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About MaryTeamLana

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  • Birthday 05/08/1992

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  1. She looks so stunning it hurts I'm in love w/ this shooting!
  2. I would love my baby to come to birth near Lana too! And she looks so adorable
  3. Could be a real account since both Lana and Kassidy are following him! He's really sweet btw
  4. Good-Bye My Fancy! by Walt Whitman (1819-1892) Good-bye my Fancy!Farewell dear mate, dear love! I'm going away, I know not where, Or to what fortune, or whether I may ever see you again, So Good-bye my Fancy. Now for my last--let me look back a moment; The slower fainter ticking of the clock is in me, Exit, nightfall, and soon the heart-thud stopping. Long have we lived, joy'd, caress'd together; Delightful!--now separation--Good-bye my Fancy. Yet let me not be too hasty, Long indeed have we lived, slept, filter'd, become really blended into one; Then if we die we die together, (yes, we'll remain one,) If we go anywhere we'll go together to meet what happens, May-be we'll be better off and blither, and learn something, May-be it is yourself now really ushering me to the true songs, (who knows?) May-be it is you the mortal knob really undoing, turning--so now finally, Good-bye--and hail! my Fancy.
  5. I know it may sound stupid but what if the K letter referred to the 'special k drug' and it's not the real name's initial letter for Lana's boyfriend? I'm crazy
  6. That's pretty interesting. So it might be that the verse in Never Let Me Go which says 'Love me like your best friends did' could be destined to Reeve referring to Jimmy Gnecco and Zane as the best friends.
  7. Mhm it sounds strange that Mike actually stalks this thread. I mean, he's married and i don't think that he's 24/24h visiting this! He wouldn't have a life otherwise! Anyway yes i guess they were referring to Lizzy... *Mike if you're reading this *
  8. Guess what, right after i post 2 screencaps here Mike deleted me and i've been friends with him on FB for almost a year... I'm wondering if anyone told him i was a sort of insider idk Too bad i won't be able to post anything else between the two of them anymore
  9. She performed Dark Paradise in Rome too. On May 6. It was amazing but still wondering why she did that...
  10. Donno if it's the right place for asking anyway can anyone of you suggest me an interesting Lana-related tumblr?
  11. I like this topic! Anyway i was amazed by her beauty when i first saw the BTD video, also the music was very inovative and charming so i went on the internet and looked for more. That's when i completely fell in love with her, her lyrics represent me in a way nothing else do. I totally relate to what she writes about, plus we are pretty much alike for several things
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