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  1. Bla liked a post in a topic by lmdr in "Norman Fucking Rockwell" LMDR - Cover Arts   

  2. Bla liked a post in a topic by Atom Heart in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    I really hope Barrie is doing okay honestly and that they're still good friends.
  3. Bla liked a post in a topic by plush in Lana and Barrie are no longer together   
    Lana and Alex Turner Yassassssssss please, I think id cry
  4. Bla liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    Read from the bottom up



  5. Bla liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lana Del Rey to VG: "I am still a sad girl" (15.06.2014)   
    This was an interview VG did with Lana around the time she performed in Bergen, so it's from yesterday I believe. 
    Lana has captured the world with her music, but she points out that not everything in her life is picture perfect. 
    After her performance in Bergen she received the high score 5 from VG, and the singer told us that she highly values Norwegian fans.
    "I value being here more than ever now. When I see how the audience sings along, it makes me feel like they accept me for who I am. I feel like they understand me." 
    When asked why there are still sad girls and bad men in her songs, Lana laughs, and answers: "I am still a sad girl, I still date bad men." 
    On the "I wish I was dead" hysteria
    But feeling understood is not always the case for the artist outside of the stage area. In an interview with the guardian published this week, the singer voiced a death wish, which got quoted by media all over the world, including VG.
    But to VG Lana says that the whole situation was blown out of proportions. 
    "I did not actually say that I thought an early death was a glamorous way to go. I just said that like many other people I admire and take inspiration from those who have passed at an early age," referring to her heroes, Jimi Hendrix and Amy Winehouse, who both died young. (Did he mix up Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison when he googled 27 club...?)
    The artist admits to having said that she sometimes wishes she was dead, but that it was taken the wrong way. 
    "Like many people who go through a lot I sometimes wish for my life to end. Sometimes feel like that, and sometimes I don't."
    Lana Del Rey elaborates that every day is different, and that she is not an unhappy person.
    "Sometimes I just feel like it becomes too much."
    Talking about Ultraviolence
    "To me this album is more relaxed, free and sexy. I didn't feel the need to document as much of my life story as I did in Born to Die. This album goes deeper into important moments from my life." Lana Del Rey adds that the album is like her own little personal jewel. 
    The artist struggle when she's trying to explain why so many young girls love her music. 
    "I guess they to a certain degree can relate to what I say or how I say things."
    Interviewer: "But one of your songs from the new album is called "Fucked My Way to the Top". What do you want to convey to those who listen to this song?"
    "I don't censor myself," she says, and adds that all of the songs on the album means something to her and often tells a tale about things she's been trough. 
    She admits that sharing her deep and personal songs from the stage has been nerve wracking. But Del Rey says it has become easier with time. Now she sees that the audience is happy to be at her concerts. And that is why she sees the importance in taking "selfies" with her fans during concerts, giving out hugs and pecks on the cheek. 
    "It's a part of the experience. For them I am the show, but to me they are the show. So I take part in it."
  6. Bla liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    I don't know how many times this needs to be said, but god damn people, we don't know her. Yeah, it's normal to express concern and think about hypothetical issues, but starting to talk about depression based on just an interview is not alright . It is a real illness, that some people actually have and it's nothing compared to what she is saying. As much as it can affect anyone of us, it is not as common as most people tend to say. Especially clinical depression.
    I wish her all the best and I hope she will eventually find that peace that she has for so long been looking for. I'm sure it will come. Fame has taken away most of that freedom in which she used to find comfort before, but it has also brought a lot of good things and i'm sure she knows that. I hope she gets to meet more musicians like Dan, who has obviously been a great influence on her and on her music.
  7. Bla liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    I'm honestly not that shocked simply because of all the shit that goes through my own mind half of the time. it's sad, but it's reality. all these famous people, we think that they don't have problems,that they're not allowed to when they have what they have (fame, money etc.), and when they do speak about them we fucking blame them, like "how dare you? you were supposed to be perfect."
  8. Bla liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    All the love from her fans will never fill the emptiness she feels inside or increase the love she doesn't have for herself. That's not real love, it's not shared, she's not connected deeply with people and it's understandable. The applause is just a thrill. It's not reality. And she can't face reality. She can't find a place where she belongs, she can't find people to rely to and she have a hard time keeping meaningful relationships. She still feels alone when there are so many people who would like to love her and care for her. I might be wrong, but that's how I see things. It's sad.
  9. Bla liked a post in a topic by MahaMaha in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    I just hope she'll find some peace again soon and figures out the right path for her to be happy. But I don't really know why some of you are totally surprised like this girl is singing about running towards gates and how 'cheap thrills' get her closer to death etc. I guess she truly believes in life after death and she's just longing for paradise. You know she says she lived a long life, she has no ambition to go on.. I really hope she and Barrie aren't toxic for each other, they may have huge empathy for their partner, but maybe they drag each other down sometimes. But yeah I see the fact she's mentioning this in an interview is worrying, hope she battles through it until she'll find some sort of balance again "living with my sadness" as she would put it. 
  10. Bla liked a post in a topic by ConeyIslandQueen262 in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    I actually feel quite guilty after I read this interview. If she doesn't like the fame, why does she release new music and why does she play so many concerts all over the world ?
    I'm going to see her performing live for the second time in one week and how can I be able to ban the thought that she doesn't feel comfortable with what she's doing while I'm having one of the best times of my life ?? 
  11. Bla liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    Here is the link to the interview, check it out underneath:

  12. Bla liked a post in a topic by yourdangerousgirl in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    One of her most personal interviews lately but also the saddest. It makes me so sad to find out how much the critics and the industry in general have sucked the light out of her :/
  13. Bla liked a post in a topic by Platinum Greenwich in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
    Whomever she's about to mop the floor with, I'll be here for it.
  14. Bla liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lana Del Rey Interview with Grazia   
  15. Bla liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Lana Del Rey performs "Ultraviolence" (Song) in Vancouver   
    Has anyone else been brought to tears by the spoken part? I will kill Jim for making my baby suffer!  
  16. Bla liked a post in a topic by Lanasflowercrown in Lana Del Rey performs "Ultraviolence" (Song) in Vancouver   
    I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure I read somewhere that they met in a strip club in NYC.   Do we really think she cheats on Barrie with all these guys though? And how fucking awkward must it be for him to sit there and listen to his girlfriend/fiancee/whatever she is to him sing about her ex lover who is currently on tour with her?! I kind of feel bad for him. I mean from what I gather, they do love each other, but damn, how much can this guy take? Lanz needs to start singing about her current man..... Apparently they wrote "Brooklyn Baby" together, so I'm interested to hear that one. 
  17. Bla liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana Del Rey performs "Ultraviolence" (Song) in Vancouver   
    ultraviolence in itself references hundred dollar bill which also references jimmy gnecco who is touring with lana. how does barrie feel about all this is my question
  18. Bla liked a post in a topic by Summersault in Questions for Lana - what would you ask?   
    - What it felt like singing in the places she's been singing about all these years, like Charteau Marmont, Paris, L.A. Was it a dream come true or was it different in real life?
    - In the same vein, how she felt about meeting Axl Rose and if Bel Air really is a tribute to him
    - Her thoughts on the law of attraction, life after death and extraterrestrial life.
    - Who in the music business she would like to collaborate with (And by some manipulative tactics get her to say Damon Albarn)
    - Ask her about some of my favourite songs, like the writing process and if she even likes them now.
  19. Bla liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lana Confessions   
    I actually dreamt about her one night. I met Lana at a restaurant (in the dream ofc). I walked timidly towards her and asked her if I could get a hug, but she just stared at me and said no, because I didn't have awesome nails like her. Then she walked away and left me there to pay for her food I hope Lana is nicer IRL
  20. Bla liked a post in a topic by Your Girl Lana in Lana Confessions   
    Everyday I wish that my friends like Lana, but I don't want that her turn into a world star with lots of fans, etc....I wana to keep Lana as my treasure
  21. Bla liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in LANA SLEUTHING   
    my post is empty 
  22. Bla liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Is "Beyoncé" just a big rip-off of Lana Del Rey?   
    Beyoncé is certainly no stranger to accusations of plagiarism in her videos. Considering the large number of videos comprising her eponymous visual album, it would not be surprising if some of them were less than original. Did she copy Lana Del Rey?
    Compare the album cover design and font to a Paradise box set booklet:

    With Tropico, the "Ride" video, the "Blue Velvet" promo for H&M, and the "Song of Myself" promo for L'Officiel set to the intro to "Cola", Lana released some sort of video for almost every song on Paradise. One could argue that even the idea of releasing videos for the entire album is derivative. Now let's look at those videos.
    Much like the opening bars of "Ride", the opening bars begin with the image of Beyoncé singing into a slender microphone, wearing a mostly white dress against sparkly blue stage curtains:

    The song's themes—eating disorders and the dark side of being a beauty queen—are straight out of "Boarding School", "Brite Lites", and "Pin-Up Galore". Indeed, here we see Mrs. Carter in Ms. Grant's short-cut meth-haired beauty queen style complete with sash accessory:

    Beyoncé also replicates Lana's arched back & cupped hand underwater poses from the "Blue Jeans" video:

    She not only borrows Tropico co-star Shaun Ross, but doubles down on the African albinism by casting Diandra Forrest. To top it off, Beyoncé even has the audacity to lift Lizzy's iconic trademark sequined bra:

    In "Ghost", Sasha Fierce is not herself, assuming the identity of Lana's Rosalita alter ego from her "Song of Myself" video for L'Officiel:

    The "Countdown" singer's video for "Haunted" begins with a hauntingly familiar countdown straight outta one of Lizzy's DIY "Gramma" videos:

    Then in true diva style, Beyoncé makes her male servant light her cigarette for her like a little bitch like Barrie at a Lana show:

    The whole video imitates the imitated Lynchian style of Lana's "Blue Velvet" promo for H&M complete with the requisite Doppelgangers:

    Yet it borrows scenes from "National Anthem" & Tropico. Black guys gambling? Check.

    Strippers giving lapdances to white businessmen? Check.

    People in whiteface? Check.

    Bubbles? Check.

    Originality? ...Anyone? Bueller?
    In addition to lyrics that sound like a first draft of "Brite Lites" ("Flashing lights, flashing lights, you got me faded, faded, faded"), this intoxicating concoction's potency is poured from "National Anthem", where Lana grinds on another snifter-wielding rapper, A$AP Rocky:

    The cotton candy confection of the music masks Lana-like lyrics ("Every time I close my eyes", "I'ma let you be the boss of me", "Give me that daddy long stroke" and an interlude in French) in a video easily summarized as "pin-up girls at the roller derby". We also see a close-up of a disco ball a la her DIY "Yayo" video:

    And Beyoncé perched on the hood of a car in a fuck-me pose like Lana in the "Born to Die" video:

    In this case, we're lucky that "Blow" doesn't Soileau. Bradley sucks.
    In an inversion of Lana's "angels forever" refrain, the "Halo" songstress proclaims, "You're no angel either, baby." She asks, "Tell me do you want to ride?" Like Lana in "Ride", Beyoncé is Queen of the Gas Station, knocking off Lana's hot long curly hair and cut-off jeans look. Unlike Lana, at least she's responsible enough to only be figuratively smokin' at the pump.

    We see chicks on the back of motorcycles:

    Tacky word bling:

    And pole dancers making it rain:

    In "Yoncé", she continues the ghetto theme, banging around with her gang of ghetto girls like Lana in Tropico:

    Who does Beyoncé think she is to appropriate all these signifiers of ghetto culture from gangsta Nancy Sinatra? Rather uppity if you ask me.
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