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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. I’m so happy i won member of the year. Thank you.
  2. Coney Island King


    Why did she go to the effort of getting such beautiful fantasy artwork for this era made and then creating one hideous and cheap cover and a second cover that looks like her last one but worse??? I actually can’t fathom it, it is UNFATHOMABLE!
  3. Coney Island King


    Anyone voting for cover 1 will be reported to Elle immediately.
  4. I’m looking forward to the album, but his sound is starting to get very repetitive at this point.
  5. Coney Island King


    That first pic is the ugliest cover ever released in the history of the human race. What is she thinking LOL.
  6. Coney Island King


    Fantano can go JUMP.
  7. Coney Island King


    AESTHETICS QUEEN. Gorgeous video. The second song was good too.
  8. Coney Island King


    I haven’t understood what she says for 10 years. Everytime i sing Grimes loudly i just make gay cat sounds.
  9. I adore BTD but lol this is a BTD album list. And Lust For Life in the top 10?…..chiiild…
  10. Hopefully 2022. She better not end up one of those FKa Twig types who does music every 5 years.
  11. Coney Island King


    I like it, i like the euro dance sound. If people want less generic Grimes they have 5 older albums they can enjoy.
  12. New song is good, but gurl….we don’t need 5 song drops from this upcoming album, just released it, its been 7 years…
  13. Coney Island King


    She posted a beautiful fantasy artwork wearing white for the book 1 era on her insta, it really should have been the album cover.
  14. Apparently people are upset she looks Asian now, or something i dunno.
  15. The dress says “i’ll fuck your man!” But thr jacket says “jk not really”.
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