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Jizzy Grant

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Everything posted by Jizzy Grant

  1. What really sticks out to me is the strings. They have this kind of Lee Hazelwood vibe about them. The song is very simple, feathery and light. She sounds younger, too. At this point in her career, I don't expect anything new or experimental from her. She's in a very comfortable place. As much as I would love for her to take a risk with it, I know that the chances of it happening are slim. One thing I've always liked about her, especially her voice in this song, was how unintentional creepy she is. The video snippets reminded me of those homemade videos of women who go missing (also pretty interesting when you think about the Honeymoon theme) which kind of gives off the whole trouble in paradise kind of feel. My favorite moment in the song is when she croons out "cruise" and the background vocals come swooning in, and the whole "dreaming away your life" in the end.
  2. I want her to do the opposite of whatever the gays want her to do tbh
  3. Really? Are you referring to her webcam videos? That one was professional. I'm talking about 8mm or 16mm, etc As far as I know, she has yet to shoot on any of those kinds of film.
  4. It looks like it was recorded on a VHS tape *sigh* Is she ever going to record on film?
  5. Jizzy Grant


    "We both know that it's not fashionable to love me" That self-awareness
  6. Was hoping for a Tarik Saleh collaboration but the video is really great. Some gorgeous shots. I thought it was going to be one of those simple solemn videos of her looking out the window and her playing on stage throughout. Better than Gunshot.
  7. Unfortunately, the lawn seats are far, but you'll still be able to see her, she'll just be very small. And everybody stands during the show, so if you don't want nobody blocking your view, move to the front.
  8. Yeah, it's on the floor so you'll have a very good view of her. I'd suggest you get there early, especially since this is a Lana concert so there will be fans already in line hours before the show starts. Last year when she played at the Coamerica theatre, she came outside and greeted some fans before the show started. I don't know if that will happen at the Pavilion, but you never know. She might come down during the show and take selfies, sign autographs, like she usually does (also, one of the main reasons to arrive early). Also, I strongly suggest you keep hydrated during the show. It's an outdoor venue and since it's in May, it's most likely going to be very, very hot.
  9. Freakshow was neither good nor bad. It was sort of in-between for me. I haven't revisited any scenes/episodes since the finale aired. Despite the writing, consistency, and development being a bit better than Coven, it just wasn't engaging enough. I don't know what will happen with Hotel. I can see it going for a Bates/Shining atmosphere. If it's consistent with the Ryan Murphy formula, it will have a strong intriguing premise that will gradually loose it's momentum mid-way and completely congest everything by the final episode.
  10. This is interesting. I feel like Lana has made her place in history and not in the way she wanted to. Kim seemed not to like Lana, in general, from her tone and wording in the quote. In any case, she's using her version of what feminism is to put down the choices she doesn't like of another woman. It's one thing to have an opinion about someone, it's another to feel the need to shame/humiliate them. I would assume she had an agenda. Based on her twitter feed that would appear so. She had to have known the controversy this would generate and she seems to be taking some form of pleasure in all of it.
  11. So far, all of the releases by Emilie haven't impressed me. I think the song is soothing, but that is all I can say about it. Perhaps when I'm in a better mood, I will let it captivate me. It's what I like to call background music. When I'm alone and the weather is perfect, I like to listen to these kinds of songs while I lounge around the house. Or imagine myself in an open field somewhere in the mountains. I do think Lykke Li is underrated, but she has released three albums now and I don't think she will gain any more popularity than she has right now. A large part of her audience came from Youth Novels. It was the quirky, pop music that the indie community caught on to. Even Drake sampled Little Bit on one of his songs. And then she did Wounded Rhymes. It had a different sound, different lyrics, and a dark mood. Not to mention none of the songs were particularly catchy. It got better reviews, but it wasn't as commercially successful. A lot of people just weren't interested in it. I remember when Get Some and I Follow Rivers were released on Youtube and a lot of people in the comments were putting it down. However, I ended up loving it. No matter the mood I'm in, I will listen to the album all the way through. I just hope she continues to make the music the way she has (although, I have to admit that I Never Learn left me underwhelmed) without the labeling interfering. She stands out among other female pop artists. And she is distinct with her own unique sound, which I admire.
  12. I really hope she was referring to the cinematic sound of the Born to Die album and not the hip-hop/trip-hop/pop production. It was cute (and largely responsible for her huge fan base) but I just don't find that interesting anymore. I think she sounds better with the alt sound, so hopefully she sticks with the whole Orchestral/Grunge/Jazz fusion, minus the drowning reverb. Also it would be nice to hear something lyrically different, but the Honeymoon title suggests it will have her recurring themes. I wish she would return to the bizarre surreal druggy imagery she had in her earlier demos/songs. There was something so mysterious and otherworldly about them, even though they were about men, and they made no sense, there was still something so captivating about how she strung all those words together and made this world that was so fitting for her. Anyway, I think that Honeymoon is a lovely title. Has this been included in some of her fake/rumored tracklists? Excited to hear she's doing another jazz cover. The Other Women had potential and the horns were wonderful, but her timing was off and it just didn't sound as great as it could have been. I still listen to it though, but hopefully this one is an improvement.
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if Weinstein did buy her a place on the nomination list as someone mentioned previously above. I'm happy that she's getting noticed, but I'm disappointed that it had to be "Big Eyes." I was hoping if she'd ever got a nomination it would be for a very haunting ballad (similar to Video Games, Young & Beautiful [Trailer Version], Old Money, Once Upon a Dream). I always wanted her to leave a great impression at these award shows and "Big Eyes" just doesn't do that. It doesn't carry that same weight of cinematic elegance. I've only listened to the song twice and I have no interest in adding it to my playlist, but I have it in a folder for my LDR collection. Lorde's song is okay and there is a chance that she might win. She has more popularity and is tied in with a popular movie, but Taylor Swift didn't win when she was nominated, so who knows. If both of them don't, then the Annie song "Opportunity" might. I think it's cute. I'll be very happy for Lana if she does win and I'm sure she'll have a very lovely speech. And as childish as this sounds, I want to see Lorde's fake ass smile watching Lana ascend the stairs to accept the award (Weinstein purchased or not).
  14. I heard a snippet of Kill Kill on a indie playlist and immediately fell in love. I got her whole retro vibe right away and had to know more about her. It was a couple weeks after she had just put out the Lana Del Ray album and before she yanked it from itunes. I remember going on youtube, watching her videos and wondering if some fan edited them. After watching Yayo, I was completely under her spell. I downloaded the whole album then.
  15. Picked up I Never Learn on the first day and haven't stopped playing it since. She sounds so broken on the record, but at the same time, I feel like she isn't looking for comfort. It's definitely more emotive than her previous records. My only issue with it (besides just being 9 songs) is that there isn't much diversity in the tracks. They all sound big and echoey, mostly in the choruses, with quiet moody versus. It's not too much of a problem, I still love it. Really the only one I don't care for is Silver Line, despite it being the lighter of the bunch. Interested to know where she is going to take her sound in the future and how it will change. She doesn't seem that much interested in going back to Youth Novels, which I know a lot of people prefer.
  16. I can tell this album is going to take a few listens to take everything in. The sounds are so different and unexpected, I think that the rest of the album will have the same effect. Either way, I feel like it will sound amazing live. I like the song. The verses feel a bit thrown together from the way she sings it. It's like she's free-styling over the instrumentals. I love the chorus, even if the reverb helps, I could've done without it being overdone. I don't know how I feel about the guitar part. I'm sure Blake will kill it live. The best part of the song is near the end, especially the moaning or the crooning she does. Not too impressed with the lyrics, but it's typical Lana, but I do love the line "and when he calls, he calls for me and not for you." Overall decent song. This is definitely made for a promotional track.
  17. I love her to death. Her last album was underwhelming and I was disappointed that the low sales made it impossible for her to tour worldwide. I still listen to Whoa, Nelly!, Folklore and Mi Plan every now and then, so she isn't forgotten in my book nor will she ever be. I do hope she releases an album similar to her first two. As much as I loved Loose and played it to death, there wasn't much there for me besides the singles. I also think that her video for Maneater is her best, which coincidentally is also directed by Mandler.
  18. The video is beautiful, just as I've come to expect from her. The man in the video is very handsome. Does anyone know his name?
  19. I like it. I'm not in love with it. The only reason I'm listening to it on repeat is because it's an official single. I do like the direction she's going. It's definitely not stripped-back as I expected. I always enjoyed her more rock-oriented demos/songs, so I'm really loving the guitar and the tempo change. I just wish her vocals were less filtered and there was more, I don't know, space between the arrangement. The lyrics are nothing to write home about, no matter how deep some people are going to make them out to be. However, I didn't like a lot of the tracks of Born to Die and Paradise, but after some time, some of those tracks became my favorites, so who knows, in the near future I might come back to this and love it. I think one of the main reasons she's changing the sound is to appeal to a much older crowd. I don't know if it's radio-friendly and it probably won't last long on the iTunes charts. And I'm worried that some critics will think she's trying to hard with it. Which, admittedly, I kind of think so. Anyway, it's only a snapshot of the album so I'm not going to judge it. I'm just happy that the new era has started. Really looking forward to the music video.
  20. According to EW this is what the plot will be about: "Set in Jupiter, Florida, in 1950, Freak Show finds Jessica Lange playing a German ex-pat who is managing one of the last freak shows in the U.S. Her group of “unusuals”? Kathy Bates, Sarah Paulson, Evan Peters, Angela Bassett, and Frances Conroy all play performers whom Lange’s character has rescued; Denis O’Hare and Emma Roberts are also in talks to return. Freak Show’s 13 episodes will track this group as they do anything to keep their business around."
  21. Ryan Murphy just confirmed on his twitter that the title of next season will be "Freak Show"
  22. No Rest For The Wicked sounds lovely. I'm happy that she has some of the elements from Wounded Rhymes on there. Although, I don't think the album will have the same connection with me as her sophomore album, I know it'll sound lovely. Sad that I won't be able to see her on tour this year.
  23. I adore her. I can't even count how many times I've listened to Wounded Rhymes. It's a classic for me and puts me in a trance. I just want to walk through an abandoned city on some island by the sea and just listen to her music on a record player or something. I always find myself going back to her videos for "I Follow Rivers" and "Sadness is a Blessing." I wish she continued it for "Love Out of Lust". It would have been a nice trilogy.The acoustic versions on her iTunes Sessions are also beautiful. Hopefully, she'll release the album around the same time Lana does. I have my iTunes gift card saved up for both of them. The music sounds nice, but I don't want to wear myself out from listening to it. I was worried she wouldn't be able to top her second album, but the song snippet sounds lovely (ethereal and folky) and different in a good way. Doesn't it sort have a seventies vibe to it, like psychedelic pop? Or is that just me. Anyway, I'm happy. The movie that she's in comes out this year, doesn't it?
  24. I was about to purchase them but the server crashed and I lost them >insert Marilyn Monroe screaming< but I have hope something might come up so I'm going to keep trying. I can't imagine what tomorrow's bloodbath is going to look like.
  25. Debating between the Vegas and AZ show, only because a part of me thinks the Phoenix show will be canceled because of the lack of tickets. There hardly seems to be any reception coming from there, but hopefully I'm wrong.
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