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Mind Melt

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Everything posted by Mind Melt

  1. Mind Melt


    she sounds like a female future lmaooooo
  2. Mind Melt

    I need the album bc I don't really like Kamikaze or Final Song and I'm hoping this is a situation where she's releasing this stuff to promote ha album and then the rest of the tracks are better
  3. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    I wish she was more centered in the image, there's too much unnecessary white space at the top and my fat hands basically cover everything but her hat and the white space. Print is cheap, but I wasn't expecting amazing quality, it was like $7 Case is VERY flimsy and doesn't cover my screen but it's Azealia so I'm using it anyway
  4. Well think about the amount of fans that must have approached her over the years, it probably gets really old, especially for an introvert like Lana. She probably didn't intend to come off as rude or anything, but it's something that happened to her so many times and she's just sick of constantly being interrupted, even if you're super polite about it.
  5. a new album, I'm so ready
  6. Mind Melt


    can we at least get a single or something
  7. Mind Melt

    I really hope most of her album isn't the whole Lean On/Kamikaze sound kinda thing, I'll be super disappointed :/
  8. These tracks are so interesting
  9. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    Did she get new teeth? I literally noticed them almost the entire video I guess not, but still they've never stood out to me so much before
  10. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    TBBB video tomorrow @ 10 AM
  11. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    HM UO leak tease but they sound amazing tbh love playhouse, im ready for 2019!
  12. i mean i get that and all, but its not like she never impressed ru before! like i said im just pressedT ill calm down later lol
  13. Im so upset DeLa, Katya and now Thorgy were ROBBED tbh I never thought Derrick would make it farther than Thorgy (I'll give her credit for doing well this week, but she only had to do so bc if she did bad again she would have been sent home) Honestly I'm always pressed about lip syncs because Ru never seems to take all the previous challenges in to account. Chi Chi destroyed the lip sync but if you compare them overall, Thorgy would have stayed.
  14. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    Two new F II titles
  15. yup, and also a magnifying card (bc she printed the lyrics really small) and that has a digital download code on it too!
  16. i bought it on amazon http://www.amazon.com/FKA-Twigs-Free-Deluxe-Vinyl/dp/B00MNRXY7E?ie=UTF8&psc=1 but i think she sells them on her merch store too!
  17. I have one, I posted the link a few pages back. I'll update this post with a link (once i update the masterpost) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9zXMBt2IBo2fkh6Yi1QOHdrS21KQVd4dHRwNURSeW5YTjVpQm1MMkRrTTAzRzdUY3VfTjA Also a few months late on posting this, but I got LP1 + One Time!
  18. Mind Melt

    Azealia Banks

    wow MESS @ me for not replying i'm sorry! Thank you I tried it and it's perfect. I'd never even thought of that! Speaking of which, anyone know why the tracklist is out of order on the 1991 vinyl? And also AZEALIABANKS I'm making something super duper special for my merch store!!! AZEALIABANKS I want to tell you what it is but it's such a surprise. It's going to be limited edition!!! Which means it'll be valuable ! Collectable ! it better be slay z physical tbh
  19. Mine keeps saying Approval Needed :/
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