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Everything posted by cashcomesquick

  1. If there was really an FBI investigation, Eclipse would be the first person who they would investigate against. After posting legit lyrics of the upcoming song, you're trying to warn potential leakers because of possible legal actions against them? I appreciate your contributions to the leaked material we have now, but stop taking advantage of your position, acting like you're Lana's personal savior (coz u ain't, I am lol). Fun fact, people claimed you were selling her unreleased stuff. If it's true, then you're the last person who can criticize other people's actions regarding her music. Plus, all these hypocrites justifying his actions and deriding everyone else who just wanted to share their personal description on the song are the worst. Love yourself, leaks are leaks, irrespective of the source.
  2. The decisive point here is that Eclipse is hailed as a hero, whereas everyone else who tries to share their information is doomed. Double standards, y'all better grow up
  3. In a few years, So Legit (Lanaboarda Version) will be leaked
  4. No, I stated my personal opinion. Just saying you seem to be pretty sure about them being involved, so I thought you had "evidence"
  5. I share your concerns, but I doubt that the FBI is involved
  6. Seriously. As if locking threads would stop leaks
  7. I guess that's not even a bad idea. Someone should leak something old in order to distract people from YAIL
  8. All these discussions are motivating people who have the song/video to leak details successively. We should ignore them, so they won't get any attention
  9. Facin' time again on Rikers Island and I won't get out.
  10. That's like healing the symptoms of a sickness, but ignoring the actual cause for the sickness
  11. I'm still shook by the lyrics. Its structure is amazing. It's almost like something comes into existence, and something else is destroyed: "birth of your son" and "my husband to be packed his things to run"; "strong woman" yet "strong like a tree but the unlucky one" etc.
  12. Timeless classic describes BTD pretty well
  13. The opening strings on BTD still get me, regardless of how many times I've listened to this song. Truly, honestly, definitely iconic BTD cured my acne. When will your dermatologist? (And Lana isn't even a dermatologist)
  14. I love you guys for loving OTTR so much ❤️
  15. Yes, it was you! Thank you! It really felt like your description. My experience was that especially the instruments sounded going backwards, whereas her voice made it appear as going forward. It was really strange, but mesmerizing.
  16. I recall someone saying that HM could be related to a time theme. I'm not sure who exactly said that here. Anyway, I listened to it while being high, and it really made sense in that moment. For example, HBTB sounded like going backwards, whereas her voice was moving forward. Hard to explain, but it blew my mind
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