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  1. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by hollywoodgirl in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I see it differently.
    I truly believe she is incredibly confident about her sexuality. And that it's not a big deal to her. So for her to say she slept with a lot of people is not a big thing, because she doesn't sees it as something abnormal.
    She even says (don't know if it is this interview of another one) that in a relationship it isn't for her always about the love and feeling, but that as long as the physical aspect and the chemistry is there, she is down. That's important to her.
    And I don't see the problem with that, or that it implies that she is actualy really akward.
    It's not like she needs to make this virgin-esque statue of herself taylor swift like, to be a good girl. Because if you see sexuality as a normal aspect of who you are and don't have a problem with it there is no problem. you can be a good person and enjoy yourself. And that doesn't mean that she can't have meaningful realtionships.
    Like with Barrie, she had a relationship with him for 3 years, she clearly was in love. And now it is over, she don't seem to have a problem to be with other men just for physical realtions.
    And one day she will fall in love again and have a relationship.
    I really don't know where I am going with this, but really, I can not see your point at all. But maybe that's my fault.
  2. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by hollywoodgirl in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I think that however insecure she is about herself and being on stage. She is incredibly confident in her sexuality.
    It is the part that most people struggle with in their lives and with how other people might view it. But for her it is not a big deal. It is I think the only thing aside from feeling good about her music that she is 100 percent secure in.
  3. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Stardust in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I'm not going to go into your whole post mainly because I don't know Lana personally, so any narrative on her psychological issues really count for naught. I'm not saying she does or she doesn't have issues, but if I'm honest the majority of people I know have their own issues anyway. There are things in your post I both agree and disagree with, however, this point really stuck out to me and I felt the need to reply.
    I don't see how promiscuity (alleged or not) contradicts 'being a good person, helping the community and being with family.' To be honest I think this whole social construct of wholesomeness, particularly where women are involved, is an old fashioned ideology lingering to the present day. Just because someone likes to have sex doesn't make them a bad person, and though it may not fit into a stereotypical paradigm of a 'good, wholesome' person does not in any way detract from your personality in reality. I, for one, know plenty of guys who sleep around, but they have hearts of gold and are basically mummy's boys. They're good, family orientated people, and just because they like to spend time between the sheets doesn't make it not so.  
    I'm not talking about leading people on and all of that sort of stuff, I'm talking about just the physical act of sex. I know there could be hundreds of reasons why someone chooses to sleep around, including psychological problems like a need for validation, but I also think it can be for a healthy reason, of just enjoying yourself and having fun. You only live once, and your life is made from your choices, so whatever you choose (promiscuity or not), enjoy it. I don't know Lana's own reasons, and the public may react with disgust, but that's simply because the majority are still in line with an old fashioned view.
  4. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    Sigh. The powers of clairvoyance that some people on this board possess is astounding sometimes. I would have thought we were past the point where sexual behaviour wasn't seen as conflicting with loving being around your family, but apparently we've still got a long way to go, baby. 
    Here is an alternative explanation for some of the behaviour that doesn't require pretending to have some insight into the mental processes of somebody who you've never met. 
    Singing, writing, performing, dancing, public relations, mixing with people, taking criticism and being optimistic are all different characteristics or skills. A person can have a few, or all, or none of these, but having one doesn't necessarily mean that you would be expected to have any of the others. To be a pop star, though, you're meant to have all of them, to an extreme degree. Each of us will decide which of them is more important - some people don't think a person should be considered a singer if they can't perform live, others don't care as long as they sound good on record. Some of us don't want to see a singer who can't dance at the same time, others of us don't care. Some of us don't care who a singer treats her fans, others of us really care about how the performer relates to people who like her. But you cannot ascribe a mental iilness to somebody because they are missing a few of these attributes. 
    Even if Lizzy always wanted to be successful, the fact that there are parts of fame that make her miserable don't make her a hypocrite. They just mean that she couldn't see the future (like most of us can't), and the things that she was looking for in being famous came with a higher price than she expected. It's an age old story, and the only artists who manage to get through it are the ones who find a way to ignore all of the bullshit and focus entirely on the creative process. The rest either burn out or overdose or freak out. I'm hoping that the shift in tone in reporting on Lana - from beautiful puppet to worthwhile songwriter and singer - helps her to make the transition, but at this point, anything can happen. 
    The Beatles stopped performing live because they couldn't hear themselves on stage, and because nobody cared about what they sounded like. Maybe Lana will decide that the chance to see the smiles on the people in the front row is not worth all of the bullshit, and she'll stop singing live as well. It's 100% true that some of her songs live are better than others, and some of her shows are better than others, and she has a few decisions to make about performing. But from her perspective, the things that she enjoyed doing - that were her way into the industry - had nothing to do with standing in front of 50,000 fans. They were writing, singing and putting together videos, and all of them could be done in a small room with only a few people around. That's an attitude I can relate to.
    Finally, relationships fall apart for all sorts of reasons, and there is no such thing as the objective truth of why something fucks up. Everybody who has an opinion is either a biased participant, or someone who doesn't know what happened. So when it comes to her time with Barrie and what went wrong, the only reasonable response is to nod and move on, and accept what both of them say about it as their take on it.
  5. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I've written a few novels.  Everyone says they are unmarketable   But I wrote them for me so...
    Still, it's pretty much my only dream in life to get published.
  6. tiffanydale liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    How I wish I lived in New York spending the day writing. Maybe I could be friends with Lana. I hate my failed writer life.
  7. LifeisBeautiful liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I used to sit and watch the sea and write shitty poetry. Now I am trying to write my novel... But my emotional/health problems gave me writer's block.
    I'll make it someday, my own books (not short story or poem collections as before).
  8. kik liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I used to sit and watch the sea and write shitty poetry. Now I am trying to write my novel... But my emotional/health problems gave me writer's block.
    I'll make it someday, my own books (not short story or poem collections as before).
  9. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I used to sit and watch the sea and write shitty poetry. Now I am trying to write my novel... But my emotional/health problems gave me writer's block.
    I'll make it someday, my own books (not short story or poem collections as before).
  10. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by veniceglitch in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    I really like the interview. She's refreshingly open, admits her weaknesses, is able to put actions into context, and overall, just seemed more confident and open than in the RS interview (which I also liked overall, despite it's ending). The fact that she basically took full accountability for the dissolution of she & Barrie's relationship seemed uncharacteristically mature and realistic for her. In this piece, she comes off as someone who understands their own quirks, and is aware of their power — as both creative assets and destructive pitfalls. You get the sense she's trying to find a balance that works.
    I relate to her sense of never being totally content where she is. She pined for California, and now she's there and misses Brooklyn. Oh Lana. 
    Also intrigued by the way she describes Dan. Makes you wonder... 
  11. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lana covers "Complex" magazine - August/September Issue   
    so Dan Auerbach effectively murdered the second coming of Lizzi Grant 
  12. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by timinmass101 in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    I’ve read the Rolling Stone article several times.  I think it was an awesome interview,  well written,  and very illuminating.  More of the puzzle of who Lana Del Rey is gets filled in.  I also think that the article was respectful of Lana.  Brian Hiatt did not cast her in a poor light unlike the Guardian article that sensationalized her “death wish”.   I seriously don’t think there was anything wrong with the behavior of either Lana or the reporter Brian Hiatt.  They were both doing their jobs.  Hers for Interscope doing promotions (which she hates) and his as a reporter trying to sell magazines.

    A couple of thoughts come to mind.

    First:   Lana is an artist.  She owes us nothing.   Artists make art for themselves.  We get to listen to her music, or not.  She owes us no explanations of song meanings or anything else we wish we knew.  As the listening public, we get to interpret her music as seen through our own internal filters and life experiences.  This has always been the relationship between artist and public.

    Second:   it was an incredibly long interview.  A day and a half?  10 hours?  Can we safely assume this was her longest interview to date?  As an introvert, she must have been feeling drained of energy, vulnerable and exposed by the time the interview started to end.   Clearly Hiatt knew he was pushing the envelope with the questions he started asking (he as much says so), and as soon as he went too far, he tried to recover.  But, it was too late.  She’s an introvert.  She is sensitive.  Her feelings get hurt easily.  That’s who she is.
     I don’t see that as a fault of Lana, or Hiatt.  She was done.  Simple.  I don’t see the histrionics, or bad behavior or unprofessionalism.   She politely got up and escorted him out.
    And really, think about it.  Would you have wanted to hear another 3 hours of her being in a hurt and defensive mood?

    Third:  Where were the questions about the music?  I mean, this is Rolling Stone magazine, and he is interviewing a singer-songwriter.  While I enjoy the deeply personal questions as illuminating knowledge for this intriguing woman, where are the questions about the actual music?   Ok, he asked her about the meaning of  FMWTTT and Ultraviolence, but that were more personal questions than musical questions.

    Finally:  I don’t want her to change.  Like it or not, this is who she is.  She is eccentric.  She is sensitive.  She is probably prone to existential depressions, that go as quickly as they come.  She has a deep inner world.   She is clearly intelligent.  And at the end of it all, she makes fucking brilliant music.  That’s all that matters.
  13. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by LifeisBeautiful in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    I read this article twice and I found it fascinating, from a psychological standpoint.  It's almost as if Lana keeps trying to get different results from performing the same actions.  Don't people like to say that's what insanity is?  I'm not entirely sure what is going on in Lana's head but I would say she doesn't seem to be stable and is also extremely introverted.  I'd even venture to say she may have some undiagnosed personality disorder.  There's nothing wrong with that, except of course that the world will think you're a nutjob and criticize your every move.
    I was not offended at all by her bluntness on particular topics (especially the "I don't want them to hear it" line).  I'm confused as to whether Lana actually wanted to become "a star," so to say, or just saw being famous as the means to getting her vision of the world across to others.  I feel like now she despises that this was the way to do that.  I don't know...
    I say all of this as a fellow introvert who has been closely involved with several "damaged" souls.  I feel for Lana.
  14. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    This is now the second time that Lanaboards has considerably influenced an interview.
    I find that so cool.
    What we say here has merit, you guys
  15. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by sjrq in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    Here are a few other "inauthentic" singers and musicians who changed their names:
    Gene Simmons - Chaim Witz
    Katy Perry - Katy Hudson
    Shania Twain - Eileen Edwards
    Stevie Wonder - Steveland Judkins
    Dusty Springfield - Mary Isobel Catherine O'Brian
    Lady Gaga - Stefani Germanotta
    Dean Martin - Dino Crocetti
    Bob Dylan - Robert Zimmerman
    Bruno Mars - Peter Hernandez
    Dido - Florian Cloud de Bounevialle Armstrong
    Judy Garland - Frances Gumm
    George Michael - Georgios Panayiotou
    Flea - Michael Balzary
    Slash - Saul Hudson
  16. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    I'm a dragon, you're a whore
  17. larina liked a post in a topic by Wilde_child in Dan Auerbach Speaks About "Ultraviolence" Label Issues   
    Lana finally getting the recognition she deserves. Ultraviolence will change the Music Industry. Lana is gonna go up up up... Mark my words.
  18. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by DeadAgainst in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    Forget Marilyn Monroe with the soul of Leonard Cohen; she is France Gall with the soul of Serge Gainsbourg


    This song definitely sounds--conceptually, at least--like the inspiration for "Without You" (and a bit of "Lolita") doesn't it? Next thing you know, we'll learn the whole "china doll" accusations were part of her plan to be the prophet and final seal of the Ye-Ye girls (PBUH).
    As for the "masked as a fan" thing, reading it as "masked as a friend" should make the perspective of the Introvert who only opens up for those few people she feels she can trust more understandable, even if this isn't the proper way to deal with fickle interviewers looking for a story (TRUSTNO1). The feeling of being seduced and discarded is probably akin to a regrettable one-night stand.
  19. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    Replace Whitney with Lana in this interview and imagine the results
  20. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    The more I read that part, the more I agree, even though it hurt my feelings for a fraction of second at first.
    I agree that people should make art for themselves and themselves only. I don't find it selfish, it's just common sense. Then if they want to share it with people and the publics is responsive, it's great and they can live from their art like so many artist wish they could. When it's made to please the crowd, to become rich and famous, it's not art anymore to me, it's entertainment. Well, I think for most cases.
    She's sharing something precious and personnal with us through her music. By opening her diary, she makes herself vulnerable. Talking about her death thoughts, mental issues etc in a casual discussion/interview is completely different, not subtle and not pretty at all. Art is another world where you can be whoever you want, do whatever you want. Talking about the same topics IRL and you open the door for awkward situations.
    People don't need to know the story and the meaning behind lyrics. I think she'd prefer her fans to appropriate her songs for themselves and interpret it their own way according to their own experiences and dreams. It's part of the fun. I personally rely to many of her songs. I had some crazy episodes and experiences in my life and I'm nostalgic of the past and those great, powerful moments. When she says "he hit me and it felt like a kiss", I cannot rely because if a man lay a finger on me, he got two seconds to get the fuck out of my life. I don't tolerate physical violence, but I'll tolerate despite me a guy who almost never return calls, who disappear for weeks without notice, who's ignoring me. It hurts, but it feels like a kiss. It's stimulating when things are not that easy. Kind of. And if other people interpret it differently, good for them. I won't feel the need to change my perception of the song. Because things don't always have to make sense.
    /slice of life
  21. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    i don't think it was because she was unhappy or bored. i think she was overwhelmed due to the fact that the crowd was so staggeringly large?
    and dead-eyed, because she retreated into her safe place for the time being
  22. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by neon palms sway in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    I wonder if it is this kind of thing that has begun to affect her attitude while performing (Glastonbury...) and her communication with fans. The Glastonbury performance was very unhappy and bored, with no communication with the crowd. She stared dead-eyed into one of the largest crowds she's ever had. It was as if she couldn't see them. It felt like she could see nothing but her own tired unhappiness. And it makes me sad. I'm so worried for her and I don't want her to keep allowing others the chance to worsen her negative emotions by doing interviews she didn't want to do! Lana just stop and make yourself happy please
  23. Wilde_child liked a post in a topic by neon palms sway in Lana Del Rey covers Rolling Stone August 2014   
    Poor Lana I appreciate her uninterrupted fearlessness to answer questions asked in interviews but I think she may need to be more careful... Her true comfort may be found once she realizes that she can't control the media and she can't control the journalists she speaks with- but she can deny them the oppurtunity to control HER. She didn't have to answer any of those questions, but she did anyway- and the more she does that, the deeper she'll fall into the trap. I hope she'll try to find her comfort, by avoiding interviews and magazines and other aspects of media she has a hatred for, rather than walking into uncomfortable territory. I don't want her to become even sadder than she already is by doing this.
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