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Everything posted by godsmonster

  1. idk i heard rumors years ago about how it leaked, but also heard rumors that Gaga gave it to a small number of people or gave it to Emma and it leaked
  2. oh i didnt know this was something she wanted to do oh im v much aware of the MJH/BN thing. They fought for the same spot on the album up until the end also Fashion! is cute but Fashion (2009) is superior. but i do like the message and lyrics of F! also are the rumors true that the version of BN that leaked is just a stem edit, like how Your Girl leaked?
  3. what chromatica movie
  4. the way Fashion! made it on ARTPOP but Brooklyn Nights didn't homophobic worms for brains luv
  5. true. she should've (at the very least) went after companies like H&M and Primark but yeah i still agree w you
  6. i agree w everything you said however her statement about fashion designers is extremely relevant and a huge issue. fast fashion is ruining our enviroment however idfk what's crawled inside her head lately because she just ain't it w this political statements (other than the fashion one)
  7. godsmonster

    Dua Lipa

    i finally got my boxset but i didn't realize it was a literal book, but it's fucking incredible. love the temp tattoo it came with, and i think car window decals
  8. im sharing this since i feel it is important to help spread her message https://www.instagram.com/p/CA5kPBJHaOL/
  9. The Ellis Remix of Stupid Love is so bad oh my god i guess i heard the wrong ellis remix
  10. thank you, it was time for this to have it's own thread
  11. Chromatica might be my favorite Gaga album
  12. watching her interview with Zane Lowe about the album adds a lot of context to the songs. I highly recommend watching it
  13. You know, today, more than ever since it's release, I feel Change is more relevant than ever. I've had this strange feeling all day that a massive change is gonna happen, given all the protests and civil unrest. I wonder what kind of change Lana was feeling when she wrote the song, and I wonder if it's the same change that I feel coming with America
  14. oh my fucking god Marina, WHY
  15. THIS it's a long process to unlearn what you were born into. It's hard to recognize it's there, and even harder to unlearn.
  16. someone make a thread for the BLM movement and protests as relevant as it is to lana and her lack of speaking out, it really deserves it down thread for this kind of discussion
  17. just thinking about that she may come off as whatever, but at least she knows how to use her platform
  18. yeah i changed my mind, lana you need to do SOMETHING no more looking for america type shit, you can't find beauty in this nation without first dealing and changing the horrible ugly ways it functions do something, post a link, an image, at the very least, acknowledge what is going on
  19. dont mind everyone, they don't like it because it's not The Fame Monster 2 or Born This Way 2
  20. this and also she may have done stuff behind the screen to help. you literally never know
  21. wow. the power 1000 Doves piano version has
  22. i swear, the Haus Labs Babylon, the sample sounds like it says e-enig-enig-enigma i know it doesnt but
  23. Elton sounds so different on Sine but i also don't listen to his music so idk
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