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  1. DominicMars liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Sal Mineo was a great guy who liked to screw around, mainly with guys, but few people think less of him because of that. Marilyn, on the other hand is still viewed as a slut by ignorant moralists. She was only liberated, ahead of her time, tame compared to today's girls... Double standards really suck.
  2. Shades liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  3. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Sal Mineo was a great guy who liked to screw around, mainly with guys, but few people think less of him because of that. Marilyn, on the other hand is still viewed as a slut by ignorant moralists. She was only liberated, ahead of her time, tame compared to today's girls... Double standards really suck.
  4. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Sal Mineo was a great guy who liked to screw around, mainly with guys, but few people think less of him because of that. Marilyn, on the other hand is still viewed as a slut by ignorant moralists. She was only liberated, ahead of her time, tame compared to today's girls... Double standards really suck.
  5. BLOODSHOT liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  6. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by CherryGalore in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    It's really interesting for me to read this. Not being from America, what you portray here really stands out as something very... foreign to me. In my country you're ultimately regarded as strange (and perverted! ha) if you don't have sex before marriage. Sex is seen as a very natural part of our lives, our physicality (which it is) that shouldn't be denied. So when Lana says she's slept with a lot of guys in the industry, I don't even raise an eyebrow. She probably says it tongue in cheek, even so - in some parts of the world she's not on the front lines of something big in terms of sexuality - just your regular gal. But I understand that it's different in the States and because of that I really agree with you - her voice is needed!
    Just a footnote: to me Miley Cyrus stands for the total opposite of female sexual empowerment; what she does seems to be driven by her awareness of "a spectator", whereas Lana is doing what she wants for herself. It seems
  7. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    @@FormerLanaFan What? Really??? How did you manage to listen to an artist's back catalog of songs, 75% of which are about illicit affairs with men, and be okay with that all this time? You're upset because the female artist of said songs actually admitted publicly that she DID sleep with lots of people? Logic, where art thou?
    Personally I've always kind of admired women who are so open with their sexuality. There's nothing slutty about it unless you are dishonest and hurting people left and right. If you're horny and wanna get laid, if you're lonely, it's cool that a woman can go and take care of that. Just tell the guy that's what's up. I wish my parents' religion and society hadn't shamed me. I wish I loved my body enough to get it naked with just anyone.
    There should be more outlets for women to appear the same way men have been sexually portrayed in the media. Women are not little delicate flowers who want only romance and marriage. Sometimes we just wanna get F-ed!
  8. hippocrates liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  9. PrettyBaby liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Nicely put!
    Furthermore, I tend to believe there is a difference between those, from either gender, who use others selfishly and without consideration to their feelings (those pejorative terms womaniser and maneater) and those who share themselves and enjoy their sexuality freely.
  10. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  11. LifeisBeautiful liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  12. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by PrettyBaby in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Lana's polyamory (if that is the right word... I think she has used the word "polygamy" but that doesn't seem to fit either) has been making me uncomfortable for awhile now -- but also opening my eyes to what it must be like for people who openly defy conventional mores. And frankly, some conventional mores need defying.
    I say this as someone who wishes there was more room in our culture for both women and men who wish to pursue celibacy before marriage. I grew up in purity culture; I was raised to see "girls who do" as something Other, and my parents even questioned whether a close female friend of mine was "a good person" upon finding out she was sexually active. I am ashamed to admit I bought into it long enough to wonder how I would relate to my own daughter if she grew up to be someone "believing in sex before marriage."
    THIS is cultural insanity. THIS is what is mentally unbalanced: pitting "good girls" against "bad girls," friends against friends, even mothers against daughters. This is what should outrage us: shaming women (regardless of their choices) for being embodied as sexual beings, shaming men (and women) for being attracted to them as sexual beings, and passing on plenty of sexual hang-ups to our daughters AND our sons, whether they are people who "do" or "don't."
    The double standard doesn't work for us anymore, if it ever did. And attempting the pseudo-egalitarian solution of slut-shaming men as well as women doesn't cut it either. The world is becoming more complicated (culturally... sexually... ) and maybe that scares some people. But maybe this is an opportunity to find other ways of encouraging each other to be more loving, respectful, honorable human beings instead of resorting to the implication "just be more like me so I can feel better about you as well as myself." Many of us are not buying it anymore, and for that I am grateful. For my daughter's sake, and for the sake of other people's sons and daughters, I am grateful.
    LDR is not alone in portraying female sexual empowerment; as others have pointed out, artists like Miley Cyrus are creating space for women to be fully embodied as themselves (for better or worse -- it is possible to see both, and still welcome the greater space). Lana is just more overtly analytical about it. I say we need her voice, even if I personally disagree with hers sometimes. I hope she doesn't suffer remorse for it. I hope she realizes she is on the front lines of something big -- even if she didn't ask for the confrontation, I hope she decides that being true to herself is worth it.
  13. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  14. HEARTCORE liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  15. violentest liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  16. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    these two statements kind of say it all, don't they? you had a certain idea of who you thought she was, and for you, i'm sure it fulfilled some kind of late-night masturbatory fantasy. now that she's gone and contradicted your [narrowly] wholesome perception of her, you're no longer a fan of her or her music? lmao k 
    guess that whole lolita thing really holds some power, eh??? *keeping that in mind* thx 
    edit: men are so fucking weird lmaooooooooooooooooooo
  17. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Did she ever mention a little escape to the great sunshine with a
    ... and that his wife wouldn't mind?
  18. ednafrau liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  19. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I look up to liberated women who have sex with whomever they want. It is ok. I could never do it coz I am so repressed.
    Sexuality is not a dirty thing, it is beautiful. It comes from God. Religion really messed with people's heads making them feel unnaturally sinful. Nothing wrong with a good sweaty fuck if it is not illegal.
    Jesus... A woman can screw around and still be a good person, daughter, citizen, whatever.
    I can't believe this sexism... I only worry about Lana getting emotionally involved with a jerk and getting hurt.
    Hope she gets all the action she needs and is fully satisfied and appreciated as a woman. Get it baby!! Write us more sexy songs.
  20. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by rdp in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    If the media judges her for being a sexually active woman, it's just the media's usual misogynistic ways. It's funny that you mention Katy Perry and Taylor Swift since they are also constantly targeted and maligned just for dating or going out with guys.
    And really, this is the same woman who created a 10 minute music video glorifying prostitution as an way to freeing yourself. 
  21. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    LDR is the "created reality" of Lizzy Grant in her magical pop working http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/5098-ldr-interview-with-austrian-newspaper-krone/&do=findComment&comment=200510
    There seems to be some truth to the idea that she wants to be seen as more of a bad bitch than she is; her explanation of "Ultraviolence" here is far more superficial than what she said in the NPR interview. The exoteric explanation is 'I like to get fucked hard' vs. the esoteric explanation, 'God likes to fuck me hard.' I.e., 'it's none of your business and you're not worth a real explanation, since you wouldn't understand it, anyways.' Such are the endless Veils of Mystery that this Isis has metaphorically enfolded herself.
    "You can be my higher power baby
    I can be your endless USA
    We can go on drives for hours baby
    Let's change our DNA"
    That's a Tantric notion of seeing the divinity in one's partner; not the sort of thing said by someone who doesn't understand sex ...
  22. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Stardust in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    You're right, it's not like she sings about a 'burning desire,' or being fucked 'hard in the pouring rain,' or actually depicts having sex on a pinball machine or anything overtly sexual in her art 
    ... Oh wait...
  23. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by GangstaBoy in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   

    Sex is a part of nature... I go along with nature!
  24. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by viagra in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Stop judging other people. There is no way how to live a life "well". If she wants to fk the whole football team, she can and its none of your business to judge her. And yes sex can be done even if you are not in a love with a person.  Who the fk you are if you think otherwise ? 16 y o virgin tumblr pseudo-moralist ? I really love them. 
  25. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Stardust in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Maybe she hasn't even slept around, but we don't know, the only person who knows the details of her sexual endeavours is her. If she wants to portray an image of someone who has had a lot of partners, so be it. I don't see it as irresponsible as it isn't for you and I, or any other member of the public to judge, although we (as in the public) seem to possess a sense of self righteousness and believe we do have the right to be judgemental. Like I said, it's her life, her choices. It doesn't mean she can't express familial values or beliefs at the same time. People of western culture tend to believe that human beings can't be contradictions, when in fact that's exactly what we are. I could go into a whole debate about the paradoxical nature of human nature but that's a different topic. But pray tell exactly what values she has expressed which stand in contrast to her having a lot of partners? 
    I don't think all people who participate in casual sex have issues with loyalty and respect. Yeah there's a hundred reasons people do it (and I said earlier, I don't know Lana's), but I explicitly stated that I wasn't referring to people who lead others on and treat 'others like a piece of meat of their ephemeral desire.' No strings sex between two consenting adults can be just that, no strings fun, as long as both parties are informed, that's all it is.
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