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Everything posted by cashcomesquick

  1. This will remind the general public of her since I assume him being more known among the general public
  2. That's what y'all get for thirsting over leaks. LDR 5 cancelled
  3. Me in class: I hope I can write, my fingers are cold
  4. My brain tried to place "special" in front of "song". God knows I tried
  5. lol some people calling her fat They wish to be thick like our Queen
  6. If she sings Cola, let's pray she'll slay dem high notes
  7. Exactly! He would have won easily if they hadn't manipulated the Democratic election. Plus, his aims would have paved the way to a social system, similar to ones in other countries. I'll never be able to understand this American Dream ideology. It's fact that certain people do need support in terms of education, health care etc. Can someone explain why the majority is not ready to follow these ideas. There are several countries that have already established "social systems". Especially education is the key to sustainable wealth. Considering it's only available to those who have already money, it's harder to climb up the ladder for someone who does not have a such a source
  8. Someone needs to wake up, and come back to reality
  9. She tried to be anything as long as she could convince the affected groups to vote for her. Feminist who destroyed millions of families, black people supporter who never actively supported black people and so on. Trump openly hated Muslims, whereas she secretly destroyed them.
  10. Guys, we should appreciate Lana's charity work, teaching other artists how to write songs. God bless her
  11. Hey, guys! Since some people shared their "reviews" on Tropico, I'd like to share the first part I did on it. Lemme know what y'all think Tropico is Lana Del Rey's attempt at exposing today's society based on the tale of Adam and Eve. It's composed of three songs, each telling a separate story, yet complementing each other. Garden of Eden It debuts in the Garden of Eden, the origin of mankind. In the context of religion, this is mankind's first "Free Will performance", choosing between good and evil, realising having choices, taking responsibility for your own actions. Choose your idols wisely The concept of Eden is applied to society. Lana and Shaun, representing human beings, are shown listening to John Wayne, instructing them on life. He plays God's role in Lana's metaphorical Garden of Eden. During this scene, the emergence of a new era containing a contrary way of thinking is predicted. While Wayne instructs them to focus on aggressively achieving their dreams and goals, Jesus' words ("Forgive us our debts as we forgive those who trespass against us") fade away barely noticed. The effect of this overlap is underlining the aforementioned thesis of a radical change within society. Marilyn's first statement "Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature!" perfectly describes the degradation of women in public. She is the definition of "sex symbol", being reduced to her physical appearance, yet she is idolised by many people which again leads to radical changes within society. Elvis is displayed as the male counterpart to Marilyn. Original sin Tropico's re-enactment provides symbolic allusions to this theme, the lamb representing pure innocence and unconditional obedience based on lack of free will. The unicorn is commonly used to portray purity and grace. The serpent persuades Lana to eat the apple which leads to her fall. A noticeable difference to the actual tale is that Shaun himself decides to eat from the apple in order to follow Lana. This difference highlights the free will, having the option of choosing between good and evil. Additionally, this difference is important regarding the assumption of "a woman being the reason of the original sin". It leads to the conclusion that everyone is responsible for their own actions.
  12. Bernie promoted social justice regarding education, health care, etc. Your statement him being an anarchist is pure disinformation. Various countries established systems and structures he had been promoting. Plus, Bernie actively supports the black community. Also, why does Russia have to be involved in everything? I'm not defending him, but he is definitely not worse than any US Pesident. I really feel sorry for you since you openly present your missing knowledge. Don't know what Trump is, but she is "Killary"
  13. Cute how people think Hillary was leftist
  14. Everyone has the right to protest. You can't generalize an entire group based on individual actions. Example: It's a fact that there are racist policemen, but does it lead to the conclusion that policemen are racist?
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