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Everything posted by cashcomesquick

  1. Yet they're the ones who are making money off her
  2. lol, comic book slang. Read "A Clockwork Orange"
  3. I would definitely add Cola and MDM from her Paris show, and West Coast from her Berlin show.
  4. Maybe you should try to understand the poems she added between the songs.
  5. Why didn't she get the Jaguar in white. They're so beautiful in white
  6. “Find someone who has a life that you want and figure out how they got it. Read books, pick your role models wisely. Find out what they did and do it."
  7. He might be still waiting until Lana finishes her soft ice cream.
  8. Especially how she sings "baby has a broken heart"
  9. The lyrics of Rihanna's Love on the brain could be written by Lana
  10. Dear John, forgive him his sins
  11. How to find a daddy: step no 1: show pictures of a random dog to subtly show you're a bitch, so he better not mess with you
  12. I would not equate sales with quality. Charts on iTunes etc are evidence that mainstream does not care about quality in terms of lyrics and composition. From my personal experience, I only know a few people that do care about these issues, whereas the majority just wants songs you can listen to a few times, so you can move on to the next hit song. I think Lana tries to establish a career that is based on timeless albums which she apparently managed to do. Summa summarum, Lana is not made to be a chart singer. She became our cult leader lol
  13. Lana participates in the NASA space exploration program to escape the greedy gays
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