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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. honestly the movie they released is so fucking boring x still living for thhe album though x
  2. Is Sylvia the writer who put her head in the oven and died?
  3. Just got the album. The rest of the album is cool. Blazing Yeessssdt godt lordt! That chorus! Here Is A Warning is nice, very minimal, beautiful atmosphere. Loooove the way Memento builds, love that beat. Prob my favourite of the new tracks Harvest yyyyyyeessstttttt at that fast bassline xxxxx i wil do my cardio to this. Temple and Watchers Watchers are cute. Fold and Like Hell i need to hear more.
  4. Its California Style magazine, what kind of explosive interview were you all expecting lol
  5. Hmmm maybe Joyride wont be the pop messi thought. Love the new song.
  6. I hope i like Joyride but i feel like it may end up being a little more poppier than usual ugh
  7. Did a tattoo design of a Geisha for a guy.
  8. Joy is cool. This album will be so goodt
  9. I saw her live last week btw, she was wonderful. She I so tall omg.
  10. Entered and watching Moana 47 times for good luck xxxxx
  11. LOL @ Lana literally remembering shes supposed to make a video right before our eyes. I doubt we’ll get it if some random stan with a mic is the one making her remember.
  12. If we get Bartender before the Cherry video, Yosemite, and this new EP.......shes cancelled
  13. I want to tear those fucking hair clips from her hair and fucking smash them with my foot, godt x
  14. A video for Soda, a 4 year old song. Wow, great.
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