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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. Well shes had other video game sounding songs, and Tokyo feels very much an extension of Cherry, they still have a very Rina feel to them. STFU still has elements of her too, but it is the heaviest she’s gone with the rock sound, and if she’s going country with a track too I’m at least hoping it’s merged well with her style of delivery. I don’t think Dynasty, CDG and Tokyo are that shocking if they’re on the same album, even if they all feature different styles of production.
  2. Not gonna lie, thought the man with the mustard pants was her at first, i screamed
  3. Is Snakeskin available anywhere? I managed to hear Tokyo and Dynasty, both which don’t sound too far removed from CDG...
  4. She posted on insta about having some country style song on the album, sigh, look, I appreciate her attempt at showcasing an ability to be versatile, but so far we have one pop/rock hybrid track and an rnb disco track.....and now apparently something country. Please don’t be an incohesive mess of an album, please.......
  5. Coney Island King


    It will probs be a holographic cube with lazer beans that cries in Spanish.
  6. Baz better get her doing a song for his Elvis movie i swear to god, who the fuck else could!?
  7. Guyliner 1/2 are Katy Perry sounding rejects. Tool For You is good.
  8. I like the new song, but please bring the bangers for the album.
  9. Coney Island King


    Thats if you’re having a human baby though.
  10. Coney Island King


    Yeah i don’t get the fake pregnancy stuff either, the fuck, what a stupid thing to make up.
  11. Coney Island King


    Don’t expect an album for 5 years if she’s gonna be raising the anti-christ.
  12. Like lets be real, no one other than stans are going to buy this shit, so if it’s done just release it Lana Delay!
  13. Milk is high in calcium and makes strong bones, so Cinnamon Girl gives me the nutrition i need.
  14. Ok gays i’m just updating my clown list: Life Is Beautiful Cola video Cherry video Dark Paradise video Poetry book Yosemite Spoken word album That it?
  15. Honeymoon, LFL and NFR all had critical acclaim, this isn’t new to her, whats new is the media coverage of it and the industry actually actively acknowledging it through awards and journalism.
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