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Trash Magic

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Everything posted by Trash Magic

  1. Trash Magic

    Washed Out

    Been meaning to check them out because I like the cover of the album lol
  2. was gonna post no way out on instagram and tired of singing the blues how about noir? lol
  3. Copenhagen Zoo euthanizes young giraffe, feeds him to the lions NBC News: Denmark’s Copenhagen Zoo has euthanized an unwanted young giraffe named Marius to avoid in-breeding, igniting protests from animal rights groups who have criticized the zoo’s decision. After euthanizing him with a bolt gun, the zoo fed him to the lions. Smh...
  4. Definitely don't trust rick with uploading shit to his site
  5. Trash Magic

    Flappy Bird

    I just saw this on twitter how is it possible to remove it though if people have already downloaded it
  6. She's such a saint. I hope she's wearing a baseball cap on the cover lol
  7. Tracy Chapman - Tracy Chapman KanYe West - The College Dropout
  8. no one ever confimred a song from sirens is for k part 1, it was all assumption. there may not even be one
  9. NO NO NO NO I hate when i see people do this, obviously you're free to label as you wish but there is NO evidence what so ever. let alone "100%"
  10. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    Omg this song is just awful.
  11. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    partition remix is trash. Leave a good song be
  12. The cover should be a dark scene, almost like a painting. Lana lying down in Stevie nicks-esque clothes like on Emile's Instagram. Dark earthy tones of red and brown, ugh I can imagine the magnificence but it don't make sense to you.
  13. I can't believe people being so critical of the photos, she looks pretty as always! And I don't think pale / lip injections
  14. not a Q but random and certainly doesnt derve an own thread Lizzy mentioned by a band member of reeve's band http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Ne7h9u1RzXcJ:www.themilkcarton.com/forums/archive/index.php%3Ft-2583.html+&cd=7&hl=en&ct=clnk
  15. I trust in the decision of The Lord to watch over us
  16. They are all different, all legit. I don't have $ to fuck w the tracklist...
  17. I can tell through squinting with one eye that is a fanmade cover
  18. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    tried on my iphone and pc :/
  19. Trash Magic

    Azealia Banks

    I cant even stream it
  20. I honestly think hundred dollar bill will be on the album just please, one song we've previously heard. This song OMG...
  21. All of these descriptions perfectly fit CATCH AND RELEASE to a tee.
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