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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. i cant believe i missed this! it's giving por vida, but with a newer and fuller sound. these need to be on her next album.
  2. this was so random, but funny, i love it! cleavage forever.
  3. very true!! that's why i hope i'm proven wrong. but i'm scared to be hopeful knowing her pre-release history. i hope this is a BB situation where the rollout is quick!
  4. from reading the mag, i fear this could be the longest pre-release thread in lanaboards existence but i hope i'm proven wrong anyways, happy pre-release era, besties!
  5. tried isolating the end vocals/dialogue and all i can gather is something along the lines of "i'm like leaving you anyways" and "if you don't pray, you'll never learn, you know i'm a saint", which we kind of already knew. i cant figure out the other ones still.
  6. one thing that i know for sure, lentilus is the king of TASTE. our collective serve stanning marina.
  7. maybe because everyone in this thread in recycling the same argument like "sHe nEvEr gIvEs Us AnYtHiNg." so yeah, if everyone else is taking it seriously, so will i. this is why i'm not on lanaboards every day anymore. oh look! a patch of grass!
  8. and??? not every fan listens to her unreleased music. i've heard the songs a couple of times, but never went out of my way to stream them on YT or whatever. my point is, so what? you really think this will matter in 10 more years? it's literally just music. some of y'all take this shit too seriously.
  9. y'all are so dramatic, like for ONCE can you stop complaining and stop criticizing marina. this is literally why artists stop making music cuz y'all are never happy. you can nicely criticize an artist without consistently dragging them. i, for one, am satisfied with this re-release. like idk what more y'all want? she's giving us unreleased electra songs finally. what more does she need to do? not a lot of artists do this shit for album anniversaries. rant over.
  10. xxmissdaytonaxx


    idk if anyone's heard but lorde has laryngitis and she postponed the CT show tonight and the DC show tomorrow, which means it might not be good for us future show girls either.
  11. blue banisters, baby, i am SO SORRY that all of the LB girlies are slandering you in the LDR9 thread. you don't deserve this hate. you're ethereal, sexy, original, and in the top 3 of lana's records (just right under HM and UV). maybe one day the girls will acquire a bit of taste and see your true beauty. for now tho, i'll be your only fan.
  12. inb4 rob deletes his accounts and creates a private instagram named "sweetcarolina" for the real fans.
  13. stop slandering rob, the nicest old man ever with a lot of musical talent. and stop slandering BB, her best album since Honeymoon. with the power of drew, rob, and possibly jack, LDR9 will be an iconic album. thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
  14. there's like some weird sound/music at the end of that video... time to decipher it girls! is that our first snippet of LDR9?
  16. babes, it's okay to say that you have taste! we don't mind
  17. well wasnt wildest dreams a rip off of a lana song anyways? not trynna fight. that's just what i've heard the girls say for years.
  18. t*ylor can stay far away from lana's music pls and thank you. no hate to ts but i just don't think they're similar. could be another dcma mess.
  19. xxmissdaytonaxx


    same! i didn't listen too much after the album released but now that it's basically springtime for a lot of us, it's finally clicking. SP still can't top PH or Melo, but it's a really cute and solid album perfect for summer. and she just started tour & seeing the songs live actually makes them better for me. almost 2 weeks till my show.
  20. i understand both sides. but let's just remember this is a discussion forum which means anything should and can be discussed if it's on topic. jack is clearly producing LDR9, so therefore it's on topic. y'all need to let people have their own opinions no matter if you agree w them or not, as long as the opinion is harmless. no one is saying that they hate jack, they just don't like his production. everyone's tastes are different. i've learned to stop attacking others who i don't agree with because it just makes me feel bad inside. besides, there's nothing else to discuss atm.
  21. i was listening to riverside yesterday and it's so hauntingly beautiful. i want LDR9 to have a sound similar to this. serene, atmospheric, and entrancing with slight surf noir/hazy influences. finally..... finally... finally we're getting closer to ldr9
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