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Everything posted by Arzi

  1. Ok I didn't know half of it :ohreally: Now let's be friends again
  2. Indeed it was fight, then. Also, don't mix up things here, I've never claimed to leak anything in there, people there would never find these things, it's common sense and it's not lack of humor, I usually laugh at everything, I just didn't like they way you got when that girl started dragging Britney, no thing against you, I like you, no need to post a status for this anyway :airplease:
  3. this 'fight': In before: 'its just da intrenet guyz!!'
  4. Well, some people has had them for days now
  5. I don't like those 'La, la, la, la, la, la' on Hit And Run :airplease:
  6. what kind of nasty things? and how come u know everything about her? from personal to things that have to do with her work? Anonymous she babysitter me when i was younger… got to know the family. i’m a girl so she spilled girly things to me. btw. period blood licking. panty trading and naked photos of her giving bjs I'm done :airplease:
  7. what is this :airplease:
  8. When was recorded Sirens and when did they started selling it online? I don't know if they sold it at her shows in 2006
  9. Arzi

    Purity Ring

    I had been listening to Lofticries months ago, but I didn't like their album at all
  10. Arzi

    Break My Fall

    Yeah now I hear it
  11. Arzi

    Break My Fall

    I think it is 'I'm not gonna let you become a murderer'
  12. Can we have the number of likes under the avatars like in .FM?
  13. Favourite; Mariano Vivanco Least: Mathieu Zazzo I also love de Bella Hoawrd one, so casual :love:
  14. Arzi

    Book Thread!

    Just finished the first book off the Hunger Games trilogy I might buy Catching Fire this week
  15. Definitely Fordham Road is post Sirens, I've been listening to it and Elvis for the last days, and it definitely has more production, at least the guitar progression is better and there's even a bridge, something that she didn't do on any of the Sirens tracks I'm not entirely sure about Elvis, the guitar progression is almost the same as Next To Me, or maybe it's the same and it's just a quality problem. Regarding You're Gonna Love Me, Axl Rose Husband and 1949 I'd say they were probably recorded around the same time but definitely after Sirens now I regret saying that ARH was from 2002
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