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About MoreCruelThanYou

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    dumb bitch
  • Birthday 07/06/1996

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  1. "It's five o clock somewhere" Lana whispers while drinking cherry coke alone at the bar
  2. I love how stream of consciousness Happiness is a Butterfly is . Also, to all of you saying I can't twerk to this album: don't tempt me???
  3. well at least now we know it was delayed bc she was making changes/ tweaking the album. CinnaGod production changed since Oct 2018, as did HTD's. Happiness is a Gutterslut (jk I love the song) also changed production from January since her IG snippet just ends with "I just wanna dance with you..." whereas in the final version she added "Baby I just wanna dance" Also, does NFR's production on the final version sound different to anyone from the IG snippet?
  4. Don't you DARE group HoneyGod with Lust for Shit ever again on this site. Do I make myself clear?
  5. my brother and my dad are talking about meth. Lana's influence!
  6. Some thoughts: NFR is the biggest song where I see artistic growth (sonically, melodically, and lyrically) the leak occurred exactly 13 days from her official release. Taylor Swift collab confirmed! I can't believe that the 13 year old girl who leaked the album f'ed up so royally with the recording of CG, like... come on I actually love that the album ends sort of anticlimactically with hope. It almost feels like the album ends on a cliffhanger, and we have to wait until next season to find out what happens to our heroine
  7. I'm not listening to California, Love Song, TNBAR until the album comes (omggg just realized I was going to save TG & FIILY too but I definitely ate while the plate was hot this past week). But you best believe when HTD comes this will be me
  8. me trying to handle my heart palpitations while listening to NFR, CG, & Bartender for the first time
  9. Lana, Ed and Ben if you're reading this I'm so sorry I love the music. I'm buying two different copies and I'll stream it double to make up for me listening rn. But I've waited 11 months, ya girl only has so much self restraint oh but actually this message was just directed to @Lana. @@Ben & @Ed y'all can actually go fuck yourselves, do your job lel
  10. me crying to BARTENDER Lana checking my emotions on CINNAMON GIRL Lana Facetiming me, telling me she's coming to snatch my whole ass scalp on Happiness
  11. the fact that she kept the "tour lyfe" lyric ughh her mind, Lana's revenge
  12. "you act like a kid even though you're still 6 foot 2" omfg the guy I was recently dating who went psycho was EXACTLY 6 foot 2.... Lana needs to run me my check
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