hear these babies in full glory.
  11. THE SHADE I just really don't think this song would be about Lorde. I do not see how Lorde has jacked Lana's style, and I don't think Lana would compare Lorde to herself in anyway. Besides, I like to think that Lana is above getting so butthurt from a teenager. I frankly don't see Lana giving Lorde much thought, and probably just doesn't care about her. I think that the most probable reason for this situation to have arisen is from Lana having previously known whoever she is talking about. Someone from her Lizzy days to like the BTD release. GaGa really is the first person to come to mind for me. I can see some aesthetic and lyrical similarities to The Fame and some Lizzy stuff. Time will tell. but i still don't think its lorde
  12. tbh We should stop talking about the feminism comment & talk about the fact that Lana has an unknown illness that she has been battling with over the last couple years, and that critics have driven her to have suicidal thoughts. That seems more important to me at least. I always knew that Lana just didn't like a lot of the stuff with fame, but now I think that she may have some sort of mental illness associated with it all.
  13. Do our timelines even have enough time to account for that long of a relationship lol? This article was interesting. Lana's illness is very sad, and so is the fact that she alludes to depression, suicidal thoughts, and hating herself. It now makes sense way she always says she 'trying to be happy'. Some of this stuff was a little cringy though. feminism
  14. I know people have been complaining about the vocal mixing on this album thus far. I was actually fine with West Coast and Shades of Cool though. But this? These vocals, man... they just sound messy to me.
  15. This is Ultrarandom, but I've noticed this for a long time, and it's kinda weird... Lana seems to have a lot of problems with feedback on her mic. It's not really just one time things, but during many performances (both TV and concert), Lana gets mic feedback and she does that little jerky motion with her hand to try and stop it. Do you think it's the way she holds her mic or sings into it? It must be something that she does since it happens so much.
  16. Tyler

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    we just want marina to be happy
  17. Tyler

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I do agree, this album could be make or break. It's actually kind of nerve racking when I think about it lol I've been trying to figure out what her sound will be like for the new album based upon her style that she's been sporting lately, as both of the last albums seem to reflect her wardrobe choices well. It kind of seems very quirky like TFJ but more chic. I feel like it will have the craziness and quirk of TFJ but the glossy pop sound of EH.
  18. I think Born to Die will always be the definition of cinematic. Including the video.
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