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Mind Melt

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Everything posted by Mind Melt

  1. Mind Melt


    "@lorde : we all push each other to be better. and i truly think the music coming out of jack's studio is some of the best of these times. just wait" after all these claims and after making us wait this long she better deliver!
  2. Mind Melt


    I love Evanescence so much they're one of my favorite bands ever If any of you haven't seen they're releasing a career spanning box set (i preordered mine ) Contains 6 records (and some other stuff) Origin Fallen The Open Door (2 LP) Evanescence Lost Whispers
  3. I have a masterpost, there's a link to it somewhere in this threadi'll update this post with a link when i get home if you can't find it https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9zXMBt2IBo2fkh6Yi1QOHdrS21KQVd4dHRwNURSeW5YTjVpQm1MMkRrTTAzRzdUY3VfTjA
  4. even though i have nothing to do with the song my ego gets slightly boosted every time i see west coast get praised just bc of my username
  5. just getting in to her, she's great backseat love bops, human and time are so good
  6. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9zXMBt2IBo2fmplcm11Y3FVa3RxYW5ReWJONmlYUHVPNFF4MGtGV29udjJRZTNJMi1uZGc
  7. You all seem to be forgetting that Pendulum is her best song
  8. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    apparently she's signing a new deal and claims she's deleting all of her social media accounts
  9. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    what happened what did i miss
  10. Mind Melt


    WHERE is the album??? I'm dying over here
  11. Mind Melt


    NEAUX An alternative/shoegaze/grunge band comprised of Sierra Kay and Nick Fit https://neaux.bandcamp.com/ Make Me Stay Stuck Like A... click the album covers for itunes links!
  12. Kelela - Rewind, Bank Head, Send Me Out Neaux - Make Me Stay, Only Lonely, Deep Dive Santigold - Walking in a Circle, Lights Out, Never Enough, Starstruck, Run the Races
  13. Mind Melt

    Steven Universe

    lmaoo i didn't take any, my wig got soaked in beer immediately
  14. Mind Melt

    Steven Universe

    December 1st we also get a new episode! Three Gems and a Baby, and its Greg telling Steven about their first winter together! Also I went as Steven for Halloween!
  15. Despite this thread I'm actually getting hyped for LDR5 now. Even though HM drags, Lana truly never disappoints I'm ready to spend $300 in preorders again fuck up my bank account QUEEN
  16. Lana Del Rey FKA twigs Amy Winehouse Santigold Azealia Banks Neaux in no certain order
  17. not miss sky ferreira fka twigs performing new songs and releasing the studio several years later
  18. i want her to do a standard only release, 12 tracks, then in 2018 i'd wanna see her do a b-side ep, about 3-4 songs
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