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Coney Island King

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Everything posted by Coney Island King

  1. BAR was from LFL sessions. AF is seriously from Paradise era, it’s old as fuck.
  2. Screaming at her looking like a bloated dead body on the album cover
  3. Just when this bitch gets on my last nerve she pulls me back in, the new song is sooooo good.
  4. I feel like shes a little....one note? I loved Cry Baby, but hearing this new album all i’m getting is Crybaby 2.0 with weaker hooks and melodies. Plus shes still dressing like a baby ect i dunno, it all feels a little 5 years ago and theres no evolution in any way, there isn’t anything that showcases anything interesting creative wise....
  5. Yea he was never big on VB he liked MAC more last year.
  6. Coney Island King


    Industrial and sunshiney makes no sense.
  7. Coney Island King


    Love the new song and video.
  8. Sorry, I’ll make sure my opinion falls in line with yours next time I post.
  9. She has songs like Cali and Cinnacock but we get a 3 way video for those? Wow.
  10. Shes not winning album of the year. Yall need to stop.
  11. Coney Island King


    She’s always coming. She needs to fucking get somewhere.
  12. I cant believe Lana became the greatest artist of all time. Wow.
  13. Video Games sweetie, im so sorry
  14. Look this is cool and all, but im putting this shit out of my mind because we’ll hear fuck all about this for months and i honestly cant be bothered.
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