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Everything posted by cashcomesquick

  1. It's really hard to choose one since every single one will remain its own masterpiece. Nevertheless, personally I'd choose UV.
  2. I guess because she is Lizzie? blue blue crayons, blue blue crayons
  3. She has more ass than y'all combined
  4. First of all, you need a change of your educational system. Education should be free.
  5. You can definitely tell how old the members here are by looking at their comments
  6. I agree on the part that she apparently does too much work on her face, but her gaining/losing weight is her own issue. Who knows, she might love having curves?
  7. Statements about someone's physical appearance are not "opinions"
  8. At everyone criticising her: let us see pictures of yourself
  9. I think it refers to Francesco. There were so many pics of them eating soft ice cream in Italy.
  10. Why has this become such a big deal? The intention behind posting this Instagram video was simply to remind her followers about politics, and to encourage them to participate, whether you're Democrat or Republican.
  11. Thank God, she doesn't care about that "career thingy"
  12. Ich ebenfalls, mein/e Liebe/r. BJ war keine Single, wurde aber zumindest mehrmals im Radio gespielt.
  13. Germany still plays VG, SS and sometimes even BJ.
  14. It appears that everyone disliking Honeymoon seems to listen to it using cheap headphones.
  15. I hope it was her new album that snatched her own weave
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